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The 8th International Workshop
on Chiral Dynamics 2015 Experimental tests of nuclear interaction models in few-nucleon systems Elżbieta Stephan University of Silesia, Katowice, POLAND
System of 3 Nucleons Predictions of NN potentials alone
fail to reproduce binding energies of 3N, 4N and heavier systems fail to reproduce minimum of the d(N,N)d elastic scattering cross section Introducing concept of three-nucleon forces: genuine (irreducible) interaction of three nucleons Systematic approach within ChPT E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
Experimental studies of 3N Systems
Reactions: Elastic scattering: N + d → N + d Breakup: N + d → N + N + N and electromagnetic processes Observables: differential cross section vector&tensor analyzing powers polarization transfer, correlations Energy range - why "medium" and what does it mean? measurable 3NF effects below pion threshold Technique: spectrometers large acceptance detectors E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
More Dynamical Effects ? Coulomb force and relativity
Predictions for the N-d elastic scattering Coulomb without C. with C. E=135 MeV 3NF relativity Effects small, located at extreme angles only ! E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
3N Systems – Elastic Scattering Vector & Tensor Analyzing Powers (130 MeV)
NN is enough 140 MeV - K. Sekiguchi et al., Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004) 130 MeV - H. Mardanpour et al., Eur. Phys. Jour. 31, 383 (2007), E.Stephan et al., Phys. Rev (2007) 100 MeV E.Stephan et al., 3NF spoils? ??? E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
3N Systems Elastic Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering
Number of observables for the elastic scatterng channel - complete set would provide full dynamical information (at the given energy) Only fraction has been measured accurately and systematically (RIKEN/RCNP/IUCF/KVI) Not completely clear picture - still much to explore ! Complementary studies needed: Nucleon-Deuteron Breakup E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015 Diagram: K. Sekiguchi, FB20
3N Systems-Breakup Reaction
Three nucleons in the final state - 9 variables Energy-momentum conservation – 4 equations Five independent kinematical variables Complete (exclusive) exp. – measured ≥ 5 Inclusive exp. – measured ≤ 4 parameters Arclength Variable S 1H(d,pp)n measured: directions and energies of two protons, i.e. θ1,φ1,E1 θ2,φ2,E2 E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
1H(d,pp)n and 2H(p,pp)n Breakup Cross Section 3NF+Coulomb / 3NF+Relativistic Effects
p+d 200 MeV d+p 130 MeV (75 MeV/nucleon) A.Deltuva et al., Phys. Rev. C80, , (2009) H. Witała et al., Phys. Rev. C83, , (2011) E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
Detection Systems at KVI
BINA SALAD 140 ΔE-E telescopes 3 plane MWPC angular acceptance: θ = (12º, 38º), φ = (0º, 360º) Wall - very similar to SALAD Ball - system of 149 phoswitches angular acceptance: nearly 4π E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
1H(d,pp)n and 2H(p,pp)n Studies at KVI
Experiment dp130 +GeWall dp100 dp160 pd135 pd190 Beam energy 130 MeV 65 MeV/A 100 MeV 50 MeV/A 160 MeV 80 MeV/A 135 MeV 190 MeV Average current 50 pA 8 pA 10 pA Polarization vector & tensor (7 states) (5 states) NO vector (1 state) (2 states) Target LH2 LD2 Detector SALAD (GeWall-FZ-Juelich) BINA W. Parol PhD data points per observable on systematic grid of proton emission angles Simultaneous measurement of the elastic scattering channel Part of the data still being analysed E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
1H(d,pp)n Measurement at 130 MeV Cross Section Results – Highlights
Faddeev calculations Realistic NN potentials CD Bonn, NijmI, NijmII, Av18 3NF models: TM99, UIX Coupled channel pot. CD Bonn (mod) + Δ EFT/ChPT potentials NNLO – 2N only NNLO – 2N + 3 N
1H(d,pp)n Measurement at 130 MeV Cross Section Results – 3NF & Coulomb Effects
Including Coulomb force effects improves the agreement with the data at low Erel values The best agreement is reached when both, the Coulomb force and the 3NF are taken into account ! E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015 12
1H(d,pp)n breakup at 130 MeV Tensor analyzing power
Problem with TM99 3NF E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
3N system - 2H(p,pp)n Breakup Vector (proton) Analyzing Power
190 MeV, H. Mardanpour et al. 135 MeV, M. Eslami-Kalantari et al. P Ay Ay
continuation: BINA in Cyclotron Center Bronowice
Cyclotron Proteus C-235: Energy 230 MeV (degradation down to 70 MeV) ΔE/E < 0.7% Beam current 500 nA – 0.1 nA STEPS/ACTIONS: Installation in CCB (adapting to beam line & infrastructure) Checks of detectors: repairs, improvements, maintenance Test run with scintillator detectors; ZnS, CD2 targets Test run with all datectors (including MWPC); ZnS, CD2 , CH2 targets Liquid target system E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015 15
Test run: CH2 vs CD2 targets
Coincidence trigger: WALL & BALL E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
d+p breakup reaction WASA@COSY
Deuteron beam Energies 340, 380, 400 MeV Pellet H target WASA detector forward part: 3o-18o central part: 20o-169o E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015 17
WASA KVI CCB E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
Next step: System of 4 Nucleons
IUCF d+d elastic scattering at 241 MeV KVI - BBS d+d elastic scattering at 135 MeV KVI - BINA d+d -> d+p+n at 135 MeV d+d -> d+p+n at 160 MeV Considered (CCB): p+3He -> d+p+p (and other channels) comparison of dd breakup data for quasi-elastic scattering with pd elastic scattering G.Khatri PhD E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
p+d Breakup versus Elastic Scattering Invariant variables
based on 4-momenta of: in entrance channel: proton pp, deuteron pd, in exit channel: protons pp1, pp2 and neutron pn deuteron treated as proton-neutron pair, elastic scattering treated consistently with breakup modified to intuitive energy variables FSI: QFS: E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
Breakup versus Elastic Scattering any relation between the effects?
d+p at 130 MeV kinematical points limited to angles and energies of particles registered in SALAD NN interaction: AV18 + 3NF UrbanaIX effect of adding Coulomb force studied the largest Coulomb force effects in breakup observed far from elastic scattering acceptance for el.scatt E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
1H(d,pp)n breakup versus elastic scattering any relation between the effects?
d+p at 130 MeV kinematical points limited to angles and energies of particles registered in SALAD NN interaction: AV18 + Coulomb effect of adding UrbanaIX 3NF studied the 3NF largest effects in breakup observed in pn FSI region E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
Breakup Measurements Summary
Systematic, precise sets of cross sections and analyzing powers basis for comparing different approaches which predict the 3N system observables Significant 3NF effects for cross sections ! Found large influence of the Coulomb force on c.s. Relativistic effects to be studied in detail Discrepancies – hint of missing pieces in dynamic models Necessary: further precise and rich data sets, systematic way of comparing data with calculations as well as theoretical advances – new ChPT ? E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015 23
Thank you for attention !
E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
System of 3 Nucleons Models of 3NF:
Naturally appearing in Chiral Perturbation Theory at N2LO: E. Stephan UŚl PISA - CD2015
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