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Reading and Making a Cladogram

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Presentation on theme: "Reading and Making a Cladogram"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading and Making a Cladogram

2 Cladogram – What is it? An evolutionary family tree
Used to be based on physical appearance Now based on similar DNA sequences, proteins, or traits Propose how species may be related to each other through common ancestors Clade: A group of species that share a common ancestor.

3 Cladograms show… Probable relationships Probable sequence of origins
Shared derived characters -Shared by some species but not by others

4 Introduction Here are the traits of transportation and how they have developed over time. Airplane Car Motorcycle Wings Bike Passengers enclosed Foot Motor Wheels Put the following modes of transportation in the cladogram where they belong based on their structure. Car, Airplane, Bike, Motorcycle, Walking by Foot Where is a node? What is a derived character?




8 Making a Cladogram To make a cladogram, you must first look at the animals you are studying and establish characteristics that they share and ones that are unique to each group. For the animals on the table, indicate whether the characteristic is present or not. Based on that chart, create a cladogram. -Add characteristics first, then animals

9 Cells Backbone Legs Hair Opposable Thumbs Slug Catfish Frog Tiger Human

10 Cells Backbone Legs Hair Opposable Thumbs Slug x Catfish Frog Tiger Human

11 Cells Backbone Legs Hair Opposable Thumbs Slug x Catfish Frog Tiger Human

12 Cells Backbone Legs Hair Opposable Thumbs Slug x Catfish Frog Tiger Human

13 Cells Backbone Legs Hair Opposable Thumbs Slug x Catfish Frog Tiger Human

14 Cells Backbone Legs Hair Opposable Thumbs Slug x Catfish Frog Tiger Human

15 Make Your Cladogram Human Tiger Frog Opposable Thumbs Traits Catfish
Hair Slug Legs Backbone Cells Time

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