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#4 grat·i·tude [ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od] NOUN
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French, or from medieval Latin gratitudo, from Latin gratus ‘pleasing, thankful.’
Gratitude is good for you (1.30)
#4 Attitude of Gratitude is about focusing on the positive and remembering to remain grateful, even during challenging situations in your life. Gratitude is good for you (1.30)
Benefits of Gratitude #4 Sick Less
Healthier Heart/Lower Blood Pressure Sleep Better Get More Exercise More Generous with Time and Money More Forgiving Have Better Relationships with loved ones More Optimistic Overcome Adversity Better Greater Joy in Life
Raise your hand if you believe that you practice gratitude regularly.
#4 Raise your hand if you believe that you practice gratitude regularly. Kid President's 25 Reasons to be Thankful
Things we are often Critical about that we could be Thankful for:
Self image – be thankful for what you have or who you are instead of being critical Family – just be happy you have people in your life Appearance – stop judging self, unique, lesson, different is good, Weight – what our bodies are capable of, strong, Clothes – be thankful that you have clothes and choices, Education – some don’t have the opportunity to go to school and to learn Phones – always want the better thing – we can just be happy with what we have… Money$$ - focus on how rich we are Strict Parents – Annoying Siblings – instead, be thankful you have them in your life and they care about you.
How did that make you feel?
#4 Click here for video Validation (3.05) Have you ever felt that others don’t appreciate you? How does that make you feel? Reflect on a time that someone gave you a sense of validation for something? How did that make you feel?
(7min) Science of Happiness and Gratitude
#4 Click here for video (7min) Science of Happiness and Gratitude Is there someone you’d like to thank and express gratitude to? What are some ways to make sure we thank the people who help us in life?
Be ready to share what you have found.
#4 Take a few minutes and try to find some websites and apps that can help us practice gratitude. Be ready to share what you have found.
Gratitude journal app Happy Jar app Grid diary Gratitude Challenges app (21gratitude) Unstuck (lots of cool) Expresit app Gratitude journal (actual) Happy Jar (actual) Thank You notes Quotes
365 Grateful Project (12.04) As you watch the video:
#4 365 Grateful Project (12.04) As you watch the video: What stands out to you? What do you think about the advice the nun gave her? How did her project change her? How did it impact those around her?
The LHS Health Gratitude Project
#4 The LHS Health Gratitude Project For 10 days – look and keep track of things that make you FEEL Grateful! You may do this in written form, making a list or keeping a journal for 10 days. Or you can do this as a photography project, take pictures each day post them with this hashtag #lhshealthgratitudeproject At the end of the 10days make a photo collage and turn it in either via or printed out
THANK YOU NOTES #4 We are all going to write THANK YOU NOTES!
Acknowledge someone who is important and thank them for their help or let them know how much you appreciate them. Minimum 2 thank you notes Play Focus on Strengths Video After This Slide
Look up the definition of “accountable”
#5 Look up the definition of “accountable” What does it mean to be “accountable”
Simple Definition of accountable
#5 100% Accountable is about understanding that you are not a product of your past, your future hasn’t happened yet, and your life will be a result of the decisions you make and the actions you take starting now. Play Focus on Strengths Video After This Slide Simple Definition of accountable required to explain actions or decisions to someone required to be responsible for something
#5 What does this represent about accountability?
Can you share any examples you have observed in life?
#5 What do you feel gets in our way of taking important, positive steps in our lives? Resentments we maintain Fears we have Excuses we make Limited beliefs we hold
#5 When we take positive action in our lives, we are making our future better. The problem is that many of our own choices and mindsets are preventing us from doing so. What other things are getting in the way of us taking action???
#5 How did Ben’s mother make him more accountable?
Click here for video Dr. Ben Carson (1.58) How did Ben’s mother make him more accountable? What were the video’s key messages?
#5 Write down common excuses, that you have or that someone you know has used to not be accountable for something?
Brainstorm ways that we can practice Self-Advocacy?
#5 Self Advocacy Self-advocacy refers to an individual’s ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his or her own interests, desires, needs, and rights. It involves making informed decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions. Brainstorm ways that we can practice Self-Advocacy?
What is Michael Jordan’s message?
#5 Click here for video No Excuses (1.07) What is Michael Jordan’s message?
100% Accountable (2.46) #5 CHALLENGE
What can you do TODAY to be accountable or take responsibility for something in YOUR life? What step can you take? Play Focus on Strengths Video After This Slide
Pay It Forward (5.06) Live to Give is about using our lives to make a difference. When we do this, we feel empowered, and we get joy and meaning from helping others as well.
Raise your hand if you have performed some kind of community service in the past year.
Share examples.
Using your whiteboards..
What do you think is the most important benefit of serving others? It improves your attitude It has benefits for your health It creates great relationships in your life It lets you contribute your talents Discuss with those around you, what other benefits can you think of that come from serving others?
5 Benefits of GIVING Giving makes us feel Happy
Giving is good for our Health Giving promotes cooperation and social connection Giving makes you feel more grateful Giving is contagious – it creates a ripple effect. Youth Volunteerism (2.28)
Pay it forward, are you ready to do the world a favor? (3.13)
Live to Give is about serving others first to make our communities better. It’s also about understanding that one of the best things you can do for others is live to your potential. In doing so, you contribute the best of yourself to the world. Pay it forward, are you ready to do the world a favor? (3.13)
Live to Give (1.34) What is the best way to create a legacy?
One Small Act a film by Jennifer Arnold “The tiniest actions can change entire lives” The New York Times While you are watching, write in your packet some of your thoughts or reactions to this film.
What’s your small act? Each of us has the ability to create change.
Each of us has the power to do something small. As seen in the film, one small act can ripple out to affect countless lives. What was the legacy he was living? There are 1.8million causes on the website. These are other website to check for ideas…
(5.25) Twas the Night Before Christmas
Click here for video (5.25) Twas the Night Before Christmas How does helping someone else make us feel? How do you think the recipient feels?
Brainstorm with your neighbor… What are some of the biggest issues that face our world.
Then write one idea you have about how you could help fix this issue.
Write down one issue your community or our world faces that you’d like to help fix. Then write one idea you have about how you could help fix this issue.
Write down three other service projects you would be interested in participating in. They may be related to the issue you identified – but they also may be something different.
Can one person make a difference? Why or why not?
Click here for video America Strong (2.08) Can one person make a difference? Why or why not? Do a quick search and find other real-world examples of students helping one another at schools.
What would you have done?
Click here for video What would you do (6.47) What would you have done? Has anyone witnessed a situation like this?
24 Incredible Acts of Kindness (4.29)
The Power of True Kindness (3.05) Play Focus on Strengths Video After This Slide
Random Acts of Kindness PROJECT
You are to each choose one random act of kindness to do in the next week. Write a paragraph stating what you did and we will all be sharing what we did next week.
Best Day of My Life (3.15 American Authors)
The Time is Now Mindset is about understanding that the past is over and the future has not happened. All we really have is this moment and what we choose to do with it. Best Day of My Life (3.15 American Authors) The Time is Now (1.40)
Click here for video Truly Brave 4min
Is life a gift? Why or why not? What can we do to make life better and more enjoyable?
Why do you think people don’t enjoy life as much as they could?
Who do you know that seems to really enjoy their life? Why?
Write down three things you wish you could do more of and explain why.
Click here for video NBA Dream Big 1.57min
Can you remember what you wanted to “be” when you were in 3rd grade? Share some of your big dreams… How have they changed over the years?
Write down what things you think get in the way of dreaming big…
Click here for video Beyonce “I Was Here” 4min
Play Focus on Strengths Video After This Slide What do you think are some things people regret about their lives and why?
Try to spend more time doing one thing you love this week.
The Time is Now is about using the moments of our lives for the greatest joy and purpose. When we do this, we are happier and accomplish more. Try to spend more time doing one thing you love this week. Talk to your neighbors about what that might be. Play Focus on Strengths Video After This Slide
Projects to wrap up the mindsets…
Mindset Mirror As a reminder of all the mindsets, you will each be decorating a framed mirror with the mindsets and words or phrases that represent these mindsets. We have words and phrases printed (as in the samples) or you can print them at home and bring them here to use.
Mindset Rock Pick your favorite mindset
Use the mindset name or think of a word that can be a reminder to you of that mindset Something you can paint on a rock and keep in a prominent place to remind yourself of this particular mindset
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