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Lesson 1 Life-long Learning.

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1 Lesson 1 Life-long Learning

2 To them, learning is a must.

3 To them, learning means a possibility of entering university.

4 But what does learning mean to them?

5 Proverbs: There is no end to learning. Never too old to learn. 学无止境。

6 People of all ages need to learn.

7 People of different jobs need to learn.

8 Words preview qualification secure blank swell suspect throat status
chief saying n. 资格,资历 adj. 安全的,坚固的 adj. 空白的 v. 膨胀,肿胀 v. 怀疑 n. 咽喉,喉咙 n. 现状,社会地位 adj. 最高级别的 n. 格言,谚语

9 Words preview postage airmail user instruct bury alphabet
frankly speaking lay off aside from n. 邮费 n. 航空邮政 n. 使用者 v. 教导,指导 vt. 埋葬 n. 字母表 老实说,说实话 裁员,解雇 除……之外

10 Reading

11 Skim the passage to get main ideas

12 Reading Comprehension Ⅰ
Fill in the blanks. In this text _____ people talk about their _______ learning experience. Sun Wen is about to get a ______ by distance learning; Ms Tang, who had been ________, did a business course and decided to ______ her own company; Grandpa became interested in the _______, through which he can see and ____ to her daughter in the US. three life-long degree laid off set up Internet talk

13 Read the passage carefully to solve
difficult points

14 Language points be about to 正要,即将(做某事)
I was just about to ask you the same thing. 我刚才正要问你同一件事情。 be about to do\ be going to do when 正要干某事, 这时开始…… We were about to go when it began to rain. 我们正要走,这时开始下雨了。

15 2. lay sb off 解雇 My manager told me that I was laid off. 经理告诉我,我被解雇了。 lay off sb/sth 停止,别再打扰 Lay off me ---it’s nothing to do with me. 别找我好不好—这事与我无关。 I think you’d better lay off alcohol. 你最好别喝酒了。

16 3. go blank 发呆,默然 When I heard the shocking news, my mind went blank. 当听到这个震惊的消息,我的大脑一 片空白。 4. swell with 充满 Her heart swelled with pride when she watched her daughter play the piano. 看着女儿弹琴,她心中充满了骄傲。

17 Scan the passage to get detailed information

18 Reading Comprehension Ⅱ
Complete the table. Name Sun Wen What did he study? Reason for study How did he study? Result for his study computer engineering give himself a second chance to study for a Bachelor’s degree distance learning be about to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree and getting promoted at work

19 be laid off and bored at home
Name Ms Tang What did she study? Reason for study How did she study? Result of her study business course be laid off and bored at home to school prepared a business plan for setting up a company

20 asking grandson to instruct
Name Grandpa Chen What did he study? Reason for study How did he study? Result of his study Internet for sending to daughter in the USA asking grandson to instruct sending ; see and talk to grandchildren

21 Reading Comprehension Ⅲ
True or False? 1. Sun Wen got a degree to get promoted at work. 2. It turned out that being laid off was a good thing to Ms Tang. 3. Ms Tang enjoys being a full-time housewife. 4. Grandpa traveled to America to see his daughter and grandchildren.


23 QuizⅠ Complete the sentences with the words below. qualification, postage, suspect, aside, secure, frankly, swell, status, throat, blank What is the _____ of your project? Are you finished yet? status

24 _______ speaking, I don’t really like him
at all. 3. I like to collect _______ stamps. 4. _____ from making dinner, she also baked a cake. 5. I _______ that Jim stole the book. 6. Mary feels very ______ knowing that she has a good job. Frankly postage Aside suspect secure

25 7. Take a _____ page and write your
name at the top. A Bachelor of Arts degree is a good ___________ but it’s not good enough for this job. 9. If you have a sore ______, drink lemon and honey in hot water. 10. My shoes are too small so when it’s hot and my feet_____, they are really uncomfortable. blank qualification throat swell

26 QuizⅡ Translation. 1. 电影正要开始时,我的手机响了。 The film ____________ start _____ my mobile phone rang. 2. Harry ___________ (被解雇了) because of the recession(经济衰退). 3. When I entered the exam room, my _______________(大脑一片空白). was about to when was laid off mind went blank

27 4. Mary’s heart _________________(充满
自豪) as she watched her daughter collect her prize. 5. Do you mind my _________________ (关掉收音机)? It’s too noisy. 6. Come on kids, __________________(是 回家的时候了). swelled with pride switching off the radio it’s time to go home

28 Homework: Read the article: The Education System in the UK (page 46).


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