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Methodological Overview of Latin Pedagogy

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1 Methodological Overview of Latin Pedagogy
One Language, Many Methods

2 Methodology: a set of methods, rules, and procedures,
which are employed by a particular discipline to systematize the carrying out of their objective. Attention to methodology allows for scrutiny of best practices for that discipline. Define your terms.

3 philosophy: a set of common beliefs, principles, or attitudes of a particular group
used to guide them through life. Credence in a philosophy shapes the way adherents approach practical matters. Define your terms.

4 ACL’s Classical Investigation: General Report (1924) “the primary immediate objective in the teaching of Latin is ability to read Latin for pleasure or profit.” What is our aim?

5 2016 Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning
ACTFL World Readiness Standards for Language Learning Interpersonal Speaking Interpersonal Writing Interpretive Listening Interpretive Reading Presentational Speaking Presentational Writing 2016 Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning

6 2016 Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning
“For students and teachers of classical languages, the Interpretive Reading mode will be the main focus of their language study. No matter what other communicative modes may receive emphasis, all professional classicists are expected to read and interpret texts in Latin and Greek.” 2016 Revised Standards for Classical Language Learning

7 Grammar-Translation

8 Characteristic Methodology
Direct instruction. Observe and study rule. Translate example from Latin to English. Translate example from English to Latin. Morphological focus. Characteristic Methodology

9 Linguistic Basis Traditional direct instruction
Visible Learning, J. Hattie Older textbooks recycled with addition of reading passages. Linguistic Basis

10 ToC, Wheelock’s Latin7

11 Wheelock, Chapter 25: All Infinitives Active and Passive; Indirect Statement
“The subject of an infinitive is put in the accusative case. Therefore, the original subject nominative of the direct statement becomes subject accusative of the infinitive of indirect statement.” Writing Perspective

12 Wheelock’s Latin Grammar7, 16.
Traps to fall into

13 Reading Method

14 Characteristic Methodology
Reading is the medium of instruction Context (pictures) support comprehension Students internalize vocabulary and structures through repeated exposure. Semantic focus. Characteristic Methodology

15 Characteristic Methodology
Cambridge Latin Course4, Unit 1, 6-7. Characteristic Methodology

16 Linguistic Basis Chomskyan Natural Language Acquisition
Frequency of vocabulary and structures helps organize. As one continues exposure to the language the structure will be internalized. Linguistic Basis

17 Potential Traps Cross of Justin II What do all these words mean?
LIGNO QUO CHRISTUS HUMANUM/ SUBDIDIT HOSTEM. “For the wood on which the human Christ was overcome by the enemy.” What do all these words mean? What do they probably all mean together? Overreliance on SOV word order. La Repubblica. Potential Traps

18 Reading Theory/Linguistic Method Reading Theory/Linguistic Method

19 LASA (Sweet Latin) Characteristic Methodology/ Linguistic Basis
Structural Linguistics Identify patterns in language Use pattern practices Cross-declensional, horizontal paradigms 100% authentic Latin Waldo Sweet LASA (Sweet Latin) Characteristic Methodology/ Linguistic Basis Gerda Seligson

20 Latin for Reading: Next Gen
Focus on Syntactic Expectation Syntactic equivalents 2 requirements: Know English Have a sense of completeness Expanded metaphrasing- work with fragments Unforgivingly logical description of grammatical categories. Latin for Reading: Next Gen Glenn Knudsvig

21 Potential Traps Non-standard terminology.
Low emphasis on cultural context. Organized from authentic examples rather than frequency. Lictores fasces portabant ante consules. = “ ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves/ Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.” Potential Traps

22 Comprehensible Input Characteristic Methodology
“Sheltering” vocabulary over grammar Delivering understandable messages in Latin Teach to the level of the struggling student Scope and sequence becomes comprehension and community Embedded readings – Tiered/scaffolded down three times with simplified grammar, vocab, word order Tier 3 has original vocabulary and some poetic word order, where applicable. No-fail classroom; retake any test Comprehensible Input Characteristic Methodology

23 Linguistic Basis Stephen Krashen
Acquisition (implicit) vs. Learning (explicit) Constant exposure to compelling comprehensible input. Subject matter is interesting and engaging Oral precedes written as in natural language acquisition Scaffolding Linguistic Basis

24 Potential Pitfalls Speaking and Listening ≠ Reading (Standards)
Speech Acquired. Reading largely Learned. Vocab over grammar = semantic orientation LIGNO QUO CHRISTUS HUMANUM . . . Scaffolding undermines grammatical competence – You know what it means! Potential Pitfalls

25 The Linguistic Method! Methodology ≠ Philosophy
#1 Goal = Interpretive Reading What methodological tools cultivate Interpretive Reading, and what linguistic theory stands behind them? The Linguistic Method!

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