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Scenario You are the boss and you are angry because your employee repeatedly arrives late for work and takes long lunch break.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario You are the boss and you are angry because your employee repeatedly arrives late for work and takes long lunch break."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario You are the boss and you are angry because your employee repeatedly arrives late for work and takes long lunch break.

2 Vocabulary Haste : Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry Ridiculing : To expose; make fun of Sarcasm : A way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to somebody or to make fun of. Emphasize : Give special importance or prominence to (something) Abusive : Extremely offensive and insulting Constructively : Serving to improve or advance; helpful Sarcasm Eg: That will be useful,’ she snapped with heavy sarcasm (= she really thought it would not be useful at all).a hint/touch/trace of sarcasm in his voice

3 To criticize more constructively, follow these suggestions :
Get all the facts first. Don’t act in haste. Phrase your remarks impersonally. Criticize the action, not the person. Avoid an abusive tone. Make the offense clear.

4 Effective Phrase Templates for Constructive Criticism
Use sincere praise in a "Comment Sandwich Technique" Supply the answer : Explain how to do things right. Focus on the current problem. Effective Phrase Templates for Constructive Criticism Accuracy  You need to manage details more precisely Your documentation (work, etc.) includes avoidable mistakes  You need to focus on achieving results with accuracy and precision Achievement  You  need to focus  more on results  You need to apply different work methods for reaching goals  Administration  Your work is sometimes (often) unorganized  You have missed important deadlines  You have not leveraged technology effectively Communication  Your communication has been unclear at times  You have missed important opportunities for follow up  It takes you longer than expected to respond to phon , voic , etc.  Your choices in communication are not as consistently effective as I would like – for example: Interpersonal Skills  You need to improve relationships with colleagues (students, parents, donors, etc  You need to make a bigger effort to build positive relationships with (students, parents, donors, etc You sometimes demonstrate behavior toward others that interferes with an effective working relationship     Judgment  You have made decisions that were not effective  At times, I am not able to trust that you will use good judgment Knowledge  I am not confident that you understand _________  You need to improve your knowledge and understanding of ______________  You have not developed the necessary ___________ skills as your position requires Productivity  Your productivity is affected the amount of time you spend on personal calls   You complete tasks slowly.   In order to do this job well, you need to maintain quality, but complete your work at a faster pace  You are easily distracted and this affects your productivity throughout the day Responsibility  You sometimes display an unwillingness to face problems or conflicts  I need for you to accept full responsibility for results  You need to assumes responsibility for mistakes and find appropriate solutions Team Skills  When you do not keep team members informed, it creates problems  It is important to treat team members with basic respect and at times, you have exhibited behavior that compromises respect End on a friendly note.

5 Examples of "Comment Sandwich Technique"
"What I liked most was (______). One way you could improve this is (______). One of your greatest strengths is (______).“ The first thing I observed was that you did (_____) just right. Well done. Now let's talk about this, if we can tweak this one thing. Could you (______)? It’ll be even better. There, you got it just right. You did great. I really like the way you (______)." HOME – ASSIGNMENT 1)Give synonym : Sincere 2) Give antonym : Current 3) Give meaning : a) Scenario b) Criticize c) Impersonally d) Offense 4) Make a sentence using below word : a) Haste b) Emphasize c) Abusive

6 Reviewed By Reviewed On Comments / Changes Made Ruchika 11/09/2015 ok Saju Added phrases for constructive criticism in click notes slide no:4

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