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Silvi Municipality.

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1 Silvi Municipality

2 Abruzzo Region is located in the centre of Italy
and is made up by 4 Provinces: Chieti, L’Aquila, Pescara and Teramo. Each Province is divided into municipalities: Provinces n. 4 Municipalities – total in Abruzzo n. 305: 104 in Chieti province 46 in Pescara province 47 in Teramo province 108 in L’Aquila province Citizens in the region: n 2

3 Coordinates GPS: 42°33′0″N 14°7′0″E Surface: 20,63 Kmq
Altitude: 240 m s.l.m. Inhabitants: Coordinates GPS: 42°33′0″N 14°7′0″E Surface: 20,63 Kmq Although being a small town in terms of population, because of its importance as tourist destination it has been recognized as “City”since 1996 by a Decree of the President of the Italian Republic

4 Pescara Airport 16 Km (international flights to Spain, Germany, UK, Albania, Belgium, France…)
Pescara Railway station 12 Km (high speed trains to North and South of Italy 3 hours to Bologna five hours to Milan) Motorway to Rome 200 Km Non-Stop Buses all-day-long, also direct line to and from Fiumicino and Ciampino airports

5 Our social, youth and sport Service
As public authority we provide professional social, health and educational services to individuals and we have  1 psychologist , 3 welfare officers and 2 specialised teachers. The municipality also manages an after school centre for children aged 6-11 with special needs We have primary and secondary schools We have about 450 children aged 3-5 attending nursery schools; 700 children aged 6-10 attending primary schools;  500 young  people aged attending secondary school and also a new technical school focused on hotel and cooking services attended by young aged 14-18

6 Silvi Municipality Youth policies
Agreement with «Consorzio Up» a training organisation providing life-long learning courses both formal and informal, according to european rules and programs Attention to social problems and special needs (long term strategy of urban regeneration especially through sport…new infrastractures and policies)

7 Since January 2017 Silvi Municipality is a Newly European Voluntary Service accredited organization
Took part in an official training on 6-7 April 2017 We can coordinate projects and/or send volunteers and have started an information campaign for local NGOs, associations etc. to become receiving organizations within the EVS We participate in a project (26 of April call deadline) within the new Strategic EVS programme

8 Two projects to be submitted also by the next Erasmus + Youth mobility deadline (26 April)
«Support Youth Employability by Non-formal Education» 8 days training course addressed to 35 youth workers and/or leaders to focus on youth unemployment and non-formal education «Hands Up for Nature» 10 days youth exchange to improve and strengthen the knowledge, skills and behaviour of participants to promote environment protection and sustainable development

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