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Observation of Σ + trapping in Gamov states

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1 Observation of Σ + trapping in Gamov states
Sławomir Wycech - Warsaw Kristian Piscicchia – Rome For AMADEUS

2 Σ Hyperon momenta from K- 6Li FINUDA
Low momentum peak only with Σ+




6 Expectation π K A Σ A’ quasi bound large object decays with „zero” momentum,propagates large distance

7 OPTION - Gamov states Nuclear +Coulomb potential
Decaying States in the continuum – Outgoing wave conditions

8 Gamov states of Σ + In light nuclei - exist if Σ + is almost bound
Solutions for real potential Vculomb + Vnucl

9 Densities in Gamov states
top C mid B bottom He

10 Capture in C Gamov states in B
E [MeV] Rms [fm] Γ [keV] Limits Σ potential well depth to +/- 0.4 MeV Trapping time ~ 10^4 Λ(1405) lifetime

11 Extraction of nuclear parameters
The existence of the peak determines potential well : if V= Vo ρ(r) 12Carbon (11B) Vo ~ ±0.4 MeV 6Lithium (5He) Vo ~ -26±0.5 MeV Shape of the peak determines Σ-->Λ decay

12 Technical description of Gamov



15 Advantages of Gamov states
Semi - eqivalence to hypernuclei Studies of Kn amplitudes


17 Hyperon momentum spectra
Magnitude of Gamov peak depends on T(Kn ->Σπ) at a fixed energy

18 Conclusions Low energy Σ+ peak = Gamov state
The position of maximum and shape fix Σ+ optical potential as quasi-bound state would do (how uniquely ?) New spectroscopy possible Comparison of the two peaks gives more information.

19 Advantages of Gamov peaks
Peak maximum, width -> fixes Σ + nuclear well depth to 0.4 MeV Peak strength -> fixes |T(K- p -> Σ+ π- )| at given energy |T(~1410)| relative to an average <|T|> in ( ) MeV region

20 Thank you

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