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SNC2D1 Cells, Tissues and Organs

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1 SNC2D1 Cells, Tissues and Organs
Cell Specialization SNC2D1 Cells, Tissues and Organs

2 Why Specialize? A single cellular organism performs all required functions in one cell. e.g., Amoeba.

3 Why Specialize? Multicellular organisms are much more complex.
The body needs to supply food and nutrients, transport materials, remove wastes and fight infection.

4 Cellular Differentiation
The process of creating specialized cells. All cells in the body originated from the zygote undergoing mitosis. As an embryo develops, cells change their shape, contents and function.

5 Cellular Differentiation

6 What Causes Specialization?
1. Cytoplasm Differences: Asymmetric distribution of organelles & other factors in zygote. Results in different daughter cells.

7 What Causes Specialization?
2. Environmental Conditions: Variations in temperature and nutrients. 3. Neighbouring Cells: Substances produced by nearby cells can diffuse to nearby cells.

8 What Causes Specialization?
The three factors listed may result in the expression of different genes within a cell.

9 Abnormal Development Chemical contamination of the environment can affect cellular development.

10 Stem Cells Cells that can differentiate into many different cell types. The daughter cells have the same DNA, but different genes may be turned on or off. Watch This!!!

11 Types of Stem Cells Embryonic Stem Cells 2. Adult Stem Cells
Differentiates into any cell type. 2. Adult Stem Cells Exists in some tissues but can only form specific types of cells. E.g., bone marrow stem cells form white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.

12 Stem Cell Research

13 Tissue Types Tissues are a collection of similar cells that perform specific functions. Animals have 4 types of tissue: 1. Epithelial. 2. Muscular. 3. Connective. 4. Nervous.

14 Epithelial Tissue Line the internal and external surfaces of the body.
Form a barrier by connecting adjoining cell membranes.

15 Muscular Tissue Move the body or organ by contracting and relaxing.

16 Connective Tissue Strengthens, supports and protects other tissues.
Cells are in an extracellular matrix.

17 Nervous Tissue Made of neurons with long projections that send and receive signals. Coordinates body actions.

18 Tissues in the Arm

19 From Conception to Birth

20 Tissues Assignment Read the handout “Tissues of the Human Body” and learn the tissue subtypes. Answer the questions on the handout.

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