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Janusz Sierosławski, Jacek Moskalewicz

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Janusz Sierosławski, Jacek Moskalewicz Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology Warsaw Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (ASA EG) NDPHS Fifth Working Meeting Kirkenes, March, 2013

2 PURPOSE To strengthen capacity in alcohol survey methodology and comparative analysis of drinking patterns and associated harm across Member States To further develop a standardised monitoring approach in order to provide basis for comparative assessment and monitoring of trends across EU Member States.

3 Work Package 4 Strand 1 Strand 2
the use of the SMART instrument as a blueprint for collecting comparable data on drinking patterns and alcohol related harm across EU Member States. Strand 2 pooling existing data on alcohol consumption and drinking patterns related harms from surveys carried out in Member States between 2008 and 2012 and recoding the data into variables comparable to those measured in the SMART questionnaire.

4 WP 4 – Strand 1 Joint work to refine the SMART survey methodology
Conducting a population survey at the national level applying common SMART methodology (coverage: national with option – regional only; population: with option 18+, sample: probabilistic, n = 1500+) Analysis and reporting at national level against a comparative background, as appropriate Developing a comparative report synthesising key findings from national SMART surveys and summarising methodological experiences and implications relating to methodology Developing policy-relevant conclusions and recommendations at the EU and national levels

5 WP 4 – Strand 2 Pooling existing data from population surveys on alcohol consumption and drinking patterns and recoding it into variables comparable to those measured in the (refined) SMART questionnaire. Joint work to assess the comparability of the SMART methodology and some existing surveys to monitor alcohol consumption and drinking patterns at national level. Analysis of the pooled data and developing synthesising report, including discussion on benefits of comparison and limitations of comparability. Developing recommendations for future steps to improve comparability of survey data on alcohol across EU Member States.

6 Progress to date Number of countries declaring participation in strand 1 (implementation of survey) – 18 Number of countries participating in strand 1 with: Budget ready – 15 Budget in process – 3 Countries implementing survey without JA funding Spain (Catalonia) – JA collaborating partner Serbia – drug survey funded by EMCDDA Russia (nord part) – ?

7 Survey partners JA budget ready JA budget in process Other sources
47 1 24 reg1_name_label;reg2_name_label;reg4_name_label;reg5_name_label;reg7_name_label;reg8_name_label;reg6_name_label;reg9_name_label;reg10_name_label;reg12_name_label;reg13_name_label;reg14_name_label;reg15_name_label;reg16_name_label;reg31_name_label;reg17_name_label;reg48_name_label;reg22_name_label;reg20_name_label;reg50_name_label;reg26_name_label;reg23_name_label;reg24_name_label;reg25_name_label;reg27_name_label;reg28_name_label;reg29_name_label;reg30_name_label;reg11_name_label;reg19_name_label;reg32_name_label;reg33_name_label;reg34_name_label;reg36_name_label;reg35_name_label;reg37_name_label;reg41_name_label;reg38_name_label;reg39_name_label;reg40_name_label;reg18_name_label;reg43_name_label;reg42_name_label;reg44_name_label;reg45_name_label;reg51_name_label;reg47_name_label legend_1;legend_2 Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Belarus Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep. DK Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Scotland Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Catalonia Survey partners Nord Russia JA budget ready JA budget in process Other sources Survey completed

8 Analysis & national reports
2014 2015 2016 Refining SMART instrument Implementing SMART survey Analysis & national reports STRAND 1 Comparative report Pooling and recoding data Analysis of pooled data Synthesis & recommendations STRAND 2 Assessing comparability SMART data/pooled data Report on pooled data and comparison Work meeting: recommendations (Work meetings) (Expert meeting) Work package coordination

9 Planed meetings – 1st strand
Kick off meeting – Lisbon (2014) Introduction, sharing the tasks 1st working meeting – Warsaw (2014) Discussing methodology, preparing pilot study 2nd working meeting – Munich (2014) Summarizing pilot results, adopting final methodology 3rd working meeting – Budapest (2015) Summarizing implementation, preparing data processing 4th working meeting – Barcelona (2015) discussing results, developing conclusions and recommendations Final conference – Lisbon (2016)

10 ASA EG Involvement Support in recruitment of countries to JA WP4
Enabling Russia participation in survey exercise Project proposal for qualitative assessment of surveys methodology and reporting in ND Region submitted to NDPHS Separate report for ND Region comparisons within ND Region comparisons of ND Region with other regions

11 Issues to be discussed The role of NDPHS in supporting of and benefiting from EU Join Action – maybe collaborating partner How to include Russia question of funding definition of population (coverage) Time schedule

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