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Stefan Mozar IEEE Sections Congress 2017 – Sydney 11 August 2017

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1 Stefan Mozar IEEE Sections Congress 2017 – Sydney 11 August 2017
Recommendations Stefan Mozar IEEE Sections Congress 2017 – Sydney 11 August 2017

2 Overview

3 Recommendations Process being planned and confirmed
Criteria for recommendations: Must align with findings from the 2016 Member Segmentation Study that denote high member importance with corresponding low member satisfaction ratings. Support one of three strategic areas: Networking, Skills Improvement, Public Service * Identify a target member group that will benefit from the recommendation.* Letter and region member survey data sent to Region Directors, Director Elects and Region SC Coordinators December Region SC Coordinator, RD, and DE will determine their region process for engaging section delegates and inform the Program Committee Up to 3 recommendations per region submitted no later than 1 May MGA Operations Committee will review each and inform region if: The recommendation does not meet the criteria The recommendation is currently in process Significant budget impact or ownership by other OU is required and whether alternate recommendation is advised Delegates will vote by Sunday 9:00 am of the Congress Top 3 recommendations will be presented at the Sunday Closing Ceremony

4 Recommendations Criteria Matrix
Young Professional Women in Engineering Student Entrepreneur Industry Professional Other Member Groups Skills Improvement Technical Skills Continuing Education Opportunities …. Networking Interaction with other members Local meetings with other professionals Online meetings and webinars Public Service Promoting the appreciation of technology and our profession to the general public Representation on public policy issues related to the profession

5 R10 Data Each Section to make 1 recommendation
24 Recommendations received Top 3 selected by a committee of 5 Top 3 recommendations selected were: Taipei Section ACT, Australia Section Malaysia Section

6 Top R10 Recommendations 1.       Develop an incentive program for corporations to join IEEE as 'Corporate Member'. This recommendation will be put forward as stated. (Taipei Section) 2.       Establish a mechanism to make it easy for technical programs to be recorded and to be available online. This is identical to a previous Sections Congress recommendation, which has recently be implemented. Therefore, OpCom has decided not to put it forward. 3.       Improve IEEE service to industry professionals by offering reduced cost access to standards with the goal of increased industry member satisfaction. This is an adapted version of your original proposal. OpCom decided to put this revised proposal forward. (ACT Section)

7 Next Steps Delegates will vote by Sunday 9:00 am of the Congress
Top 3 recommendations will be presented at the Sunday Closing Ceremony

8 Thank you for your Attention!

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