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Grid Event Management Using R-GMA Monitoring Framework

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Presentation on theme: "Grid Event Management Using R-GMA Monitoring Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid Event Management Using R-GMA Monitoring Framework
ISGC April 27-29, 2005 Min Tsai ASCC/CERN

2 Overview Introduction to R-GMA R-GMA Monitoring Framework
Event Management System

3 R-GMA Introduction (Slides from Steve Fisher)
Background R-GMA developed in EDG Deployed by LCG Re-engineered for the EGEE project Uniform data transport mechanism for: Measurement Resource information Logging Monitoring

4 R-GMA – one cloud A relational implementation of GMA (from GGF)
Producer A relational implementation of GMA (from GGF) Powerful data model and query language All data modelled as tables SQL can express complex queries in one expression Creates impression that you have one RDBMS R-GMA Consumer

5 Example Deployment Server Schema Service Registry Site A Server
Site B Server Server Producer Service Consumer Service Producer Service Consumer Service API control data Key API Consumer application Producer application Site C Site D

6 The Producer Service Producer created control data Key declare API
application Producer Service

7 The Producer Service Registry Service contacted to register producer
control data Key Registry Service register producer declare API Producer application Producer Service

8 The Producer Service Data transferred from the application to Producer Service If there are no consumers then the data goes no further than the Producer Service control data Key Registry Service register producer declare API Producer application Producer Service insert

9 Producers Secondary Producers (SP) Primary Producers (PP)
Initial source of data Data published by user code stored by Producer Service Secondary Producers (SP) Used to republish data to: co-locate information to speed up queries reduce network traffic PP PP SP

10 The Consumer Service Query issued by user code
Consumer Service carries out all of the work on its behalf control data Key query API Consumer application Consumer Service

11 The Consumer Service Registry Service contacted to identify relevant producers Mediator works out list of producers to answer query control data Key Registry Service Mediator list of producers query query API Consumer application Consumer Service

12 The Consumer Service Consumer Service contacts relevant producers
control data Key Registry Service Mediator list of producers query query query API Consumer application Consumer Service Producer Service Producer Service Producer Service Producer Service

13 The Consumer Service Data transferred directly from Producer Services to the Consumer Service control data Key Registry Service Mediator list of producers query query query API Consumer application Consumer Service Producer Service Producer Service Producer Service tuples Producer Service tuples

14 The Consumer Service Query types: Continuous queries History Queries
as soon as new data becomes available it is broadcast to all interested parties History Queries return time sequenced data Latest Queries correspond to intuitive idea of current information

15 Using R-GMA Three steps to Producing Three Steps to Consuming
Create Producer Declare table Insert data Three Steps to Consuming Create a Consumer with your query Start it Read data More information JRA1-UK web site:

16 R-GMA Monitoring Framework

17 Problems with Monitoring Tools
Inconsistent site configuration sources Results in different site coverage Difficult to correlate test results Different site Identification methods Search through many web pages Time consuming especially with 100’s sites!

18 Unified Monitoring Site configurations are consistent
Only from GOCDB Data is sent to single data transport (R-GMA) Shared data schema Shared client applications (UI, Alarm Sys.) Data can be selectively collected to create custom view (CIC, ROC, site admin) Application can share results and build dependencies Application can more easily be distributed using R-GMA to aggregate the data

19 Unified Schema TestDef TestDefRelation Test are registered here
Provides information describing each test testName, friendlyName, isVirtual dataType, Unit testHelp, testTitle TestDefRelation Defines logical test groups and organize tests superTestName, subTestName displayPriority, flavour

20 Unified Schema (cont.) TestData TestDataRelation
Holds data produced by test testName nodeName summaryData detailedData Status 0:NA, 10:OK, 20:INFO, etc. TestDataRelation Defines test data dependencies superTestName, superNodeName subTestName, subNodeName

21 Monitoring Console

22 Event Management System (EMS)

23 Introduction to EMS Goal of Operation Centers to maximize availability of Grid services EMS will help facilitate this by providing: immediate notification as faults and performance degradation is identified Shared EMS services that enables Correlation and analysis of historical events of disparate monitoring tools Reduce redundant development of notification modules for Grid monitoring applications

24 EMS Prototype Web Services event transport and command client developed as a proof of concept Individual monitoring application send events directly to a centralized EMS Core Service. Client applications can then query the EMS Core for new events Events are stored in an XML format and filtered using XPath expressions

25 Migration to R-GMA Transport
Already fully deployed in LCG2 R-GMA benefits No additional work required by applications using R-GMA Monitoring Framework Built-in data archiving Automatic timestamps Flexible SQL queries Planned features Security Fully redundant directory and schema service

26 Event Management System

27 EMS Java Client

28 Additional Details and Help Information

29 Sorting by Columns

30 What Lies Ahead Not ready for operations use yet Display
Filtering mechanism to customize event received Display list of current active alarms Event reduction Based on test dependencies Damping of flapping events Notification Audio Communication Broadcast comments for a particular event

31 Questions? R-GMA Monitoring Framework EMS Piotr Nyczyk Judit Novak
Piotr Nyczyk Judit Novak Andrey Kiryanov Dave Kant EMS Antun Gusev Doug Chen Mark Ho Jeng-Hsueh Wu

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