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Self Service Banner (SSB) Access

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Presentation on theme: "Self Service Banner (SSB) Access"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Service Banner (SSB) Access
Student Manual

2 Login to Access Go to using any web browser.
Login with your A-number and Password.

3 Student Information Main Menu
Personal Information Allows students to view and update personal information.

4 Personal Information is the Universities official form of communication with students. Make sure your preferred is correct and updated.

5 Student Information Main Menu
Register for classes.

6 Student Registration Main Menu

7 Student Registration 1st 2nd

8 Student Registration A Course Search will produce a list of all courses offered in the selected department. A list of sections will be generated for each course. 1st 2nd

9 Student Registration An Advanced Search allows students to search by subject, course number, schedule type, instructional method, campus, course level, attribute type and start and end times Generates courses based on delivery method: online, on-campus, broadcast or Year Long. Correlates to section code.

10 Student Registration Online Course Search
Identifies delivery method.

11 Section Descriptions A=San Juan B=Brigham City C=Southwest E=Moab
Main Campus Begin with 0 and end with number. Broadcast Begin with letter to identify USU Center. Second digit B = Broadcast. Third digit Number = section. Students should register with their closest USU Center. Online Begin with letter to identify USU Center. Second digit O = Online. Third digit Number = section. Students should register with their closest USU Center. Independent Study Year Long Begin with letter to identify USU Center. Second digit Y = Year Long. Third digit Number = section. Students should register with their closest USU Center. 001, 002, AB1, BB1, CB1, EB1, KB1, LB1, NB1, PB1, SB1, TB1, UB1, ZB1 AO1, BO1, CO1, EO1, KO1, LO1, NO1, PO1, SO1, TO1, UO1, ZO1 AY1, BY1, CY1, EY1, KY1, LY1, NY1, PY1, SY1, TY1, UY1, ZY1 A=San Juan B=Brigham City C=Southwest E=Moab K=Kaysville L=Logan N=Orem P=Price S=Salt Lake City T=Tooele U= Uintah Basin Z= Out-of-State

12 Student Registration Add & Drop

13 Student Registration Account Detail for Term

14 Student Registration Pay Your Account

15 Student Records Main Page

16 Student Records Transfer Credit

17 Student Records Test Scores

18 Student Records View Holds
Contact Originator with questions.

19 Student Records Order Transcripts
Verify graduation date has posted, prior to placing order.

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