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Food Assistance Working Group

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1 Food Assistance Working Group
26 October, 2016

2 Important Updates Rapid Market Assessment Urban ZimVAC
District Profiles

3 Agriculture and Food Security Sector Working Group - Zimbabwe
August 2016 Agriculture & Food Security Updates KEY FACTS & FIGURES TOTAL FUNDING FOOD INSECURE PEOPLE July - Sept The Comprehensive Livelihoods, Food Security, and Nutrition Vulnerability Assessment (ZimVAC) indicate that 2.2 million people are currently food insecure (July-Sept). This number is expected to increase to 4.1 million people at the peak of the lean season, from January to March 2017. 2.2 Million $105 MILLION All the agencies implementing Cash-Based programmes have harmonized the transfer value to USD 7, based on the latest market assessments. Partners have been working to streamline the commodities and indictors measured in their market assessments. People Reached in August 2016 31 TO% 1,111,854 Based on the advice of the Humanitarian Country Team, WFP and FAO have merged the Emergency Agriculture and Food Security Sector Working Groups. Humanitarian Organizations 69% Lean Season Assistance: 908,138 Livelihood Assistance: 138,956 Agriculture Assistance: 64,760 Sub-national Multi-Stakeholder meetings will be organized in Sep-Oct to further strengthen coordination between partners and local authorities (Districts and Province) Responses by modality 57% Cash Based Transfers 43% In kind 14 PARTNERS Lead: WFP, Care Consortium, Save consortium, CRS, Plan, Oxfam, Ensure Consoritum,Trocaire, Amalima, Caritas, Christian Aid, Johanniter, ACT/DCA, AAIZ, CRS FOOD INSECURITY PREVALENCE (Jul – Sep 2016) SEASONAL CALENDAR Contacts: Jens Nylund (EPR officer): Contacts: Marco MARRONI (EPR officer): Aijaz ASGHAR (IM officer):

4 Food Security Partner Presence and Coverage
August 2016

5 Food Security Partner Presence by Ward
August 2016 Food Security Partners Coverage in Wards August 2016

6 Food Security Response by Modality
August 2016

7 Food Security Partner Coverage in Matabeleland North, South, Midlands
August 2016 Food Security Partner Coverage in Matabeleland North, South, Midlands

8 Food Security Partner Coverage in Masvingo, Manicaland
August 2016 Food Security Partner Coverage in Masvingo, Manicaland

9 Food Security Partner Coverage in Mashonaland East, West, Central
August 2016 Food Security Partner Coverage in Mashonaland East, West, Central

10 Agriculture and Food Security Sector Working Group - Zimbabwe
Oct – Dec 2016 Agriculture & Food Security Updates KEY FACTS & FIGURES TOTAL FUNDING FOOD INSECURE PEOPLE Oct - Dec The Comprehensive Livelihoods, Food Security, and Nutrition Vulnerability Assessment (ZimVAC) indicate that 3.3 million people are projected to be food insecure from Oct – Dec, This number is expected to increase to 4.1 million people at the peak of the lean season, from January to March 2017. $105MILLION 3.3 Million All the agencies implementing Cash-Based programmes have harmonized the transfer value to USD 7, based on the latest market assessments. Partners have been working to streamline the commodities and indictors measured in their market assessments. 31 TO% Operational Plan* Oct - Dec Humanitarian Organizations 2,004,727 Based on the advice of the Humanitarian Country Team, WFP and FAO have merged the Emergency Agriculture and Food Security Sector Working Groups. 69% Food Assistance: ,669,472 Livelihood: ,378 Agriculture: ,877 *Based on available resources Responses by modality 52% Cash Based Transfers 48% In kind Livelihood Beneficiaries 20 PARTNERS Lead: WFP, Care Consortium, FAO, CRS Plan, Oxfam, Ensure Consortium, Trocaire, Amalima, Caritas, Christian Aid Save Consortium, Johanniter, ADRA, Help Germany, AAIZ, IRC, ACT/DCA, ZRCS, ACF FOOD INSECURITY PREVALENCE (Oct to Dec 2016 ) Contacts: Jens Nylund (EPR officer): Contacts: Marco MARRONI (EPR officer): Aijaz ASGHAR (IM officer):

11 Food Security Partner Presence and Coverage
Oct – Dec 2016 Projected Beneficiaries Projected Gap

12 FAWG: Zimbabwe 2016 Lean Season Assistance - Overview Partner Interventions
Number Province Name District Name Population % of Food Insecure (ZimVAC Jan-Mar) Target Beneficiaries People Reached (August) Percentage of people reached Organizations Modality of delivery in August Donor 1 Matabeleland North Binga 148,210 79.5% 117,824 59,709 51% WFP, Save Consortium, Caritas In Kind, Cash ECHO, USAID, Caritas Intl: 2 Umguza 95,566 75.0% 71,675 9,660 13% Care Consotium Cash DFID 3 Bubi 65,940 52.3% 34,500 7,120 21% Save Consortium ECHO 4 Tsholotsho 122,665 53.8% 65,971 36,508 55% WFP, Amalima USAID 5 Hwange 66,778 42.1% 28,102 17,868 64% WFP, Caritas In Kind USAID, Caritas Intl 6 Nkayi 116,289 43.8% 50,876 24,861 49% Care Consortium, Save Consortium, Caritas ECHO, DFID, Caritas Intl 7 Lupane 106,727 41.7% 44,507 31,481 71% Care Consprtium, Save Consoritium, Caritas DFID, ECHO, Caritas 8 Matabeleland South Umzingwane 66,592 54.0% 35,943 17,384 48% 9 Matabeleand South Bulilima 95,740 51.2% 49,057 39,742 81% WFP, Amalima, Caritas WFP, USAID, Misereor 10 Mangwe 70,005 45.4% 31,794 2,730 9% Amalima, Caritas USAID, Misereor 11 Gwanda 122,399 40.1% 49,059 16,971 35% Care Consortium, Amalima, Trocaire USAID, DFID, Irish Aid 12 Insiza 106,071 44,638 19,791 44% Care Consortium, Caritas, Trocaire, Chirstian Aid Church of Sweden, Caritas Intl:, DFID, Irish Aid 13 Matobo 99,312 37.5% 37,242 29,189 78% Care Consortium, Oxfam, Caritas, Trocaire DFID,Irish Aid, Caritas Iintl:, Oxfam 14 Beitbridge 84,663 40.3% 34,085 11,062 32% Care Consortium 15 Mashonaland Central Rushinga 81,090 57.3% 46,483 8,766 19% WFP 16 Mbire 90,224 52.5% 47,368 13,299 28% 17 Mount Darwin 232,981 50.6% 117,889 50,324 43% 18 Centenary 134,483 35.8% 48,190 - 19 Mashonaland East Mudzi 144,236 78.8% 113,678 60,614 53% WFP, Caritas, CRS Caritas International, CRS, USAID 20 Mutoko 158,173 52.7% 83,388 21 UMP 121,894 46.7% 56,920 22 Mashonaland West Kariba 45,308 64.0% 29,005 9,596 33% WFP, Save Consprotim 23 Midlands Zvishavane 78,183 67.6% 52,879 16,233 31% NET1 24 Chirumhanzu 86,634 65.4% 56,659 31,188 25 Mberengwa 200,282 131,018 44,396 34% 26 Gokwe North 259,146 49.0% 126,862 45,742 36% Care Consortium, Caritas 27 Shurugwi 83,635 41.4% 34,644 18,933 28 Gokwe south 329,908 40.7% 134,153 52,388 39% Care Consortium, Save Consortium,Caritas, CRS DFID, ECHO 29 Gweru 98,985 41.3% 40,831 30 Kwekwe 188,390 30.0% 56,517 11,608 Plan MoFA 31 Masvingo Mwenezi 180,758 66.5% 120,253 54,315 45% 32 Chivi 179,737 57.1% 102,707 10,148 10% Ensure 33 Chiredzi 298,490 49.6% 148,012 11,500 8% 34 Zaka 196,246 50.4% 98,941 39,617 40% Care Consortium, Ensure DFID, USAID 35 Bikita 175,739 52.1% 91,500 6,166 7% Trocaire, Ensure Irish Aid, USAID 36 Gutu 219,824 43.9% 96,575 31,705 37 228,626 35.1% 80,302 34,254 Care Consortium, Oxfam DFID, Ductch Relief Alliance 38 Manicaland Mutare 287,084 47.7% 136,990 3,565 3% Plan, IRC SIDA 39 Mutasa 184,816 45.1% 83,319 8,000 40 Nyanga 138,654 57,773 41 Chipinge 327,298 40.8% 133,395 21,706 16% WFP, Plan, Johanniter JOAC, Germany 42 Chimanimani 147,789 39.1% 57,830 43 Makoni 298,273 35.0% 104,396 TOTAL 6,563,843 3,183,749 908,138 Cash = 57% In Kind = 43%

13 Coordination CBT sub-Working Group School Feeding sub-Working Group
Multi-Stakeholder Meetings (Bulawayo & Harare) Joint Monitoring visits with MoPSLSW LSA Inception Workshop

14 Preparedness Planning
OCHA Mission to support the CP ( November) Consultative Meetings with UN and NGOs Consultative Meetings with Government departments Joint workshop with all stakeholders (8 - 9 Nov)

15 Thank you

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