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Unit 1 Day 8 English Taxes Quote: “

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1 Unit 1 Day 8 English Taxes Quote: “
Unit 1 Day 8 English Taxes Quote: “...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin Objective: Students will summarize the first taxes levied against the colonists by writing about them. Strand 1 Concept 4 PO 1

2 England in Debt After the French and Indian War, England was in massive debt. The English government turned to the colonies as a revenue source, and proposed that taxes should be implemented to aid England in recovering from its debt.

3 The Stamp Act The first of these taxes levied on the colonists was the Stamp Act. The act imposed a tax on paper documents in the colonies. This meant that many printed materials in the colonies were required to be used on stamped paper from England.

4 Repeal The colonies were upset and some sent representatives to New York to discuss a unified protest of these taxes. Nine of the thirteen colonies sent formal protests to Parliament. In 1766, the Stamp Act would be repealed.

5 Check for Understanding

6 The Townshend Acts In 1767, Parliament passed a series of new taxes onto the colonies, the Townshend Acts. Everyday imported goods like glass, lead, paint, paper and tea was the focus. Patriot groups like the Sons of Liberty protested the British taxes.

7 Enforcement Merchants in the colonies began boycotting the taxed imports and encouraged others to do the same. To enforce these taxes, England sent troops to the colonies.

8 Check for Understanding

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