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6.1 Locate Information 6.2 Secondary Sources 6.3 Evaluate Information

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1 6.1 Locate Information 6.2 Secondary Sources 6.3 Evaluate Information
CHAPTER 6 5/11/2018 CHAPTER 6 Research 6.1 Locate Information 6.2 Secondary Sources 6.3 Evaluate Information 6.4 Record Information ESSENTIAL SPEECH

2 Lesson 6.1 Locate Information
CHAPTER 6 5/11/2018 Lesson 6.1 Locate Information CHAPTER 6 GOALS Define research and discuss personal knowledge, experiences, and observation research. Define primary sources and identify types of primary sources. ESSENTIAL SPEECH

3 Initial Research CHAPTER 6 Personal Knowledge Experience Observation

4 Primary Sources Surveys Experiments Original documents and objects
CHAPTER 6 Surveys Experiments Original documents and objects Interviews

5 Interviews Select the best person Write good questions
CHAPTER 6 Select the best person Write good questions Conduct the interview Process the interview

6 Types of Questions Primary questions Follow-up questions
CHAPTER 6 Primary questions Follow-up questions Open questions Closed questions Neutral questions Leading questions

7 Guidelines for Conducting the Interview
CHAPTER 6 Arrive early Dress appropriately Introduce yourself Repeat the purpose of the interview Be courteous Listen carefully Ask questions Keep the interview moving Be aware of nonverbal language End on time Confirm the person’s credentials

8 Lesson 6.2 Secondary Sources
CHAPTER 6 GOALS Define secondary sources. Identify types of secondary sources.

9 Secondary Source CHAPTER 6 Developed from information gathered from another source

10 Types of Secondary Sources
CHAPTER 6 Books Periodicals Newspapers Encyclopedias Statistical Sources Biographical References Books of Quotations U.S. Government Publications Internet Resources

11 Electronic Catalog Card
CHAPTER 6 Ways to search Title Author Subject Keywords Information on catalog card Location Call number Status Note

12 Evaluation Checklist for Internet Sources
CHAPTER 6 Who created the site? Why was the site created? Is the site current? What links are posted on the site? Is the information accurate?

13 Lesson 6.3 Evaluate Information
CHAPTER 6 GOALS Discuss criteria for judging sources. Explain how to identify and select relevant information. Recognize the importance of using information from multiple cultural views.

14 Criteria for Judging Sources
CHAPTER 6 Is the source credible? Is the information relevant? Is the information objective? Is the information current?

15 Identify and Select Relevant Information
CHAPTER 6 Factual Statements Expert Opinions Elaborations

16 Factual Statements CHAPTER 6 Statistics Examples Definitions

17 Expert Opinions CHAPTER 6 Interpretations and judgments made by someone with credentials in a subject area Characteristics of experts Knowledgeable Experienced Recognized

18 Elaborations Anecdotes and narratives Quotations
CHAPTER 6 Anecdotes and narratives Quotations Comparisons and contrasts

19 Include Culturally Diverse Views
CHAPTER 6 Speak to the entire audience Use sources that represent view of more than one cultural group

20 Lesson 6.4 Record Information
CHAPTER 6 GOALS Discuss how to prepare research cards. Explain how to cite sources in your speech.

21 Prepare Research Cards
CHAPTER 6 Heading or key words that identify the topic Subhead or key words that identify the subcategory to which the information belongs Specific fact, opinion, or elaboration statement Specific quotations Bibliographical publication data

22 Sample Research Card Topic: Bioluminescence Heading: Uses
CHAPTER 6 Topic: Bioluminescence Heading: Uses Fireflies blink to communicate, and each fly has a distinctive blink. Males and females also blink during mating season. Kathryn Lund Johnson. “Things that go ‘blink’ in the night.” American Gardener, Jul./Aug. 2006, v. 85 i.4, pp. 46–47.

23 Cite Sources in Your Speech
CHAPTER 6 Oral footnotes Reason for citing sources Credibility Depth Ethical practice

24 Examples of Appropriate Speech Source Citations
CHAPTER 6 Books “Thomas Friedman, noted international editor for the New York Times, stated in his book The World Is Flat…” Journal or magazine articles “According to an article about the Federal Reserve in last week’s Newsweek magazine…” Newspapers “According to a May 2007 article in the Wall Street Journal…” Continued on next slide

25 Examples of Appropriate Speech Source Citations
CHAPTER 6 Interviews “In my telephone interview on September 29 with Dr. Susan Nissen, physician for physical medicine in Kansas City, Kansas, I learned that…” Internet sources “According to a January 2007 posting on the official website of the American Dietetic Association…” Continued on next slide

26 Examples of Appropriate Speech Source Citations
CHAPTER 6 Television programs “According to a May 1995 CNN special broadcast called ‘Cry Hatred’…” Public speeches “In a speech on business ethics delivered to the Public Relations Society of America last November, Preston Townly, CEO of the Conference Board, said…”

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