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Drawing/Graphic Design

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1 Drawing/Graphic Design
VISUAL PUNS Drawing/Graphic Design

2 WHAT IS A PUN? A play on words, usually the assignment of different meanings to similarly sounding words or phrases, with humorous intent. a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.

She had a photographic memory but never developed it. I’ve been to the dentist many times so I know the drill. How do construction workers party? They raise the roof. A boiled egg every morning is hard to beat. After hours of waiting for the bowling alley to open, we finally got the ball rolling.

4 WHAT IS A VISUAL PUN? A drawing, cartoon, photograph, etc. depicting objects arranged so that the names of the objects or a description of their placement suggests a play on words.

5 EXAMPLES: can you guess what they are saying?
4 3 1 2 5 6 answers on next page!!

6 answers: Docter pepper 5. under the weather Handbag 6. Eggplant
Green thumb Mouse

7 Project: You will create 2 visual pun art pieces - 1-drawing of a visual pun - sharpie, color pencil, pencil, pen 1-3D sculpture of a visual pun – clay The pieces can be the same visual pun or different. That is your artist freedom.

8 Examples



11 Ideas

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