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Specialised in FMCW radar level, tide and wave monitoring

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1 Specialised in FMCW radar level, tide and wave monitoring
since 1996 Tom van der Vlugt

2 Accurate over time and temperature
FMCW radar no moving parts No (re)calibration Accurate over time and temperature

3 scatter strength and velocity of reflector
FMCW radar scatter strength and velocity of reflector Down looking

4 Sea level rise and fall Tides Storm surge Tsunamis Infra-gravity waves Seiches/ harbour oscillations Swell Wind waves

5 Radac’s WaveGuide is globally used to

6 Forecast accuracy improved by incorporating real time data

7 2 Out looking radar

8 SAR company MetaSensing
Out Looking Radar SAR company MetaSensing Sample rate 6MHz Freq Sweep per chirp 200 Mhz –-> range resolution 75 cm 1024 samples per chirp –→ range m Bloks of 1024 chirps –→ sample rate sea Hz 209.4 ms blocks –→ velocity resolution 7.16 cm/s 1024 chirps per block –→ velocity range m/s

9 first experiments at Pier of Scheveningen

10 Information of the fixed FMCW radar
Per 200ms In 1024 range cells – reflection strength – velocity distribution 1024x velocity distribution Per range cell Estimate of the Orbital velocity Per range cell time series of Orbital velocity

11 Animations

12 Sea trial Karel Doorman 15-18 dec 2015
1 radar MetaSensing 7 WaveGuides 1 stereo video 1 buoy

13 Results of comparison with buoy
Energy density spectra Of Directional Waverider And Out Looking Radar Wave height as function of distance ca 1m20 speed as function of distance 0, 5 ,10 knots → en 5 knots ← Energy density spectra Of Directional Waverider And Foreward Looking Radar

14 Secondary objective Verify stereo imaging waves Provides good “near range” wave info Usable for “ride control” ?

15 Development first product Marin – NextOcean – Damen shipyards-
2017 – 2018 Development first product Marin – NextOcean – Damen shipyards- TNO – Radac 20 seconds forecast of ship motion to Faster and more comfortable transport to wind park (25% faster at same comfort level) Safer transfer between boat and pole (Hs from 1.5 to 2m –→ 120-→156 working days)


17 Assume a homoganeous area
estimate the statistical wave characteristics Then Fit a number (depending on statistics) of waves (ca 20-50) to the observations And let them propagate Animation…..

18 Transformer platform windpark PrinsesAmalia Ships from Damen Shipyards
Facilities available Pier of Scheveningen Transformer platform windpark PrinsesAmalia Ships from Damen Shipyards Ships from KNRM (rescue services) Stereo cameras Marin Hfradar Wera Rotterdam harbour

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