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Talent Development Contra Costa Local Government Leadership Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Talent Development Contra Costa Local Government Leadership Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Talent Development Contra Costa Local Government Leadership Academy
Talent Development and Coaching Branding Your Talent June 15, 2017 Eileen Beaudry Director CCLGLA

2 Agenda for Today Community Facilities Districts Dry Run Video: Amy Cuddy Talent Development / Slides + Exercise Development Conversations / Demo + Critique Practice Round Marijuana Tax Dry Run Guest Speaker: Greg Larson, Getting the Job You Want Reaction Panel Team Meetings

3 Three Reactors for Today
What resonated with me?

4 Team Project Run Through
Volunteer Timekeeper 20 Minute Presentation

5 Team Project Dry Run Presentation (15-20 minutes)
Q & A (10 minutes) Class, then Exec Spon. ****************************************************** Suggestions for FINAL pres. to CM Assoc. (10 mins) Class, then Exec Spon.

6 Talent Development As a leader, why focus on talent development?

7 Why Focus on Talent Development?
Our biggest investment is in human capital—talent development is way of achieving bigger ROI Human resources are only “expandable” resource The big adaptive challenges cannot be solved solely by top mgmt.

8 Becoming a Great Coach How to conduct a development conversation

9 “A Supportive Person in My Life”
Go to worksheet Complete worksheet individually Share in pairs Report out and identify themes in large group Themes?

10 Development Conversation
A development conversation is an informal discussion with your boss, colleague or friend that provides an opportunity for you to explore your hopes & dreams, receive feedback & enlist support or assistance

11 Premises of Development Conversations
Goal: Accelerating Everyone’s Development The Employee’s Responsibility The Agency’s Responsibility The Role of Supervisors & Managers

12 Premises (con’t) Difference Between Mentoring & Coaching
Who Can Serve as a Coach? A Focus on Hopes & Dreams Difference Between Development Conversation & Performance Review Incorporating Development Conversations into Everyday Work

13 The Coaching Model* Ask “What are your hopes and dreams?”
Focus on hopes and dreams, not challenges or problems Probe what truly interests the person and most importantly why *Developed by Don Maruska, Director, Cal-ICMA Coaching Program

14 The Coaching Model Uncover the real issues
What stands between the person where he or she want to be? What issues or obstacles need attention? Actively listen and paraphrase what you hear to help the person identify key issues

15 The Coaching Model Explore options What choices does the person see?
What other options can you offer? (“Have you considered. . .”) Choices encourage and empower people

16 The Coaching Model Share stories or experiences
Stories are most powerful way to communicate “May I share a story or experience?” “Who do you know has fulfilled a similar dream?”

17 The Coaching Model Hold a big vision for the other person
People sometimes hold them- selves back so you can serve as a catalyst Ask “What would be a big leap to get there or achieve your hope?” Ask “Have you thought about _____ (a big leap) to get there?”

18 The Coaching Model Invite action
“I’d like to invite you to consider _____ (whatever action seems appropriate)” You’re not telling the person what to do but you’re giving them something to which they can react Leave the choice to them

19 The Coaching Model Build a “dream team”
Ask “Who can help you realize your dream?” Ask “Would you be willing to approach _____?”

20 The Coaching Model 8. Anticipate success
Ask “By when would you like to ‘declare victory’ and achieve your dream?”

21 Critique of the Coach In conducting the development conversation. . .
What did Eileen do well? How could Eileen have done better?

22 Practicing a Development Conversation
Select role as coach or coachee Coach leads conversation based on model 25 minutes to conclude conversation

23 Feedback or Observations
What did you like about your development conversation? What was difficult or felt uncomfortable? What did you believe were the outcomes? a. For the individual coached b. For the coach

24 Accelerating Development
Focus on “learning by doing” Understand 70/20/10 rule Seek “sweet spot”

25 Team Project Dry Run Presentation (15-20 minutes)
Q & A (10 minutes) Class, then Exec Spon. ****************************************************** Suggestions for FINAL pres. to CM Assoc. (10 mins) Class, then Exec Spon.

26 Greg Larson Career journey
“Marketing & Branding Yourself--7 Steps to Getting the Job You Want” Exercise—Your competitive advantages

27 Debrief 2nd Coaching Conversation
What did you like about the second coaching conversation? Is there anything that could have improved the conversation? What would you like to discuss in the third coaching conversation?

28 Additional Resources Career Compass columns—
“Developing a Dream Team of Advisors” “How Do I Benefit From a Coach” Article “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Mentors”

29 Other Resources ICMA Coaching Program www. Webinars
Frank’s Career Compass advice columns “Making Presentations Like a Pro” “Frank’s Rules for Resume Writing” “The Art of the Interview” One-to-one coaching (“Coaches Gallery”)

30 Resources (con’t) Municipal Management Association of Northern California Credentialed Government Leader Program International City/County Management Association Emerging Leaders Development Program Leadership ICMA Middle Manager Institute

31 Reaction Panel What resonated with me? What did not resonate with me?
What do I have to add?

32 Graduation! Our goals for Academy Two perspectives from graduates
Presentation of certificates & photo Comment from each graduate (“one key learning or take-away”) Group photo Refreshments & networking

33 Team Meetings

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