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Outreach to Industry German Approach Wassenaar Arrangement

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1 Outreach to Industry German Approach Wassenaar Arrangement
Practical Workshop Vienna, 27 – 28 June 2016

2 Overview Why are we performing outreach to industry?
What are the key elements? Which outreach tools do we use?

3 Why are we performing outreach to industry?
Export Control Indus-try Govern-ment Export volume of Germany in 2015: 1.1 trillion Euro Share relevant for export control: 25,8 billion Euro Number of enterprises in Germany relevant for export control: 7.000 BAFA-employees (export control): 250  Leverage is needed for risk management

4 Why are we performing outreach to industry? (cont.)
Self control of the exporting industry Consensus with the industry: Joint responsibility! The first control takes place in the company! Support by the Federal Government The federal government raises the awareness of the companies involved and supports them by publications and other service offers.

5 What are the key elements? - Awareness-Raising and Support by BAFA
Information events Company visits Publications Homepage/Newsletter Special work tools Information and support for the industry

6 Outreach tools - Company Visits
Talks with persons reliable for export Raising the awareness of the person in charge of export by the BAFA management Compliance visits Awareness raising and consulting in line with reliability audits and audits in the global export licensing process

7 Outreach tools - Information Events and others
Speeches and lectures at chambers of commerce and trade associations Regular expert meetings, workings groups with trade associations Export control day Exchange of ideas and experience between ministries, administration, science and industry

8 Outreach tools - Publications
Haddex Annotation and collection of material in 5 volumes with appendices deliveries and express services Practice of the Export Control handbook with introduction to law and Best Practice recommendations on in-house control systems Leaflets among others: Legal foundations Iran embargo ICP optimised application know-how transfer Annual report with review amendments to laws and procedures

9 Outreach tools – Homepage and Newsletter
Service: Newsletter and RSS-Newsfeed

10 Outreach tools - Special work tools
Correlation List Tools for classification of goods by means of Customs code numbers/HS Codes Information on the list of items Information by the BAFA that a particular item is not covered by a list of items AzG Early warning letters Intelligence information on problematic end-users

11 Thank you for your attention!
Cindy Luger Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) Division 211 – Export Control: Basic and Procedural Questions Frankfurter Strasse 29-35, Eschborn Phone: +49 (0) –

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