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District Early Intervention Centre (DEIC)

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1 District Early Intervention Centre (DEIC)
“Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram” – A Comprehensive Approach to Screen and Manage Children for 4 ‘D’s i.e. Defects at birth, Diseases, Deficiencies, Developmental Delays including disabilities in India Manpreet Khurmi1, Ajay Khera1 1Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India Abstract Introduction. Defects at birth, Diseases, Deficiencies and Developmental delays including disabilities in children pose a significant challenge for the entire world and especially for a low and middle income country like India. Although, there is some data available for childhood diseases and deficiencies, but very little in-country data is available for defects at birth and developmental delays. It is estimated that India may account for the largest number of such children worldwide. Moreover, the social costs and epidemiological information on these 4 ‘D’s has huge potential benefits in terms of reducing incidence of these conditions and also by improving quality of life.   Objective. “Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)” was launched in Feb 2013 by the Government of India to screen and manage children from birth to 18 years, as a step towards universal healthcare and eventually cover 270 million children in a phased manner. Hence, this programme has the potential to alleviate future suffering of affected children in the country, in general and those from rural areas, in particular, as equity linked approach focussed on the life cycle and continuum of care model.   Methods. The screening process would be by health personnel at all health facilities in the public sector for institutional deliveries, by Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) for home deliveries and dedicated Mobile Block Health Teams (MBHTs), each comprising of two Medical Officers [Indian System of Medicine i.e. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)], a Staff Nurse or Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) and a Pharmacist. MBHTs would conduct twice yearly screening for pre-school children (up to six years of age) and once yearly screening for children from six years to 18 years in all government and government aided schools in the country. In order to link screening with management (surgical, medical or therapy), a District Early Intervention Centre (DEIC) would be made operational in all districts of the country to provide services related to this programme.   Results and Conclusion. This programme would add to robust capturing of data of huge epidemiological significance and could be used by programme managers in setting aside funds to meet desired objectives through Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs), annual budgetary activity under National Rural Health Mission. Besides this, the programme could also be a model for the Post 2015 Global Development Agenda. Defects at birth Estimated 17 lakh babies are likely to be born with a birth defect Account for 9.6% of all newborn deaths Diseases Dental caries affects 50-60% Indian school children Rheumatic heart disease : estimated to affect 1.5 /1000 children Deficiencies Various deficiencies affect 4-70% preschool children 70% under five children anaemic, 43% underweight Developmental delays & disabilities 10% children are affected with development delays leading to disabilities 20% of newborns discharged from SNCUs may have developmental delays Magnitude of 4Ds in India Early detection of medical conditions, Early intervention, Reduction in mortality, morbidity and lifelong disability Human Capital, Invest in tomorrow Implementation of RBSK DEIC (Hub of all activities) Confirmatory diagnosis Coordination Convergence Identification and establishing service linkages Referral Management Reporting New born screening at Delivery points Asha in HBNC visitation Children (6 wks to 6 years) screening at Anganwadis twice a year Children (6 years to 18 years) screening at Government and Government aided schools once a year Specialized Care: Public & Private centers2 Screening and referral System strengthening and sustainability Training and capacity building Tracking 2 CRORE Estimated annual births in public system and home 8 CRORE Preschool children registered with AWC 17 CRORE School children in classes 1st to 12th in Government and Government aided schools 25% of all birth defects due to (MOD) Congenital Heart Disease Neural Tube Defects Down Syndrome Hemoglobin disorder G6PD deficiencies 10% newborn suffer from developmental delays may result in disability Screening at Aganwadi in Pune Integrating Silos Too Complicated for Action ? Screening Reporting Counseling Treatment Follow-up Building Blocks… Public delivery system, aims to cover 27 crores and to reduce out of pocket expenses Capacity building District Early Intervention Centre (DEIC) Screening at Community through ASHA and Aganwadi center from 0-5 Logistics 12 persons per block and 60 per district + Travel + Tools Screening at School for 6-18 years District early intervention center Logistics from 14 persons to developmental of space and Equipment's Tertiary care hospital Financial packages Road mapping Referral + Feed back Capacity building of our system including government institutions Howz At the district Hospital As screening, facilitation and management facility Confirmation of the referred cases, Linkages with appropriate secondary and tertiary facilities within District and/or State, Provide management interventions for developmental delay and disability Manpower for DEIC (13 member) Medical professionals Paediatrician -1, Dental doctor -1, Specialist in paediatric ECHO -1*, Ophthalmologist with experience/trained in ROP -1*, ENT with experience/trained in Paediatric ENT -1* on call Paramedics 1 each - Audiologist & speech therapist, Psychologist, Optometrist, Dental assistant 2 Lab technicians 2 SNs Support staffs 1 each - Early interventionist cum special educator, Social worker and Data entry operator DIEC Manager 1 at each DEIC Donald Silberberg Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram “ Social model - Medical model – Integrated model” Existing School health programme under NRHM is expanded for children (below 18 years) 30 selected health conditions Free management and treatment including surgical interventions under National Rural Health Mission. Newborn screening at public health facilities by existing health service providers Screening through ASHAs during home visits from birth – 6 weeks Screening by Mobile Health Teams Screening Early Intervention Centre at District hospital for further assessment and act as a referral linkage to appropriate health facility Referral Free -of-cost services including surgical interventions in District Early Intervention Centre or at pre-identified tertiary level institutions Management Implementation mechanism DEIC Hoshangabad

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