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THIS IS Protist & Fungi Jeopardy. THIS IS Protist & Fungi Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Protist & Fungi Jeopardy. THIS IS Protist & Fungi Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Protist & Fungi Jeopardy

3 Jeopardy Sarcodines Ciliphorans Zooflagellates & Sporozoans Algae Fungi Diagrams 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

4 This sarcodine that has no outer shell (test).

5 What is an amoeba? A 100

6 The name of the process by which an amoeba eats food, such as bacteria cells.

7 What is phagocytosis? A 200

8 This circular vacuole removes excess water.

9 What is the contractile vacuole?

10 The foraminfera has a shell (test) made of this material.

11 What is the calcium carbonate?

12 This disease is caused by the organism Entameba histolytica and can cause severe diarrhea.

13 What is amoebic dysentery

14 A ciliophoran uses this for movement & feeding.
B 100

15 What is cilia? B 100

16 A paramecium can divide by this method.

17 What is binary fission? B 200

18 The ciliophoran below is known by this name (The name refers to their trumpet-like shape).

19 What is stentor? B 300

20 These structures produce filaments that paramecia may use in defense (maybe even as “harpoons”).

21 What are trichocysts? B 400

22 Process by which Paramecia exchange genes.

23 What is conjugation? B 500

24 The genus of the zooflagellate that causes African Sleeping Sickness.

25 What is Trypanosoma? C 100

26 The vector of African Sleeping Sickness.

27 What is the tsetse fly? C 200

28 The vector of Chagas disease.

29 What is the Kissing Bug (Triatoma sp.)?
C 300


31 This is a major vector for the Zooflagellate Toxoplasma gondii.

32 What is the house cat? C 400

33 The genus of the vector that transmits the sporozoan Plasmodium to humans (and causes malaria).

34 What is Anopheles? C 500

35 All algae can make their own food and are therefore have this type of nutrition.

36 What is autotrophic? D 100

37 This is a colonial form of algae that appears are a large ball of green cells (may have smaller daughter colonies inside). D 200

38 What is Volvox? D 200

39 A filamentous form of colonial algae that has a spiral chloroplast.
D 300

40 What is Spirogyra? D 300

41 A structure that stores starch in algae.
D 400

42 What is a pyrenoid? D 400

43 This is an algal bloom of dinoflagellates that may give off a neurotoxin consumed by fish and shellfish. D 500

44 What is a red tide? D 500

45 Fungi are recyclers of dead organisms and are known as this.

46 What are decomposers (saprophytes)?

47 These are fungal filaments.

48 What are hyphae? E 200

49 The visible mat of fungal hyphae?

50 What is mycelium? E 300

51 The polysaccharide found in fungal cell walls.

52 What is chitin? E 400

53 Fungi can store energy (glucose) in this carbohydrate molecule (humans can too).

54 What is glycogen? E 500

55 The name of this structure.

56 What is a food vacuole? F 100

57 The function of these structures.

58 What is remove excess water?
F 200

59 The name of this organism.

60 What are vorticella? F 300

61 The function of this structure.

62 What is detect light? F 400

63 The structure indicated takes part in this process.
F 500

64 What is conjugation? F 500

65 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Uses for Algae.
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66 Click on screen to continue
Diatoms are used in many products ranging from pool filters to toothpaste. This is the name of the large deposits of diatoms that are excavated for these products. Click on screen to continue

67 What is diatomaceous earth?
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68 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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