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AGENDA Gov/UN/NGO/Donor/Red Cross Coordination Meeting 9 November 2016

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1 AGENDA Gov/UN/NGO/Donor/Red Cross Coordination Meeting 9 November 2016
Security update by Mr. Maurits Therik, UNDSS Humanitarian update by Mr. Oliver Lacey-Hall, Head of OCHA Indonesia/ASEAN Liaison Office Jakarta Flood Preparedness by Mr. Tri Indrawan, Head of Prevention and Preparedness Division, BPBD DKI Jakarta Updates on HCT meeting of 21 Oct by Mr. Iwan M. Rahardja, OCHA Indonesia/ASEAN Liaison Office Outcome of AMCDRR by Mr. Oliver Lacey-Hall, OCHA Indonesia/ASEAN Liaison Office Updates on follow up actions from the workshop of the National Cluster for Logistics by Ms. Widiastuti, BNPB Updates on follow up actions from the workshop of the National Cluster for Displacement and Protection by Ms. Idha Kurniasih, MOSA Any Other Business (AOB): Commemoration of the World Volunteer Day by Ms. Idha Kurniasih, MOSA

2 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction New Delhi – 2 to 5 November
First gathering at this level since the adoption of the Sendai Framework for DRR in March 2015 Large range of participants – 4,000 people/41 countries Opened by Indian Prime Minister who emphasized: working towards risk coverage for all, starting from poor households to small and medium enterprises and multi-national corporations to nation states. development sectors needing to imbibe the principles of disaster risk management and encourage involvement and leadership of women as they are the biggest sufferers of any disaster. greater investment in risk mapping globally, leveraging of technology to enhance the efficiency of the disaster risk management efforts and utilising the opportunities provided by social media and mobile technologies. building on local capacity and initiatives, ensuring that the opportunity to learn from a disaster is not wasted, and bringing about greater cohesion in international response to disasters. reference to the now fully functional Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System, noting that along with its Australian and Indonesian counterparts, the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services is mandated to issue regional tsunami bulletins.

3 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Sessions Attended by OCHA
Preconference session on civil society partnerships for local level implementation of the Sendai framework, hosted by the Asian Disaster Reduction and Response network (ADRRN). Pre-Conference event on transforming surge capacity, hosted by the Start Network and Sphere India. Preconference session on boosting local authorities actions to implement the Sendai Framework in Asia. A local leaders forum event, designed to ensure engagement of local leaders in the implementation process A discussion on volunteerism and DRR where the Government of Indonesia presented on UNV’s significant contribution to SFDRR roll out in Indonesia, including supporting the elaboration of Indonesia’s Baseline Status Report . A session on strengthening regional cooperation for SFDRR implementation; strong references by ASEAN to its role in disaster management in the ASEAN region. Various technical sessions on risk governance, where the focus was on the ongoing disconnect between DRR and development. One notable observation made was that losses from disasters have increased significantly since the adoption of the Hyogo Framework, meaning that while awareness has increased the continuing divide between sustainable development and DRR needs fixing; with the expressed hope that SFDRR/SDG convergence would close this gap going forward. A session on disaster preparedness, response and recovery, which was disappointing since it did not put forward any clear recommendations.

4 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Outcomes
Two key outcomes: Adoption of the “New Delhi Declaration” Adoption of the Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction , which includes: the broad policy direction that the region will pursue in implementation of the plan, a long-term road map spanning the 15 year horizon of the Sendai Framework, a two-year action plan with specific activities that are prioritised based on the long-term road map and in congruence with the policy direction. Both documents will be circulated with the summary note of this meeting

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