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The Christmas Game.

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1 The Christmas Game

2 Mary and Joseph Angels and Kings Meeting Jesus Christmas Trivia 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 What is a stable for animals?
This is where Mary and Joseph stayed in Bethlehem. 1,1

4 This is the name of the angel who told Joseph to name the
What is Gabriel? This is the name of the angel who told Joseph to name the baby Jesus. 1,2

5 Their names were Caspar,
Who were the Three Kings? Their names were Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. 1,3

6 These were the gifts given to Jesus by the Three Wise Men.
What are gold, frankincense, and myrrh? These were the gifts given to Jesus by the Three Wise Men. 1,4

7 This is the reason that Mary
What is a census? This is the reason that Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. 2,1

8 This is what the angel told the shepherds to look for when
What is a baby in a manger? This is what the angel told the shepherds to look for when they reached Bethlehem. 2,2

9 This group of common people were the first to learn of
Who are the shepherds? This group of common people were the first to learn of Jesus’ birth. 2,3

10 after this Catholic saint.
Who is Saint Nicholas? Santa Claus is modeled after this Catholic saint. 2,4

11 This is the animal that Mary rode on from Nazareth to
What is a donkey? This is the animal that Mary rode on from Nazareth to Bethlehem. 3,1

12 This is what the angels said when Jesus was first born.
What is “Glory to God in the highest”? This is what the angels said when Jesus was first born. 3,2

13 visited Jesus come from here.
What is the East? The three wise men who visited Jesus come from here. 3,3

14 This holiday marks the end
What is the Epiphany? This holiday marks the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas. 3,4

15 This is what Joseph first wanted to do when he learned
What is end the engagement or divorce quietly? This is what Joseph first wanted to do when he learned that Mary was pregnant. 4,1

16 This Roman official ordered
Who was King Herod? This Roman official ordered the “Slaughter of the Innocents” shortly after Jesus’ birth. 4,2

17 This is what Anna was doing when she first met Jesus.
What is worshipping in the temple? This is what Anna was doing when she first met Jesus. 4,3

18 This saint is credited with creating the first nativity
Who is Saint Francis of Assisi? This saint is credited with creating the first nativity scene. 4,4

19 These were offered by Mary
What are doves? These were offered by Mary and Joseph when they presented Jesus in the temple. 5,1

20 This title was given to Jesus by the Magi when they saw him.
What is King of the Jews? This title was given to Jesus by the Magi when they saw him. 5,2

21 This person prophesized that “a sword would pierce Mary’s
Who is Simeon? This person prophesized that “a sword would pierce Mary’s heart.” 5,3

22 Who was the Roman emperor
Who was Caesar Augustus? Who was the Roman emperor when Jesus was born? 5,4

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