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Subject matter tells what the story is, not what the story is about

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1 Subject matter tells what the story is, not what the story is about
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Telling stories Subject matter tells what the story is, not what the story is about Look for images that can be understood without having to read accompanying text, including cutline. Can be news, feature, whatever, but should evoke a response from the viewer

2 Takes experience and a bit of luck to capture these
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Action ‘Frozen moments’ Takes experience and a bit of luck to capture these Study subject long enough to be able to anticipate what will happen next

3 Typically an action photo that emphasized subject’s reaction
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Emotion Typically an action photo that emphasized subject’s reaction Often more telling than capturing the original action itself Try to capture personality, what people you photograph are feeling at the time

4 See things differently than we normally would
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Perspective See things differently than we normally would Work the scene; go where others can’t or don’t Most times, avoid “lotsa butts” perspective from behind the crowd

5 Provide interesting juxtaposition Avoid missing limbs
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Composition Make sure everything in the viewfinder contributes and nothing distracts Have central image (usually a person) in foreground, supporting images to place central image in context in background Provide interesting juxtaposition Avoid missing limbs

6 Rule of thirds PHOTOJOURNALISM ILLINOIS University of
Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Rule of thirds

7 Be conscious of photo’s limits
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Be conscious of photo’s limits What you hear or feel cannot be photographed except via the reaction of people in the image Distractions you might miss while following action can be cemented into place in a frozen moment

8 Provide a newsy cutline
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Provide a newsy cutline Identifiable people must be identified by full name and appropriate other information Explain the newsworthiness of the photo Maybe get a quote as well as an image Don’t just shoot pretty pictures or pictures that document what something looks like

9 Is my camera good enough? 2 megapixels plus Not a cell phone
PHOTOJOURNALISM University of ILLINOIS Graphics and Design JOUR 425 Is my camera good enough? 2 megapixels plus Not a cell phone Is my camera ‘too good’? Standard lens (no telephoto or wide angle) No strobes, filters, burst mode, auto- bracket or other special effects Use “auto” mode (point and shoot) No elaborate Photoshopping

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