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MSF SARA Training Module

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Presentation on theme: "MSF SARA Training Module"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSF SARA Training Module

2 What is MSF? Play VIDEO – 1 Introduction to MSF

3 EXPECTED OUTCOMES The What, When and Where of MSF ?
MSF as an Association About SARA Memberships Elect 2 Focal Points to Coordinate with the SARA board and SARA Desk

4 MSF is What WE make of it Play Video - 2 MSF is what we make of it

5 MSF STRUCTURE ASSOCIATIVE SPHERE General Assembly Board Of Directors
EXECUTIVE SPHERE General Director * Contracted Staff * Volunteers * * Can be Associates

6 What is an Associative Movement ?
The Associative Defines MSF’s identity, Principles and ethics Consists of present and former employees Is about debate & conversation Is Democratic


8 THE EXECUTIVE The Executive Translates them into action in the field
Consists of employees with a contract Is about getting things done Is Hierarchical

EXECUTIVE STRUCTURE SATELLITE ORGANISATIONS Epicentre The Foundation MSF MSF - Supply MSF – Logistique Access Campaign OC Partner Sections Branch Offices

10 International 5 OCs 24 Associations Members of MSF International
International Office

11 International General Assembly
IGA & IB International General Assembly The President and Treasurer 2 representatives from each MSF association 2 representatives from the Movement Wide Association International Board The International President 5 representatives appointed by the MSF Operational Centers (one per Operational Centre) 6 members elected by the International General Assembly (IGA). The International Board (IB) currently is composed of 12 voting members plus a non-voting Treasurer Two-thirds of International Board members must have a medical background.

12 MSF HISTORY 1997 1994 DRC 1991 Rwandan Genocide 1988 Somalia 1984 Sudan 1980 Ethiopia 1976 Afghanistan Cambodia 1971 Lebanon War 1967 Foundation Biafra War

13 MSF HISTORY 2014 2012 2010 2006 2004 1999 1999 2014 Ebola CAR Syria
Haiti 2004 Sri Lanka 1999 South Asia Tsunami 1999 Nobel Peace Prize Kosovo

14 MSF HISTORY Play Video – 3 MSF from Action to Words


16 SARA HISTORY 2010 FAD motion recommends establishment of MSF association in India. NISAR 2011 MSF Holland is mandated by International Council (IC) to support the formation of a new association in India. 2012 Brain Storming Beyond Borders Working Group is formed to develop a new association.

17 First Focal Point Workshop is held in New Delhi.
2013 First GA in Delhi is organised and is comprised of the delegates from the region. First Focal Point Workshop is held in New Delhi. 2014 SARA becomes the 24th institutional member at the June IGA. MSF SARA is formed

Ambition for SARA is to become a section by the year 2019 SARA aspires to provide a platform to people from South Asia to contribute to the wider MSF Movement.

19 SARA ACTIVITIES Facilitation of conversation, debates and discussions
Development of associative life in the field Taking MSF to the Civil Society Support to the Executive Representation in the GA(s) of other Associations and the IGA Representation at the OCA Council Linkages with other Associations and International Movement.

20 CHALLENGES Distance Language Access (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan)
Rotation of Focal Points Translation Travel Costs Access to Internet Countries with no Projects

21 How Can You Participate ?
Participate in the Field Associative Debates (FADs) Become a Board member (National / Regional / International Board) Vote at the General Assembly Organise debates with your colleagues Join the discussions around the Annual Reviews

22 Motions & Recommendations
Members & FADs Thoughts/Ideas Motions Committee Vote at GA Recommendations) (Motions / Structuring Submission to the IB IGA

23 Membership Criteria A minimum of 6 months experience or 2 missions for International Staff. A minimum of 12 months experience for national staff. Minimum 24 months experience as an unpaid volunteer.


25 CONTACT For all membership related queries, please write to-
Name: Priya Rabindran Association Coordinator - MSF SARA (South Asia Regional Association) Address: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), AISF Building, Near Amar Colony Police Station, New Delhi , India Mob: Website:

26 Q & A

27 MSF The Associative The Executive

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