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COMMUNICATION The Title of this Presentation.

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1 COMMUNICATION The Title of this Presentation

2 COMMUNICATION “The greatest obstacle to communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished”

3 COMUNICATION Communication is two way you may need to initiate it.
Open, honest, courteous, and informative There is a process and chain of command Your State or Regions issues or opportunities should be communicated to the proper attention. State Chair’s should contact the Chapter Chairs, Regional Chair’s, and Regional Director as required. Regional Chairs should contact the State Chairs and Regional Director as required.

4 Chain of command Pre-event, BGB, 2nd, and 3rd events: Chapter Chair is in charge. Communicates with the RD on schedule, budget, and expected outcome. Committee Chairs report to the Chapter Chair and interacts with the RD as required. State Chair communicates with the Chapter Chair and RD. Communications to headquarters must\will be through the RD. Regional Chair’s must be an integral part of the communications through the State Chair and RD.

5 Chain of command State wide opportunities: State Chair is in charge. Communicates with the RD on schedule, budget, and expected outcome. Committee Chairs report to the State Chair and interacts with the RD as required. State Chair communicates with the Chapter Chairs and RD. Communications to headquarters must\will be through the RD. Regional Chair’s must be an integral part of the communications through the State Chair – Committee Chairs - RD.

6 Chain of command Volunteer issues are handled by the volunteer’s: Member to Chapter Chair or to State Chair, State Chair to Regional Chair or to Chair of the State and Regional Chairs, Chair of the State and Regional Chairs to the MVA. Once the issue or opportunity is identified the State or Regional Chair should notify the RD and let them know it is being worked. It is the responsibility of the Chair of the State and Regional Chairs to communicate as required.

7 Chain of command Staff issues are handled by staff: Regional Director to Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Operations to Chief Operating Officer or to Chair of the State and Regional Chairs, Chief Operating Officer to the MVA. Once the issue or opportunity is identified it is the responsibility of the Chief Operating Officer to communicate as required.

8 POP QUIZ State Chair’s: Name the chapters in your State and what are the chapter chair’s name for each? What are their wife’s\husband’s name? Who is the merchandise chair for each chapter? Who is the finance chair for each chapter? What are the names of the personnel on the SLT Regional Chair’s: Name the States in your region and what are the State Chair’s name for each? Who is your RD and what is their wife’s\husband’s name? Who are the chapter chair’s for each chapter?

9 Adapting Exercise TEAM BUILDING
List your strengths and positive attributes down on a piece of paper.

10 Adapting Exercise TEAM BUILDING
Please move to the location of your region Each one of you share your strengths and attributes with the group. Using the information from the group create your “Ultimate Team Member”

11 COMMUNICATION God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth be an attentive listener. If there is a problem or issue don’t tackle it alone. Don’t get trapped in the he\she said or the rumor mill. Voice your opinion or thoughts appropriately Respect the opinion and thoughts of others Handle confidential information appropriately. If you don’t know say so and get the information. Return s or phone calls in 24 hours.

12 COMMUNICATION State Chairs relay general information to the State Leadership Team and Chapter Chairs (news releases, made in America program, and the recruit a new committee member program) Head off problems or issues with committees. Input to the newsletter where the larger elk states have a developed process (electronic or hard copy). Pass on information from the State and Regional telephone conferences as appropriate.

13 COMMUNICATION Regional Chairs relay general information to the State Chairs (news releases, made in America program, and the recruit a new committee member program) Supports the State Chair to head off problems or issues with committees or the Regional Director. Input to the newsletter where the larger elk states have a developed process (electronic or hard copy). Pass on information from the State and Regional telephone conferences as appropriate.

14 COMMUNICATION Meeting etiquette:
Turn off your phone. If you must have it on put it on silent. If you have to answer it step out of the room. I know you think you are whispering but you are not. Write it down for later or share it with everyone. One conversation at a time, patience, who will have a turn.

15 COMMUNICATION Teleconference etiquette:
If you are on a cell phone be aware of your surroundings and use the mute button. Speaker phones are great devices however, they magnify back ground noise so please use the option wisely. Barking, doors, other conversations, machinery, cooking, etc. Use the hand set to mitigate the background noise.

16 COMMUNICATION Email etiquette:
Use it wisely it is a great tool for communicating to the masses. DON’T SCREAM. Be careful with reply to all if you are communicating with one individual everyone does not need to know. If you are replying on a subject more than twice pick up the phone and resolve the matter.

17 COMMUNICATION Communication is our greatest tool and weapon.

18 COMMUNICATION “The greatest obstacle to communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished” When things get tough, get back to the mission Ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife, ,their habitat, and our hunting heritage.

19 Motivation “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all of the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing…” Coach Vince Lombardi 1959 NFL Coach of the Year, his rookie season 1959 – 1967 Head Coach for the Green Bay Packers Won 5 NFL Championships, including Super Bowls I and II 1971 Pro Football Hall of Fame 1971 NFL renamed “The Super Bowl Trophy” to the “Vince Lombardi Super Bowl Trophy” 1975 Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame

20 Most Inspirational Team Building Quote

21 TEAM BUILDING Teamwork: Simply stated, it is less me and more we. – Unknown. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. – Unknown It is better to have one person working with you than three people working for you – Dwight D, Eisenhower

22 TEAM BUILDING Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead We are most effective as a team when we compliment each other without embarrassment and disagree without fear. - Unknown

23 TEAM BUILDING Wearing the same shirts doesn’t make a team – Buchholz and Roth The basic building block of good teambuilding is for a leader to promote the feeling that every human being is unique and adds value. - Unknown

24 TEAM BUILDING In teamwork, silence isn’t golden, it’s deadly. – Mark Sanborn. The greatest danger a team faces isn’t that it won’t be successful, but that it will, and then cease to improve. – Mark Sanborn You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note. – Doug Floyd

25 TEAM BUILDING None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful. – Mother Teresa

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