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Doctorate in Education: Educational Leadership

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1 East Carolina University EdD K20 Informational Webinar May 3, 2017 – 4:30 pm
Doctorate in Education: Educational Leadership Dr. Art Rouse, Chair of LEED Dr. Marjorie Ringler, EdD Coordinator Dr. Tom Williams, LEED Outreach

2 Webinar Intended Outcomes
By the end of the session, participants will receive: Overview of the ECU EdD K20 in Educational Leadership Introduction to the Carnegie Project for the EdD (CPED) Introduction to “Problem of Practice” dissertation (CPED) Program and application process for Cohort Clear sense of their next steps Webinar Follow Up Contact: Dr. Tom Williams at Director – Leadership Development Outreach Mobile:

3 Vision and Mission of the ECU EdD
To graduate Servire Leaders who Lead, Serve, and Transform complex and changing educational environments. Mission To prepare educational leaders who respect diversity, build trustful relationships, apply scholarship to address practice, and engage in purposeful collaboration to confront the challenges of 21st century education. Revised: February 26, 2013

4 ECU EdD Graduate Competencies
Scholarly Practitioners – think creatively and critically, understand complex and diverse environments, apply research and professional knowledge to improve education Servant Leaders – serve schools by supporting the growth and well being of all stakeholders, build communities, model ethical behavior Civic Leaders – value diverse communities, communicate and engage all stakeholders, promote equity, social justice, and the quality of life of those they serve Professional Practitioners – have a high level of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, express a well-articulated personal vision, and promote leadership development within their community Global Leaders – become cultural competent when working with various cultural groups locally, nationally, and internationally.

5 ECU EdD Highlights Designed to prepare transformational K20 educational leaders Five EdD Graduate Competencies embedded in all courses Degree culminates with a “Dissertation in Practice” Eligible K12 leaders earn the NC Superintendent License/State Salary Supplement Executive Cohort Model – flex scheduling/blended learning 60 semester hour curriculum that is purposefully designed 2 years of academic coursework 1 year of Internship and Dissertation courses Unique specialty courses for both K12 and Higher Education Study Abroad option to take a class that will travel internationally for up to 10 days during summer 1 course.

6 Re-Visioning EdD with CPED
Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED) National Effort Aimed at Strengthening the Educational Doctorate ECU initiated the re-visioning process in 2012 Admitted into CPED March 17, 2014 Strong continued support from Dean Hayes, ECU COE and Dean Gemperline, Graduate School, and Provost Mitchelson 1st full implementation was with the Cohort Ongoing revisions based on “lessons learned”

7 Traditional Dissertation VS. Problems of Practice Dissertation
Traditional EdD - Topic found in Literature VS Carnegie EdD - Topic Determined by Local Educational System Traditional EdD - Committee Consists of University Scholars Carnegie EdD - Committee Includes Practitioners Familiar with Problem

8 Types of Dissertations in Practice:
Program Evaluations Program Development Program Implementation Action Research Applied Research Client-based project Other

9 Then and Now: Research Methodology
Old EdD Dissertation – Generalize results using statistical methods New EdD Dissertation – Employ precision and accuracy in solving real world problems (localism) and ready to make an impact on the local problem

10 Then and Now: Dissertation Findings
Old EdD Dissertation: Discussion of Findings emphasizes the theory researched New EdD Problem of Practice Dissertation: Discussion of Findings emphasizes implications for practice logically derived from the study

11 Scholarship and Action
Dissertation in Practice: As the culminating experience that demonstrates the scholarly practitioner’s ability to solve problems of practice, the Dissertation in Practice exhibits the doctoral candidate’s ability “to think, to perform, and to act with integrity” (Shulman, 2005). Consultancy Model 5-Chapter Scholarship and Action Problems of practice articulated by “client” -Students demonstrate root causes of a problem as posed, analyze the issue from a number of perspectives including diversity, and respond with evidence of impact on practice, policy, procedures, processes and/or future research in the field Facilitated within the Problem of Practice -Integrated throughout the entire course sequence -Additional contribution to the profession = action product Synthesize research and literature in their well-defined niche in the field Use knowledge to demonstrate competency Project with clear articulation of how it fits within the broader niche and intended purpose of the experience Addresses issues of diversity and social justice when making recommendations

12 The EdD Application/Admissions Guidelines
Application Deadline: February 15, 2018 Application process will open September 1, 2017 – Follow the EdD K20 Program Application Guide from LEED Application done online at ECU’s GradApply account Requires $70.00 non-refundable application fee Monitor you application through 100% completion Preferred 3 years school/school system leadership experience K12 requires a copy of current NC License 012 and/or 113 Three letters of professional reference – one required from your current evaluator Slide 1 of 2

13 The EdD Application/Admissions Guidelines
Submit a writing sample discussing a potential K12/Higher Education “Problem of Practice” for your dissertation (more detailed directions found in the application process). Submit transcripts from all degrees awarded and for all university/college courses taken since 2010 Submit your Statement of Purpose (Why you are seeking the EdD?) LEED Skype Interview scheduled only after Grad School notifies LEED of your fully completed application Any change in employment status, please notify EdD Program Director, Dr. Marjorie Ringler Slide 2 of 2

14 Q & A Follow Up Contact (email preferred for tracking):
Dr. Tom Williams – LEED Outreach – Office: Ragsdale Hall - Room 222 Office Phone: Mobile: (best phone option for you)

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