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All-pairs Shortest paths Transitive Closure
Dynamic Programming All-pairs Shortest paths Transitive Closure Also Longest Common Subsequence
Dynamic Programming Divide-and-Conquer: a divisive (top-down) method for breaking a complex problem into sub-problems (of fractional size). E.g. Fibonacci numbers: Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 recursion explodes: Fn requires ≥ Φn calls, but simple loop exists to compute it in n steps (draw recursion tree) Dynamic Programming: agglomerative, i.e. solves problems bottom-up by storing the results for sub-problems, rather than re-computing them. Solutions to sub-problems are used to solve main problem. There are a polynomial number of overlapping sub-problems. Naïve recursion can produce excessive recomputation. CLR 16.2
Memory functions + … F0 F1 F2 F3 F4
This can be simulated in a top-down recursive algorithm by a technique called memoization. Values of recursive calls are saved in a table for subsequent lookup. Because the table’s structure is generally not known ahead of time (except for number of entries), the call’s arguments are usually hashed. Hence, if most all sub-problems are called, bottom-up is faster (by a constant). On the other hand, if many sub-problems are not encountered in the recursion, memoization can be faster. 8.4
Problem Give change for the amount n using the minimum number of coins valued at 1 = d1 < d2 < … < dm assuming unlimited quantities of coins for each of the m denominations. I.e. find smallest F(n) = 𝑖=1 𝑚 𝑞 𝑖 such that each qi ≥ 0 and: 𝑛= 𝑖=1 𝑚 𝑞 𝑖 𝑑 𝑖
Solution Let F(n) be the minimum number of coins whose values add up to n. Clearly F(0) = 0. The amount n can only be obtained by adding one coin of denomination dj ≤ n to the amount n − dj. Therefore, we can consider all such denominations for j = 1, 2, …, m and select the one minimizing F(n − dj) + 1. So, we have the following recurrence: 𝐹 𝑛 = min 𝐹 𝑛− 𝑑 𝑗 :𝑛≥ 𝑑 𝑗 +1 𝑛>0 0 𝑛=0
Algorithm Input: n ≥ 0, D[1 … m] of denominations (D[1] = 1).
Output: minimum number of coins adding up to n. F[0] ← 0 for i ← 1 to n do temp ← ∞; j ← 1 while j ≤ m and i ≥ D[j] do temp ← min(F[i − D[j]], temp) j ← j + 1 F[i] ← temp + 1 Return F[n]
Floyd’s algorithm for All-pairs Shortest Distances
Given a graph G = {1, …, n}, E in adjacency matrix format W 0 if i = j the weight of directed edge (i, j) E i ≠ j ∞ if i ≠ j and (i, j) E assume no negative cycles where W[i, j] = Idea: dk[i, j] = length of shortest path from vertex i to vertex j without going through any vertex numbered higher than k. The figure illustrates the recurrence i k j ≤ k − 1 k only appears once in a shortest path Include figures 8.6 and example in figure 8.7 from book W[i, j] if k = 0 min(dk−1[i, j], dk−1[i, k] + dk−1[k, j]) if k > 0 Define dk[i, j] =
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Using dynamic programming to compute these results in θ(n3): for i, j = 1 to n ► all pairs of indices d0[i, j] ← W[i, j] ► k = 0 for k = 1 to n for i, j = 1 to n ► all pairs again dk[i, j] ← min(dk−1[i, j], dk−1[i, k] + dk−1[k, j]) return D = n x n matrix of dn ► answer Is possible to execute in place so it is not necessary to distinguish between the old and new values of d. [Exercise]
Warshall’s algorithm for Transitive Closure
Given: G = V, E where V = {1, 2, …, n} Compute: G = V, E* where E* = {(i, j): i →…→ j} Use the Floyd-Warshall algorithm with weights T, F False if (i, j) E W[i, j] = True if (i, j) E So the recurrence for computing E* would be compare with Boolean matrix multiplication D* = \/ Di, AND for *, OR for + Include figures 8.3 and example in figure 8.4 from book F if i ≠ j and (i, j) E t0[i, j] = T if i = j or (i, j) E tk[i, j] = tk−1[i, j] (tk−1[i, k] tk−1[k, j])
Transitive Closure in Logic
logical definition: Ei (x, y) if there is a path of length at most i from x to y. So for n < i, this is: transitive reflexive closure Take out of math transitive only speed-up
Transitive closure of simple graph in quadratic time
Symmetric matrix used as both input & output. for i = 1 to n (from top to bottom row) if there is a least j > i such that A[i, j] let A[j] = A[j] or A[i] (pointwise as rows) else (greatest index of this component) for j < i if A[i, j] then (same component) let A[j] = A[i] (backfill previous rows) let A[i, i] = false (keep it simple) See handout for analysis. Isn’t it much easier to just do a DFS and number the components? 17
Example Note: Row A[i] = {j : A[i, j]}, and set out to prove that any and only paths are found. Also, the algorithm is monotone. 1 Need a better example
Soundness Theorem: If j is put in A[i] then it must be the case that i ~ j. Proof: By induction on statement executed -- the idea is that it only ORs rows with a known path between them. Base Case: Initially, j in A[i] means A[i, j] which implies i − j. Induction Step: in line 3, if k is put in A[j] then either it was there before and hence k ~ j trivially by IH, or else it is in A[i], which means k ~ i by IH, so together with i ~ j by IH on line 2 yields k ~ j. In line 6, if k is put in A[j] then it was in A[i] which implies i ~ k by IH, so combining that with i ~ j by IH on line 5 yields k ~ j. (Note that we do not use monotonicity here even though an element of A[j] will never be removed (except for possibly j to maintain simplicity).
Completeness Claim: At iteration m, A[m] contains all nodes Cm with a path to m via nodes numbered less than m. Proof: Let [m] = {k : k ~ m}. Proceed by induction on m. Basis: If m is the first (smallest) node in [m], then Cm = {i ≥ m : i − m} is a star around m, which is clearly contained in A[m] from the beginning since these are just edges. Induction: Let m' be the largest node < m in [m]. Then by IH, at iteration m', A[m'] contains Cm' of which m is a member. So m is in A[m'], and is the smallest such above m'. So by line 2, line 3 will put all of Cm' into A[m] at iteration m'. And if k in Cm uses m' to reach m then k must already be in Cm'. second part of proof isn’t quite right b/c it ignores nodes directly attached to m.
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