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Bronze launch and eDofE login

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Presentation on theme: "Bronze launch and eDofE login"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bronze launch and eDofE login
The purpose of this presentation is to maximise the opportunity of assisting participants to login with confidence and trouble shoot any problems which will reduce Leader queries and ensure more engagement on the system. This is also an opportunity to clarify the sectional programme criteria and evidence requirements before participants undertake their activities; minimising errors, award rejection and non-completion. Bronze launch and eDofE login

2 Do I want my award certificate and badge?
Ensure all participants understand they must log in to their eDofE to receive their award – no eDofE = no award! Yes!

3 Why start and don’t finish???
How do I get my award and what barriers could stop me? What to do if my activity stops or I don’t like it?.... Although we’d prefer you to stay with the same activity, if you need to change activity please speak with your Leader! A number of young people abandon their award due to one section, please let them know there are other alternatives to discuss.

4 Bronze level requirements
100% 100% 25% 25% 25% 25% Reminder that all sections are equally important and many Centres hold back the expedition section until some or all of the other sections are complete. This will assist with award completion rates. Use this slide to discuss what might count and considerations. Maybe a music lesson is only half an hour, maybe practice for the rest of the time or extend their timescales. Ensure participants understand they cannot undertake a section in a block, this must be regular for the duration of their sectional timescale. Is your activity the same throughout your section? Is your activity roughly an hour per week? Will it be on a regular basis? Does it meet the sectional criteria? What evidence do I need?

5 Avoid disappointment! Check activities before you start!
Do your activities count? Avoid disappointment! Check activities before you start! Is your programme balanced?…. if you are undertaking activities in a similar environment, please note you can only do this for 2 sections and please ensure you have a clear definition between the separate hours, objectives and preferably Assessor too] Is your Volunteering activity for a charitable organisation or the community? [Tip: RSPCA is great, but a Vet’s are not!] If your Skills activity is Dance Appreciation or Games and Sports, please make sure this is not participating; more a knowledge/skills based activity, rather than ‘doing’. Identify an Assessor – not a family member or fellow participant! Family can be support your activity, but not complete your Assessor’s report! The DofE programme enables young people to grow in confidence, when working in the same environment for all sections, this will not offer a balanced programme. Volunteering - Please ensure participants understand the difference between offering their time voluntarily and who they are working for. Commercial organisations do not count, as this is replacing paid labour – this section needs to be for the community or charitable organisation. Skills - Although most games/sports and dances require skill, these still firmly fit within the Physical section. Please ensure participants understand that these categories focus on the knowledge or coaching of, not participation. Assessor – It may be difficult to identify an Assessor if participants are undertaking something at home, in a gym, leisure centre, walking, running or cycling, however, if they can identify someone who can sign off the weekly activity log but maybe identify an Assessor at school to talk through their progress, this would be fine.

6 Do you need any help to choose a suitable activity?
Open discussion – randomly ask participants what sections they may have already chosen for one of their sections and discuss whether this meets the criteria or not. Leaders are looking for examples of good practice and weed out incorrect activities. Maybe use the ball from the programmes pack and ask individuals to suggest a good volunteering activity, discuss their answer and ask to throw the ball to another participant and proceed to ask about suggestions for the other sections. Once complete, Leaders may find young people are keen to confirm their chosen activities – print off a number of the programme ideas/display the laminated cards from the Programmes Pack for your participants to have a look through to identify suitable activities.

7 Assessor reports and evidence
All sections need an Adult Assessor’s Report A weekly activity log provides a good diary of your progress Discuss what is needed on Assessor’s reports and the additional option of Assessors submitting evidence through the portal for convenience: Assessor’s reports must include: Assessor name, title/position and contact information Your name and details of your activity Your sectional activity dates A report on how well you did!

8 Logging on Tip: Your username and password are case sensitive.
To make the session purposeful ensure the participants don’t continue further attempts to log in if they have made two incorrect attempts! Tip: Your username and password are case sensitive. psst... To make this session useful, please shout if you can’t access your account, as three incorrect entries will lock your account for 24 hours!

9 Continue through welcome screen

10 Fill in all the q’s with a *
Tip: Save time typing, enter house number and postcode and click find address. Add a space between the first and second part of the postcode Check and re-type to confirm Tip: use an account that is in regular use and remember to update this if this changes Enter a space between the first and last part of the postcode for the ‘Find address’ function to work effectively. Remind participants to add an account which is active, doesn’t have an over zealous spam filter and isn’t full! Also, for those Centres who use school addresses, remind participants to update their address on leaving the school to enable Leaders to continue to manage their award.

11 Tip: Just tick the box if the contact details are the same for both sections

12 Q. What if I forget my login details ??
Tip: Your Leader cannot see your password, but they can help with your username. Tip: You can access your account through the normal web page and click [Forgot your password] and follow the prompt for your username and Security question

13 If any of the icons are red, you have not met the password rules, so try again
Tip: Although we need you to enter a long and strong password, if it is too long, eDofE will not accept it Explain that all four images go green when the new password criteria has been met.

14 This personal information is not shared outside of the DofE
The DofE would love to know how we are helping our participants and try to collect information which will help us improve our support. This personal information is not shared outside of the DofE Tip: If none of the listed personal details affect you, please click [None]. If you’d prefer not to share your information, just click [prefer not to say] This page is for the DofE to enable us to monitor our impact in all areas and possibly apply for funding. This is not compulsory, but it would be greatly appreciated – also, none of the participant information is shared, it is all anonomised.


16 Mobile access
Tip: Now you’ve saved your mandatory account information, you can access eDofE on our mobile platform which is much easier for adding information and uploading evidence: Advise participants that the mobile site is the quickest and most convenient way to access eDofE, however they will need to add their mandatory details and open their account via the main site first.

17 Please click the ‘here’ button to take participants to select their timescales

18 Tip: Hover over your preferred timescales and save your selection
This is a new feature which shows the three options of their preferred timescales. When hovering over each of the 3 combination options the numbers appear darker. Remind participants to select their preferred activity for the longest of their timescales as they are more likely to complete this. If the participant needs to change their preferred timescales at any point, they simply re-visit this page and amend as necessary. Option 1 Option 2 Tip: Hover over your preferred timescales and save your selection Option 3

19 Click to edit each section with your programme planner

20 Tip: When selecting the Type/Category correctly, eDofE offers a list – if your activity isn’t shown, add text instead Please stress the need to Submit for approval rather than save as draft, as Leaders can see information, but cannot action anything in draft, also, the information doesn’t flag as an alert to Leaders to prevent any potential sectional activity errors. Also, please advise that the Type/Category is the underlined sections in the Programme Ideas sheet – if correctly clicked, the system offers a further drop down selection. If participants are opting to do something which isn’t on the ‘Detailed activity chosen’, they can add free text which will show in green to you, as it is not from the standard list. Where possible, please click Submit for approval rather than Save as draft

21 Leaders can add a lot of the information for the expedition section, but you will need to add your GROUP Aim and PERSONAL Objectives Leaders can add a vast amount of information on the Expedition section via the Expedition Setup process, however, participants are preferred to add the information on their group aim (project they have chosen to work on throughout their expedition and is the main focus of their presentation) and they need to add a personal objective too. Leaders are now able to add this too. GROUP PERSONAL

22 Submit all your programme planners AND remember to wait for your Leader’s approval before starting your activities just in case you pick an activity which doesn’t meet the criteria – Please don’t submit your Assessor’s report and planners at the same time! Streesss….do not start anything without checking the Leaders have given the ‘thumbs up’. Far too many participants submit their programme planners when uploading their evidence of what they have already done – this practice could lead to rejected activities as Leaders are not able to pick up on errors after the event.

23 Mobile access

24 Tip: Remember to log back in to check Leader and Verifier comments!
When you’re done…. When you have completed all of your sections, add your Assessor’s reports and supporting evidence and submit the section for approval Advise participants that Verifiers are the additional tier of approval beyond the Leader. Verifiers often pick up on additional queries, so remind them to log back in to respond to any queries…..the award isn’t completed until after the Verifier is happy! Tip: Remember to log back in to check Leader and Verifier comments!

25 Let’s get started! Accessing eDofE
Either go straight to the webpage: or visit the main DofE website and click on the eDofE button: Let’s get started! Open a browser and type in

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