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Sugarcane Development Programme

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1 Sugarcane Development Programme
Dr. A.L.Waghmare Director DIRECTORATE OF SUGARCANE DEVELOPMENT Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Lucknow – (U.P.)

2 Economic Importance Sugarcane share is about 7% of total value of agriculture output. About 50 million farmers and their dependents and about 0.4 million skilled and unskilled workers are engaged in cultivation of sugarcane and sugar industries & its allied industries. Sugarcane provides raw material for the second largest agro-based industry after textile. Sugar industry playing an important role in socio economic development, mobilizing rural resources, generating employments, improvement farm income etc.

3 Sugarcane Distribution
Most important cash crop of our country economically, politically and sociologically. Sugarcane cultivated in about 50 lakh ha area. India is the second largest in area and sugar production after Brazil. Cultivated in about 2.5% of India’s gross cropped area. Widely cultivated in Sub-tropical and tropical region. Tropical region- Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and part of M.P. (45% of the total area of the country and 55% of the total cane production with the average productivity of about 83 t/ha). Sub-tropical region- U.P., Uttarakhand, Haryana, Punjab, Bihar, West Bengal and North East states (55% of the total area and contribute about 45% of the total cane production with an average productivity about 65 t/ha. Sugarcane Distribution

4 State wise/year wise area (lakh ha) of sugarcane in India from 2012-13 to 201617
Sl.No. State * 1 Andhra pradesh 1.96 1.53 1.39 1.22 1.03 2 Assam 0.28 0.29 0.3 3 Bihar 2.00 2.58 2.54 2.49 2.51 4 Chhattisgarh 0.13 0.09 0.19 0.26 0.36 5 Gujarat 1.76 1.74 2.08 1.83 1.9 6 Haryana 1.01 1.02 0.97 0.93 1.15 7 Jharkhans 0.07 0.1 8 Karnataka 4.25 4.2 4.80 4.5 4.4 9 Madhya Pradesh 0.59 0.73 1.11 0.76 10 Maharashtra 9.33 9.37 10.3 9.87 6.33 11 Orrisa 0.15 0.14 12 Punjab 0.83 0.89 0.94 0.9 1.0 13 Tamil Nadu 3.47 3.13 2.63 2.57 1.67 14 Telangana 0.39 0.38 0.35 0.27 15 Uttar Pradesh 22.12 22.28 21.41 21.69 21.93 16 Uttarakhand 1.10 1.04 0.96 17 West Bengal 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.2 Others 0.20 Grand Total 49.48 49.93 50.67 49.53 45.18

5 State wise/year wise Production (Lakh. T
State wise/year wise Production (Lakh.T.) of sugarcane crop in India from to S.No. State * 1 Andhra pradesh 155.67 120.09 99.87 93.12 79.62 2 Assam 10.28 10.75 10.99 10.42 10.69 3 Bihar 127.41 128.82 140.34 146.76 142.21 4 Chhattisgarh 0.37 0.22 0.49 0.68 0.89 5 Gujarat 126.90 125.5 143.3 129.6 132.16 6 Haryana 74.37 74.99 71.69 65.1 85.34 7 Jharkhans 4.62 4.63 4.7 7.09 4.64 8 Karnataka 357.32 379.05 437.76 384.75 334.4 9 Madhya Pradesh 26.42 31.73 45.67 50.31 31.46 10 Maharashtra 696.48 769.01 846.99 722.55 496.65 11 Orrisa 9.52 9.37 7.23 5.77 8.18 12 Punjab 59.19 66.75 70.39 65.76 75 13 Tamil Nadu 339.19 324.54 280.93 264.98 176.89 14 Telangana 0.00 33.76 33.43 24.15 22.38 15 Uttar Pradesh 16 Uttarakhand 67.85 59.4 61.65 59.76 58.08 17 West Bengal 16.17 19.45 21.06 20.75 23 18 Others 10.27 10.63 10.62 10.34 8.49 Grand Total

6 State wise/year wise Productivity (ton/ha) of sugarcane crop in India from 2012-13 to 2016-17
Sl.No. State * 1 AP 79.4 78.5 71.8 76.3 77.3 2 Assam 36.7 37.1 36.6 35.9 36.9 3 Bihar 63.7 49.9 55.3 58.9 56.7 4 Chhattisgarh 2.8 2.4 2.6 2.5 5 Gujarat 72.1 68.9 70.8 69.6 6 Haryana 73.6 73.5 73.9 70.0 74.2 7 Jharkhans 66.0 66.1 67.1 70.9 66.3 8 Karnataka 84.1 90.3 91.2 85.5 76.0 9 MP 44.8 43.5 41.1 48.8 41.4 10 Maharashtra 74.6 82.1 82.2 73.2 11 Orrisa 63.5 66.9 72.3 64.1 62.9 12 Punjab 71.3 75.0 74.9 73.1 13 Tamil Nadu 97.7 103.7 106.8 103.1 105.9 14 Telangana 86.6 88.0 69.0 82.9 15 Uttar Pradesh 59.9 60.5 62.1 67.0 61.9 16 Uttarakhand 61.7 57.1 60.4 61.6 17 West Bengal 101.1 114.4 117.0 115.3 115.0 18 Others 51.4 53.2 59.0 54.4 56.6 Grand Total 70.5 71.5 71.1 67.6

7 Top 20 Districts of Sugarcane (U.P.)
S. N. District Area (ha) Production (Tonnes) Yield (Tonnes/ha) 1. Kheri 256442 64.02 2. Bijnor 204720 63.24 3. Muzzaffarpur 169143 73.04 4. Sitapur 145573 65.27 5. Meerut 126186 74.08 6. Saharanpur 126663 64.00 7. Bareilly 92598 62.10 8. Bagpat 73432 75.30 9. Amroha 75952 68.87 10. Pilibhit 76555 64.91 11. Shamli 63041 76.73 12. Kushinagar 76786 59.83 13. Gonda 77829 55.77 14. Bulandshahar 48675 63.86 15. Moradabad 47574 64.15 16. Shahjahanpur 44784 64.63 17. Hapur 36906 66.35 18. Basti 39188 61.45 19. Balrampur 43896 50.92 20. Hardoi 36869 60.53 State 64.76

8 गन्ने का राज्यवार क्षेत्रफल (लाख हे.) पांच वर्षों का औसत

9 गन्ने का राज्यवार उत्पादन (लाख टन) पांच वर्षों का औसत
गन्ने का राज्यवार उत्पादन (लाख टन) पांच वर्षों का औसत

10 State-wise Average Sugar Recovery (%) during last 5 years
S.No. State 1. A.P. 9.79 9.64 9.98 9.38 9.35 2. Bihar 9.45 8.85 8.47 9.15 9.76 3. Chhattisgarh 8.21 9.48 8.82 8.20 9.43 4. Gujarat 10.61 10.77 11.10 10.35 10.38 5. Haryana 9.10 9.44 9.94 10.52 6. Karnataka 11.14 10.41 11.09 11.06 10.74 7. Madhya Pradesh 9.69 9.77 10.65 9.73 9.84 8. Maharashtra 11.65 11.41 11.57 11.28 11.33 9. Odisha 8.89 8.62 9.28 10. Punjab 9.13 9.42 10.06 11. Tamil Nadu 8.88 8.32 8.67 8.74 12. UP 9.07 9.18 9.25 9.54 13. Uttarakhand 8.91 9.22 9.61 14. West Bengal 8.10 9.26 7.04 8.36 6.63 All India 10.25 10.03 10.23 10.37 10.62

11 गन्ने का राज्यवार चीनी परता (पांच वर्षों का औसत)

October 2000, the Crop oriented CSS implemented in different States subsumed with MMMA. The main components continued to remain same with the flexibility to incorporate new components as per the requirement of the state. The sugarcane Development Programme under MMMA is continued till New scheme NFSM- Commercial crop (Sugarcane) was under implementation from and continuing.

13 The main objective of NFSM-Commercial crops (Sugarcane)
To utilize vacant inter-row space of Commercial Crops by growing oilseeds and pulses. To generate higher net return and cultivable land utilization index as compare to mono cropping. To increase the soil fertility status by adopting proper crop rotation with commercial crops. To maintain IPM strategies and reduce pest load through cropping system approach. To demonstrate latest technologies of crop production, intercropping, seed production, INM/IPM. To implement need based intervention of recent priorities in sugarcane crop.

14 Allocation under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of NFSM-Commercial crops (Sugarcane) 2017-18
S.No. State Rs. In Lakh Central Share State Share Total 1 Andhra Pradesh 12.11 8.07 20.18 2 Gujarat 15.38 10.25 25.63 3 Haryana 19.76 13.17 32.93 4 Karnataka 29.57 19.71 49.28 5 Madhya Pradesh 19.78 13.19 32.97 6 Maharashtra 188.99 125.99 314.98 7 Tamil Nadu 29.65 19.77 49.42 8 Telangana 3.30 2.20 5.50 9 Orissa 21.99 14.66 36.65 Uttar Pradesh 294.45 196.30 490.75 Punjab 15.00 10.00 25.00 10 Uttrakhand 19.80 22.00 11 Bihar 84.00 56.00 140.00 753.78 491.52

15 Implementing agencies
SDA- Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab,Uttarakhand, Bihar & Telangana. DAC&FW- DSD, Lucknow (nodal office) ICAR-IISR, KVKs, SAUs, Cooperatives, NGOs, Private Sector etc.

16 NFSM- Commercial crops ( Sugarcane)
. Components and pattern of assistance under NFSM- Commercial crops ( Sugarcane) 1 Demonstration on intercropping of pulses, cereals and oilseeds with sugarcane Rs per ha ICAR/ SAUs/ KVK/ NGOs/ Cooperatives/ State Deptt. of Agriculture 2 Seed Production a. Assistance in Breeder Seed Production Rs per ha SAU,s/ ICAR and Sugarcane Research Institute, sugar factories, b Production of tissue culture raised plantlets/ seedlings Rs. 3.5 per seedlings Sugarcane Institutions, Sugar factories, NGOs. 3 Strengthening of bio agent and tissue culture lab Rs. 75 lakhs per lab Sugar factories/ SAU’s/ ICAR/ Sugarcane Resh. Instt. Etc.

17 4 a. 50000 per training b. 40000 per training 5 Training
Sugar factories/ SAU’s/ ICAR/ Sugarcane Resh. Instt. Etc. a. National Level Trainings 50000 per training IISR, SBI, VSI, UPCSR, etc. State government KVKs, NGO etc. b. State level training 40000 per training 5 Monitoring, evaluation & electronic print media. DOSD, Lucknow

18 breakup for trainings Particulars Amount (in Rs.) TOTAL 50,000 40,000
National Level State Level 1. Honorarium to Resource Person @ Rs.750/-per lecture for National Level for 10 lectures. @ Rs.500/- per lecture for State Level for 10 lectures. 7500 5000 2. Refreshment for Inaugural Session for 50 Rs. 50/- per head. 2500 3. Boarding & Lodging for Rs. 500/-per head per day for 25 persons for 2 days for National Level for 20 persons for 2 days for State Level. 25000 20000 4. Training Rs. 400/-per kit. 10000 8000 5.Contingencies including audiovisual arrangements, Field Visits, etc. 5500 4500 TOTAL 50,000 40,000

19 NFSM-CC (Sugarcane)-UP-2017-18
Districts covered(24) Saharanpur, Muzzaffarnagar, Shamli, Meerut, Bagpat, Hapur, Ghaziabad, Bulandsahar, Moradabad, Bijnaur, Rampur, J.P.Nagar, Bareily, Pilibhit, Shahjahanpur, Sitapur, Lakhimpur, Hardoi, Bahraich, Gonda, Balrampur, Kushinagar, Basti and Faizabad.


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