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Disclosure Statement I, Won Ro Lee, hereby acknowledge the AHA’s conflict of interest policy requirement to scrupulously avoid direct and indirect conflicts.

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Presentation on theme: "Disclosure Statement I, Won Ro Lee, hereby acknowledge the AHA’s conflict of interest policy requirement to scrupulously avoid direct and indirect conflicts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disclosure Statement I, Won Ro Lee, hereby acknowledge the AHA’s conflict of interest policy requirement to scrupulously avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interest and, accordingly, hereby declare that relative to this presentation there are no relationships to disclose.

2 The Korean Multicenter Revascularization Registry (KORR) of Percutaneous Intervention Vs. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Diabetics with Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Won Ro Lee Cardiac and Vascular Institute Sungkyunkwan University Samsung Medical Center Seoul, Korea Mr. Chairman, dear friends and colleagues, I am very pleased to be a part of this gathering and to have this opportunity to share our information with you. Despite many multicenter trials on PCI vs CABG in multivessel coronary artery disease, the most appropriate treatment remains a matter of debate especially in diabetics. My task this morning is to bring in the latest information from the East on the relative merits of two revascluarization treatments –PCV Vs CABG in diabetics with multicenter CAD. I hope that my job would be met by presenting you the results of the Korean multicenter Revascularization Registry of PCI vs CABG for diabetics with multivessel CAD.

3 Major Trials on PCI Vs. CABG in Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease
Pre-Stent /GP IIb/IIIa antagonist Era BARI (J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:1122-9 CABRI (Lancet 1995;346: ) RITA (Lancet 1993;343:573-80) EAST (N Engl J Med 1994;331: ) GABI (N Enlg J Med 1994;331: ) Post-Stent /GP IIb/IIIa antagonist Era ERACI II (J Am Coll Cardiol (2001;37:51-8) ARTS (N Enlg J Med 2001;344: ) AWESOME (J AM Coll Cardiol 2001;38:143-9) 1. Major trials on PCI vs CABG in multivessel CAD on which our current practice is based are shown in this slide. BARI would be representative of the pre-stent/Gp IIbIIIa antagonist era and ARTS representing the post-stent era.

4 Centers Participated in the KORR
Korea SNU AMC Yonsei Kil SMC/SKK Aju Dong-A 7. A total of 3279 patients were registered at 9 centers throughout Korea from January 1995 through December 2000. Chon-Nam CV Medicine CV Medicin & Surgery

5 Outcomes of BARI - Pre-Stent / Gp IIb IIIa Antagonist Era -
In- Hospital Mortality(%) DM 0.6 1.2 NS ND 1.4 Seven-Year Survival(%) AII 80.9 84.4 0.043 55.7 76.4 0.0011 86.8 86.4 Repeat Revascularization Rate (%) 69.9 11.1 - 57.8 13.5 P-value 0.0078 0.45 PTCA CABG P-value 2. As you all know, BARI demonstrated that CABG was better than PTCA in terms of 7-year survival mainly due to the beneficial effect of CABG in diabetics. In non-diabetics, there was no survival difference between PTCA and CABG. Repeat revascularization rate was much higher in PTCA than in CABG; and, within the PTCA group, the revascularization rate was higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics.

6 BARI Randomized Vs. Registry 7-Year Survival
All 82.7% 85.9% 0.85 CABG 84.4% 85.8% 0.57 PTCA 80.9% 86.1% <0.01 p=0.043 p=0.66 (Adjusted 0.16) DM+CABG 76.4% 74.0% DM+PTCA 55.7% p=0.0011 p= NS Randomized Registry P value 3. In contrast to the BARI randomized trial, BARI registry showed that 7-year survival was similar for PTCA and CABG. Even within diabetics, PTCA and CABG showed similar 7-year survival.

7 PCI Vs. CABG Outcomes of Major Trials -Post-Stent / GP IIb IIIa Antagonist Era-
ARTS ERACI-II AWESOME PCI (n=600) CABG (n=605) P value (n=225) (n=232) (n=222) 30 Day Mortality(%) 0.9 5.7 <0.013 3 5 NS 1-Year Mortality(%) 2.5 2.8 3.1 7.5 <0.017 1-Year Repeat Revascularization(%) 16.8 3.5 - 4.8 <0.002 3(2)-Year Mortality(%) 10.8 10.4 0.813 20 21 0.46 3(2)-Year Event-free Survival(%) 69.5 84.8 <0.001 48 61 0.001 (DM) (52.7 81.7 0.0001) 4. Post-stent era PCI vs CABG outcomes are shown here. ERACI-II showed better outcomes for PCI than for CABG at 30 days and one year. However, ARTS and AWESOME demonstrated similar 2~3 year mortality for PCI and CABG. Repeat revascularization rates were also significantly higher for PCI than for CABG particularly in treated diabetics.

8 DM Prevalence and CAD Mortality in Korea
CAD mortality (per105 ) 5. Similar to other eastern societies, the prevalence of DM is explosively increasing in Korea. So is the mortality from coronary artery disease which is in parallel with the prevalence of DM.

9 The Korean Multicenter Revascularization Registry (KORR)
Aim To assess the relative merits of PCI vs. CABG in the post-stent era in multivessel coronary artery disease particularly in diabetics Inclusion criteria January 1995 – December 2000 Elective cases of two or three vessel disease Exclusion criteria Primary PCI Cardiogenic shock , Mechanical complications History of CABG, Concomitant valve surgery Follow-up : MACE at 30 days, 1 year, 2 years & 3 years MACE = Death, MI, CVE, or Revascularization 6. KORR is a retrospective, non-randomized study with physician guided section of treatment. The aim of the KORR is to assess the relative merits of PCI vs CABG in the post-stent/GP IIbIIIa antagonist era in multivessel coronary artery disease particularly in diabetics. In our KORR registry, elective cases with 2 or 3 vessel disease were included. Patients with cardiogenic shock, primary PCI, mechanical complications, concomitant valve surgery or prior history of CABG were excluded. MACE rates were assessed at 30 days, 1y, 2y and 3 yrs.

10 Baseline Characteristics - Total Population (N=3279) -
PCI CABG p-value Female sex 30.2% 28.5% 0.33 Age65 39.2% 35.6% 0.042 ACS 50.4% 60.9% <0.001 AMI 18.7% 5.7% 3 vessel ds 30.4% 69.0% Lesion no. 3.0 0.0 4.00.0 Diabetes 30.5% 34.9% 0.009 Diabetes Tx 23.7% 29.9% hypertension 54.8% 56.8% 0.29 PCI CABG p-value Smoking 41.4% 54.9% <0.001 FHx of CAD 5.8% 9.8% LVEF 57.1 0.3 55.0 0.4 LV Fn WNL 78.0% 71.1% PCI Hx 10.8% 17.1% CVE Hx 7.9% 0.005 MI Hx 14.9% 25.7% PVD Hx 4.3% 6.9% 0.001 Prox LAD 32.9% 58.6% 8. Baseline characteristics of the total population indicate that there was a higher proportion of sicker patients in the CABG group. Statistical adjustments were needed to control for the disparity of independent risk factors for prognosis between the two groups.

11 KORR Study Populations
Total population 3279 Unadjusted PCI 2097 CABG 1182 Statistical Adjustments 2154(66%) Age Clinical Dx LVF CVE Hx LADp lesion PCI 1493(71%) CABG 661(56%) Adjusted 9. Statistical adjustments were made for age, clinical diagnosis(ACS and MI), LVF, CVE hx, and LADp lesion. KORR Outcomes were based on this adjusted population, 2154 patients-1493 in PCI and 661 in CABG. Diabetics were 31% of PCI and 35% of CABG patients. Stenting was performed in 68% of PCI patients and 92% of CABG patients received arterial grafts. ND 1030 DM 463 ND 431 DM 230 Stent 1022(68%) Arterial graft 609(92%)

12 Baseline Characteristics - Adjusted Population (N=2154) -
PCI CABG p-value Female sex 30.2% 27.5% 0.43 Age65 36.4% 36.6% 0.91 ACS 56.2% 56.3% 0.99 AMI 9.4% 9.2% 0.98 3 vessel ds 30.6% 68.8% <0.001 Lesion no. 3.0 0.0 4.1 0.1 Diabetes 31.0% 34.8% 0.083 Diabetes Tx 24.4% 30.4% 0.004 Hypertension 56.6% 0.90 PCI CABG p-value Smoking 40.8% 54.2% <0.001 FHx of CAD 6.3% 9.3% 0.013 LVEF 56.7 0.4% 55.6 0.5% 0.12 LV Fn WNL 75.5% 75.6% 0.94 PCI Hx 11.5% 16.6% 0.001 CVE Hx 9.8% 9.5% 0.86 MI Hx 16.2% 25.0% PVD Hx 4.8% 6.4% 0.13 Prox LAD 42.7% 42.8% 0.95

13 Overall Outcomes of KORR
PCI (N=1493) CABG (N=661) P-value Death(%) 30 d 0.8 1.4 0.20 1 y 3.0 3.8 0.37 2 y 5.3 6.5 0.40 3 y 10.7 10.4 0.92 Death, MI, CVE(%) 1.3 4.0 <0.001 5.8 7.8 0.13 10.5 12.0 0.43 18.9 18.8 0.97 MI 0.2 0.78 CVE 0.1 2.8 Death, MI, CVE, 3.1 0.29 Revascularization(%) 24.3 37.0 16.8 53.9 25.6 11. Overall outcomes of KORR are shown in this slide. Thirty-day and 3-year mortality rates were not significantly different between PCI and CABG. Thirty-day morbidity was higher in CABG than in PCI due to an increased rate of CVE. Three-year event-free survival was much better in CABG than in PCI.

14 Overall Outcomes of KORR
3Y 2Y 1Y 1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 P=0.30 P=0.49 P<0.001 Survival Survival Without MI, CVE Survival Without MI, CVE, Revascularization CABG PCI

15 PCI Vs. CABG Outcomes by Diabetic Status
Non-DM Treated DM PCI CABG OR P-value Death(%) 30 d 0.7 0.9 0.75 0.64 1.2 2.5 0.45 0.23 1 y 3.1 0.80 0.55 4.5 5.4 0.82 0.66 2 y 4.4 6.2 0.70 0.27 8.1 7.1 1.15 3 y 8.3 10.0 0.81 0.50 19.8 11.4 1.92 0.14 MACE(%) 3.3 0.93 3.2 5.6 0.17 23.4 9.8 2.81 <0.001 27.2 12.2 2.68 35.8 16.0 2.91 40.9 18.5 3.04 50.9 23.9 3.21 64.2 29.3 4.32 13. The short and long-term mortality rates were not significantly different between PCI and CABG for diabetics as well as for non-diabetics although there was a trend towards an increased 3 year mortality of PCI in diabetics. Three-year MACE rate of PCI was 4.3 times higher than that of CABG in diabetics and it was 3.2times higher than that of CABG in non-diabetics.

16 Non-DM Vs. DM Outcomes by Treatment
PCI CABG Non-DM TxDM OR P-value Death(%) 30 d 0.7 1.2 1.79 0.35 0.9 2.5 2.94 0.095 1 y 4.5 1.81 0.12 3.1 5.4 1.78 0.20 2 y 4.4 8.1 1.90 0.069 6.2 7.1 1.15 0.74 3 y 8.3 19.8 2.74 0.002 10.0 11.4 1.16 0.73 MACE(%) 3.2 1.04 0.92 3.3 5.6 1.74 0.17 23.4 27.2 1.22 0.19 9.8 12.2 1.28 0.39 35.8 40.9 1.24 0.16 16.0 18.5 1.19 0.52 50.9 64.2 1.73 0.003 23.9 29.3 1.32 0.32 14. The PCI group showed significantly higher 3-year mortality and MACE rates in diabetics than in non-diabetics in contrast to the CABG group in which they were not significantly different between the two cohorts.

17 Outcomes by Diabetic Status and Treatment
1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 p=0.45 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 p=0.19 p=0.20 p=0.11 p<0.001 Survival Survival Without MI, CVE Survival Without MI, CVE, Revascularization Non-DM, CABG DM, CABG Non-DM, PCI DM, PCI

18 MACE by Diabetic Subgroups Within and Between Treatment Cohorts
1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 p=0.51 p=0.18 CABG PCI Non-diabetic Oral hypoglycemic Diet only Insulin

19 Arterial Graft Vs. Stent
Art Graft (N=609) Stent (N=1022) P-value Death(%) 30 D 1.5 0.6 0.081 1 y 2.6 3.0 0.69 2 y 5.0 5.5 0.77 3 y 8.6 11.9 0.25 Death, MI, CVE(%) 3.7 1.0 <0.001 6.3 4.8 10.1 10.0 0.95 16.4 20.2 0.28 MI(%) 0.2 0.1 0.73 CVE(%) 2.4 0.0 0.039 Death, MI, CVE, 2.2 0.096 Revascularization(%) 24.0 14.7 38.6 23.2 59.8 17. In a separate analysis of arterial graft vs. stent, the short and long-term outcomes were similar to that of total adjusted population.

20 Outcomes by Anginal and Diabetic Status
Death, MI, CVE, or Revascularization 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 P=0.0081 P=0.19 P=0.22 PCI group에서는 DMTx와 ACS가 additive effect, CABG에서는 그러한 효과가 없다. DM ACS에서는 CABG의 benefit이 증가하는 듯 PCI CABG Non-DM, SA Non-DM, ACS DM, SA DM, ACS

21 Post-Stent Era PCI Vs. CABG in Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease
Clinical Trials Relative Merits ARTS PCI CABG Revascularization All DM Survival KORR ND After RAVEL ? 19. Based on current information, the relative merits of 2 revascularization techniques in the management of multivessel CAD in the post-stent era may be summarized as shown in this slide. According to ARTS, two techniques stand even in survival and CABG is superior to PCI in terms of less need for repeat revascularization especially in diabetics. KORR also showed similar survival between the 2 techniques in both diabetics and nondiabetics. Although repeat revascularization rate of PCI was higher than that of CABG, the difference of its rate between diabetics and nondiabetics in KORR was not as high as in ARTS. After RAVEL and TAXUS, the restenosis rate following stenting may be further lowered. Therefore PCI may be able to achieve similar or even better outcomes than that of CABG in the era of drug-coated stent. Only time will tell us.

22 Summary The short (30 days) and long-term (3 years) survival rates were not significantly different between PCI and CABG for total population as well as for treated diabetics. The short term morbidity was higher in CABG than in PCI due to an increased rate of CVE. The PCI group showed significantly higher three-year mortality and MACE rates in treated diabetics than in non-diabetics in contrast to the CABG group in which they were not significantly different between the 2 cohorts. While three-year MACE rate of PCI was 4.3 times higher than that of CABG for diabetics, it was 3.2 times higher than that of CABG for non-diabetics.

23 Limitations KORR is a retrospective and non-randomized study with physician guided selection of treatment. Although measured differences between the 2 treatment groups are controlled, this statistical adjustment may be imperfect.

24 Conclusions Thirty-day and three-year survival rates were not significantly different between PCI and CABG for treated diabetics as well as for total population. However, PCI was associated with a greater need for repeated revascularization particularly in treated diabetics.

25 The KORR Participants Sungkyunkwan University Samsung Medical Center
Won Ro Lee, M.D. Hyeon-Cheol Gwon, M.D. Young Tak Lee, M.D. Seoul National Univ. Hospital Young-Bae Park, M.D. Ki-Bong Kim, M.D. Korea University Hospital Ro Young Moo, M.D. Kil Medical Center Shin Eak Kyun, M.D. Chon-Nam University Hospital Myung Ho Jeong, M.D. Yonsei University Hospital Seung Yun Cho, M.D. Byung-Chul Chang, M.D. Asan Medical Center Seung-Jung Park, M.D. Aju University Hospital Byung-il William Choi, M.D. Dong-A University Hospital Moo Hyun Kim, M.D. Woo Jong Soo, M.D.

26 Overall Outcomes of Total Population
3Y 2Y 1Y 1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.0 .9 .8 3Y 2Y 1Y 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 P=0.77 P=0.77 P<0.001 Survival Survival Without MI, CVE Survival Without MI, CVE, revascularization CABG PCI

27 % ND+PTCA 86.8% ND+CABG 86.4% DM+CABG 76.4% DM+PTCA 55.7% Treatment Comparisons ND : p=0.72 DM : p=0.0011 Years Survival in the BARI trial by assigned treatment and diabetic status (Adapted from J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:1122-9)

28 Oral + CABG 84.1% Insulin+ CABG 67.8% Oral + PTCA 60.6% Insulin+ PTCA 49.4% Survival in the BARI trial by assigned treatment and diabetic treatment at baseline. (Adapted from J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:1122-9)

29 (A) (B) (C) Stenting CABG P=0.75 CABG CABG Stenting Stenting
Actuarial Survival(A), event-free survival without MI or CVE(B) and without CVE, MI, or RR (C) in the ARTS Trial by Assigned Treatment ( Adapted from N Engl J Med 2001;344: )

30 Outcomes Within and Between Treatment Cohorts by Diabetic Subgroups
None Diet OHA Insulin p-value Death 1Y CABG 3.0 4.5 6.1 4.4 0.55  (%) PCI 2.2 6.3 4.7 4.0 0.12 OR 0.71 1.40 0.75 0.90 p-value 0.39 0.77 0.61 0.90 Death, MI, CVE 1Y CABG 7.1 4.5 10.2 8.7 0.70  (%) PCI 5.2 9.4 5.8 9.0 0.33 OR 0.71 2.17 0.54 1.04 p-value 0.19 0.48 0.18 0.95 MACE 1Y CABG 9.9 8.7 12.9 11.3 0.83  (%) PCI 23.1 26.7 25.4 30.9 0.35 OR 2.75 3.82 2.30 3.53 p-value <0.001 0.071 0.012 0.003

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