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Cactus Tools for the Grid

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1 Cactus Tools for the Grid
Gabrielle Allen Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, (Albert Einstein Institute)

2 Cactus CACTUS is a freely available, modular,
portable and manageable environment for collaboratively developing parallel, high- performance multi-dimensional simulations THE GRID: Dependable, consistent, pervasive access to high-end resources

3 What is Cactus Flesh (ANSI C) provides code infrastructure (parameter, variable, scheduling databases, error handling, APIs, make, parameter parsing, ) Thorns (F77/F90/C/C++/Java/Perl/Python) are plug-in and swappable modules or collections of subroutines providing both the computational instructructure and the physical application. Well-defined interface through 3 config files Just about anything can be implemented as a thorn: Driver layer (MPI, PVM, SHMEM, …), Black Hole evolvers, elliptic solvers, reduction operators, interpolators, web servers, grid tools, IO, … User driven: easy parallelism, no new paradigms, flexible Collaborative: thorns borrow concepts from OOP, thorns can be shared, lots of collaborative tools Computational Toolkit: existing thorns for (Parallel) IO, elliptic, MPI unigrid driver, Integrate other common packages and tools: HDF5, Globus, PETSc, PAPI, Panda, FlexIO, GrACE, Autopilot, LCAVision, OpenDX, Amira, ... Trivially Grid enabled!

4 Current Version Cactus 4.0
Cactus 4.0 beta 1 released September 1999 Community code: Distributed under GNU GPL Currently: Cactus 4.0 beta 8 Supported Architectures: SGI Origin SGI 32/64 Cray T3E Dec Alpha Intel Linux IA32/IA64 Windows NT HP Exemplar IBM SP2 Sun Solaris Hitachi SR8000-F NEC SX-5 Mac Linux ...

5 Cactus Computational Toolkit: Parallel utilities (thorns) for computational scientist
CactusBase Boundary, IOUtil, IOBasic, CartGrid3D, IOASCII, Time CactusBench BenchADM CactusConnect HTTPD, HTTPDExtra CactusExample WaveToy1DF77, WaveToy2DF77 CactusElliptic EllBase, EllPETSc, EllSOR, EllTest CactusPUGH Interp, PUGH, PUGHSlab, PUGHReduce CactusPUGHIO IOFlexIO, IOHDF5, IsoSurfacer CactusIO IOJpeg CactusTest TestArrays, TestCoordinates, TestInclude1, TestInclude2, TestComplex, TestInterp, TestReduce CactusWave IDScalarWave, IDScalarWaveC, IDScalarWaveCXX, WaveBinarySource, WaveToyC, WaveToyCXX, WaveToyF77, WaveToyF90, WaveToyFreeF90 CactusExternal FlexIO, jpeg6b BetaThorns (In Development) IOStreamedHDF5, Renderer, IOHDF5Util,…, many more

6 Computational Science
Cactus Community DLR Geophysics (Bosl) Numerical Relativity Community Cornell Crack prop. NASA NS GC Livermore SDSS (Szalay) Intel Microsoft Clemson “Egrid” NCSA, ANL, SDSC AEI Cactus Group (Allen) NSF KDI (Suen) EU Network (Seidel) Applications Astrophysics (Zeus) US Grid Forum DFN Gigabit Computational Science “GRADS” (Kennedy, Foster, Dongarra, et al) ChemEng (Bishop) San Diego, GMD, Berkeley

7 Grid Computing AEI Numerical Relativity Group has access to high-end resources in over ten centers in Europe/USA They want: Bigger simulations, more simulations and faster throughput Intuitive IO at local workstation No new systems/techniques to master!! How to make best use of these resources? Provide easier access … noone can remember ten usernames, passwords, batch systems, file systems, … great start!!! Combine resources for larger productions runs (more resolution badly needed!) Dynamic scenarios … automatically use what is available Remote/collaborative visualization, steering, monitoring Many other motivations for Grid computing ...

8 Grand Picture Viz of data from previous simulations in SF café
Remote Viz in St Louis Remote steering and monitoring from airport Remote Viz and steering from Berlin DataGrid/DPSS Downsampling IsoSurfaces http HDF5 T3E: Garching Origin: NCSA Globus Simulations launched from Cactus Portal Grid enabled Cactus runs on distributed machines

9 IsoSurfaces and Geodesics Grid FunctionsStreaming HDF5
Remote Visualization OpenDX OpenDX Amira Contour plots (download) IsoSurfaces and Geodesics LCA Vision Grid FunctionsStreaming HDF5 Amira

10 Remote Steering Any Viz Client Amira XML HTTP Remote Viz data HDF5

11 Remote Offline Visualization
Viz Client (Amira) HDF5 VFD DataGrid (Globus) DPSS FTP HTTP Viz in Berlin VisualizationClient Downsampling, hyperslabs Only what is needed DPSS Server FTP Server Web Server Remote Data Server 4TB at NCSA

12 Remote Monitoring: Thorn HTTPD
Thorn which allows simulation any to act as its own web server Connect to simulation from any browser anywhere … collaborate Monitor run: parameters, basic visualization, ... Change steerable parameters See running example at Wireless remote viz, monitoring and steering

13 Remote Viz: OpenDX Open source, (free), multiplatform, large active development community, easy to program Reads HDF5 (Cactus) data from file or remotely streamed from Cactus Simple GUI, select different hyperslabs from 3D data Also support for streamed ASCII data from Cactus

14 Remote Viz: IsoView Lightweight, free, isosurface viewer
Distributed from Cactus website Displays isosurfaces streamed from Cactus (thorn IsoSurfacer calculates isosurfaces inline with the parallel simulation) Connect to running simulation on any remote machine Steer isosurface value from client

15 Cactus Portal KDI ASC Project
Technology: Globus, GSI, Java Beans, DHTML, Java CoG, MyProxy, GPDK, TomCat, Stronghold Locates resources, builds/finds executables, central management of parameter files/job output, submit jobs to local batch queues, tracks active jobs Submission of distributed runs Adding more collaborative features (eg group accounting, …) Accesses the ASC Grid Testbed (SDSC, NCSA, Argonne, ZIB, LRZ, AEI)

16 New Grid Applications Dynamic Staging: move to faster/cheaper/bigger machine “Cactus Worm” Multiple Universe create clone to investigate steered parameter (“Cactus Virus”) Automatic Convergence Testing from intitial data or initiated during simulation Look Ahead spawn off and run coarser resolution to predict likely future Spawn Independent/Asynchronous Tasks send to cheaper machine, main simulation carries on Thorn Profiling best machine/queue choose resolution parameters based on queue ….

17 New Grid Applications (2)
Dynamic Load Balancing inhomogeneous loads multiple grids Portal resource choosing simulation launching management Intelligent Parameter Surveys farm out to different machines Make use of Running with management tools such as Condor, Entropia, etc. Scripting thorns (management, launching new jobs, etc) Dynamic use of eg MDS for finding available resources

18 Dynamic Grid Computing
Add more resources SDSC Queue time over, find new machine Free CPUs!! RZG SDSC Clone job with steered parameter Calculate/Output Invariants LRZ Archive data Found a horizon, try out excision Calculate/Output Grav. Waves Look for horizon Find best resources Go! NCSA

19 Users View

20 Cactus Grid Development
Projects: GrADs, KDI Astrophysics Collaboratory, TIKSL/GriKSL, EGrid/GGF, Globus team, AEI Grid Application Development Toolkit: Application developer should be able to build simulations with tools that easily enable dynamic grid capabilities e.g. Query information server, Network Monitoring, Simulation instrumenation/Contract specification, Spawning and Migrating, Authentification Server, Data handling, Data transfer, Visualization, Steering, … Remote visualization, steering, data management User Portal Dynamics Applications

21 More Information ... Cactus: Global Grid Forum (Egrid) ASC Portal
Web Site: (Documentation/Tutorials etc) Cactus Worm: Global Grid Forum (Egrid) ASC Portal TIKSL Gigabit Computing Black Holes and Neutron Star: Pictures and Movies Any questions:

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