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Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers Cultural Centers

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers Cultural Centers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers Cultural Centers
Diversity & Inclusion Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers Cultural Centers The whole presentation takes about 30 minutes, depending on questions, and how many share outs you take.

2 Where are we going today?
What is Diversity? What is Cultural Appropriation? Why is this important for student group leaders? Appropriate exchange and celebration Tips for Inclusion Q & A

3 Communication Guidelines
Speak Your Truth With Care!

4 What is Diversity? 1 :  the condition of having or being composed of differing elements :  variety; especially :  the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization programs intended to promote diversity in schools 2 :  an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities :  an instance of being diverse a diversity of opinion

5 What is Diversity?

6 Activity Who are you ? (pair up) Share out

7 What is Diversity How do we celebrate it? Share out.
We all have different way of celebrating; as you’ve all shared with clubs and orgs, family and friends; and when you celebrate it’s important that you think about celebrating appropriately. And now we’re going to move into cultural appropriation.

8 What is Cultural Appropriation?
Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture. “Borrowing” is a key component of cultural appropriation. Ask the audience what they think of when they think of Cultural Appropriation before clicking on definition? Take a few responses. Don’t confuse appropriation: b  : the act of taking or using something especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc. With the word appropriate (right or suited for some purpose or situation).

9 Why is this important for student leaders?
It can hurt. Plain and simple. It can contribute to negative campus climate for students. It is counter to Cal Poly Pomona’s mission. It portrays your club and Cal Poly Pomona in a negative light. Ask the audience – Why is this important for student group leaders?

10 Penn State University, 2012 There are several national incidences of Cultural Appropriation on college campuses. Here’s an example of a “Fiesta Party” at Penn State University back in Ask an audience member in the front to read the signs. Talk about how the group dressed up as stereotypical Mexicans.

11 UCLA, 2015 “Kanye West” Party
Students who attended the “Kanye Western” party thrown by the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Alpha Phi sorority Tuesday night wore baggy clothes or dressed like the Kardashians, and some wore blackface, the Daily Bruin reported.

12 Coachella 2017

13 University of Illinois
University of Illinois has a long history of Chief Illiniwek as the mascot on campus. He rides out on a horse at football games, and the controversy to change the mascot has been going on for some time.

14 What do these have in common?
Stereotypical portrayals of culture and/or ethnicity Often shown in a mocking way It’s offensive Ask the audience – what to these examples have in common? Have them take 3 minutes in dyads to process the question. Take share outs before clicking through the examples.

15 Franchesca Ramsey’s video from MTV’s Decoded. –5:15 minutes long.

16 We’re A Culture Not A Costume
Halloween is a common time for dress up and misuse of Cultures as “costume” ideas. Anybody familiar with the campaign – “We’re a Culture, Not a Costume”? Go through each picture and describe the “portrayal” of culture, and explain how this is another example of stereotype, how it’s offensive, and it’s not inclusive. Ohio University, 2013

17 Appropriate Cultural Exchange
Direct the audience to write down the article link. It’s a short discussion of Cultural Appreciation vs. Appropriation. Explain the differences between engaging with culture that is different than your own, and appropriating it.

18 Appropriate Cultural Exchange
Direct the audience to write down the article link. It’s a short discussion of Cultural Appreciation vs. Appropriation. Explain the differences between engaging with culture that is different than your own, and appropriating it.

19 Appropriate Cultural Exchange
Direct the audience to write down the article link. It’s a short discussion of Cultural Appreciation vs. Appropriation. Explain the differences between engaging with culture that is different than your own, and appropriating it.

20 Appropriate Cultural Exchange
Direct the audience to write down the article link. It’s a short discussion of Cultural Appreciation vs. Appropriation. Explain the differences between engaging with culture that is different than your own, and appropriating it.

21 Tips for Inclusion @ Cal Poly Pomona
Inclusive Language Use the guiding question – “Does this have the potential to hurt?” Dialogue with others Seek input from Cultural Center Coordinators Seek out opportunities for diversity training Talk about how these are tips to think about as they start the year. As student group leaders, they have the opportunity to set an example.

22 Thank you! Questions?

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