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Different Types of Rocks

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1 Different Types of Rocks

2 Hello! I am Creeper and I am going to teach you about different types of rocks.

3 What type of rock is this?

4 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Did you know…? Sedimentary rocks are the softest
type of rocks and are often porous. They have lots of layers and sometimes have fossils trapped in them. Did you know…? SEDIMENTARY ROCKS

5 What are the names of these rocks?
Limestone Sandstone SEDIMENTARY ROCKS

6 This is real sandstone and limestone.

7 What type of rock is this?

8 Metamorphic rocks are usually harder than sedimentary rocks.
They have thin layers and sometimes there are twisted fossils inside them. Did you know…? METAMORPHIC ROCKS

9 What are the names of these rocks?

10 This is real slate and marble.
Limestone metamorphoses into marble.

11 What type of rock is this?

12 Igneous rocks are the hardest type of rock
Igneous rocks are the hardest type of rock. They are non-porous and randomly arranged in big crystals. Fossils cannot be formed in igneous rocks. Did you know…? IGNEOUS ROCKS

13 What are the names of these rocks?
Basalt Granite Diorite Obsidian IGNEOUS ROCKS

14 This is real granite, diorite and obsidian.

15 What type of rock is this?
Amethyst is a mineral. So this means you can find it in all three types of rock. You are most likely to find it inside of a sedimentary rock. AMETHYST

16 YEAH!! Are you ready for a quiz? Here we go!

17 Quiz Q.1 ) which of these is an example of a sedimentary rock? Soil
Limestone Diorite Granite Hmmmm?

18 Quiz I know the answer! Q.2) which rock is a metamorphic rock? basalt
Granite Marble Obsidian

19 Quiz Q.3) which statement describes some of the ways in which metamorphic rocks are different from sedimentary rocks: Metamorphic rocks are very porous. Metamorphic rocks may be harder, less porous and have twisted fossils in them. Metamorphic rocks are softer and have large grains. Metamorphic rocks are softer and may have whole fossils inside them. I don’t mo!

20 Oooooo, I know! Quiz Q.4) Which one out of these is an example of igneous rock: Sandstone Limestone Granite Marble

21 Quiz Q.5) How is igneous rock formed?
Molten Magma cools and turns solid The weather It freezes The sea washes it against the rocks Cluck?

22 I am going to explode if you don’t get this one right!
Quiz Q.6) Which of these is the most porous type of rock? Metamorphic Igneous Sedimentary I am going to explode if you don’t get this one right!

23 Hope you enjoyed the quiz.
YEAH!! Hope you enjoyed the quiz. Did you get them all right?

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