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Module Development Part 2 Magento 1 Stenik Group Ltd. Martin Grozdanov

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1 Module Development Part 2 Magento 1 Stenik Group Ltd. Martin Grozdanov
Software University © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. 1

2 Last time Convention URLs’ Structure Design elements & Fallback
Module Development - Basic Components © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. 2

3 Table of Contents Set, Get & Save data in model Translations
Blocks & Cache Admin Menu Admin Grid + Model Collection Model Create & Update via Admin 3 © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. 3

4 Varien’s Magical Getters & Setters
All Blocks and Models are extending Varien_Object Varien_Object contains $_data property - associative array getData(‘key’) and setData(‘key’, ‘value’) are used to manage the $_data Varien_Object contains Magical Getters & Setters which translates setFooBar(‘value’) to setData(‘foo_bar’, ‘value’) and getFooBar() to getData(‘foo_bar’) 4

5 Set Model Data & Save <?php … $model->setFirstname(‘John’);
Model without data change does not save itself <?php … $model->setFooBar(‘barfoo’); $model->setFirstname(‘John’); $model->save(); ... 5

6 Translations Magento uses English => Lang mapping translates
<?php echo Mage::helper(‘myhelper’)->__(‘Text to translate’); ... Magento uses English => Lang mapping translates Translate mappings are located in several places. 1. Magento first checks the database for the text 2. If not there – checks theme’s translate.csv file 3. If not there – checks modules translate file. 6

7 Translations The DB translation mapping is located in the core_translate table. Not recommended to be used. Theme’s translation files are located in theme’s …/locale/<store_lang_code>/translate.csv For example …/locale/bg_BG/translate.csv Module’s translate file is located under app/locale/<store_lang_code>/<defined_file.csv> 7

8 Module Translate Definition
Definition - In module’s config.xml in frontend/adminhtml … <translate> <modules> <SoftUni_Submission> <files> <default>SoftUni_Submission.csv</default> </files> </SoftUni_Submission> </modules> </translate> 8

9 Block Files Extend Mage_Core_Block_Abstract or Mage_Core_Block_Template (or other) Add your own methods which can be used in the template (if there is any) 9

10 How block cache works + setup
If block can be cached – Magento cache’s it’s HTML Uses Cache Key to identify create or fetch the cache. Uses Cache Tags to clear the cache when needed. Setup: 1. Set cache lifetime using cache_lifetime data Number – Seconds FALSE – Forever NULL – No cache. Default. 2. Set Tags if you want invalidation. (cache_tags data) 3. Provide Cache Key info creating getCacheKeyInfo method. The method’s result shall be array of strings. 10

11 @see Mage_Cms ‘s /etc/adminhtml.xml
Admin Menu Define the menu in module’s config.xml Define ACL for that menu. @see Mage_Cms ‘s /etc/adminhtml.xml 11

12 Admin controllers Must use the adminhtml frontName.
Should have unique controller prefix. Should have _isAllowed method in the class The class should extend Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action 12

13 Admin – Creating Grid and Collection
Create controller action Create Grid Container Block Create layout and use this block in the content area Create Model Collection Create Grid Block with columns Create gridAction if you want AJAX Reference: Adminhtml_Cms 13

14 What is registry Magento’s registry is global container for data for the current session. Usage: <?php Mage::register(‘my_unique_key’, ‘value’); $value = Mage::registry(‘my_unique_key’); ... Registering the same key twice may cause error. 14

15 Admin – Create & Edit entities
Create new and edit controller action. Register the object, so it can be used from the blocks Create Form Container Block Create Form Block Define them in the layout. Create save & delete actions Reference: Adminhtml_Cms 15

16 Event Bus – things you can do
Dispatch event Register for event and process it’s data. Magento Events Cheat Sheet (1.9) - Nick Jones 16

17 © Software University Foundation –
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. 17

18 Thank you 18

19 License This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc.)
is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license 19 © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. 19

20 Trainings @ Software University (SoftUni)
Software University – High-Quality Education, Profession and Job for Software Developers Software University Foundation Software Facebook Software University Forums © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. 20

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