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Second Empire of France

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1 Second Empire of France
Napoleon III Second Empire of France

2 Quick Biography Born Paris- 1808 Nephew to Napoleon I
Exiled to Switzerland & Italy after Waterloo (involved in Carbonari – Revolutionaries/Nationalist in Italy) After death of Napoleon’s son in became claimant to French throne Attempted coup arrested; exiled to England Returned to Paris in elected to National Assembly

3 Path to becoming the new French President
Great Name – Romantics had transformed the former dictator to a demigod Middle Class & Peasant Property Owners wanted a tough leader to protect their property from Socialist Urban workers + Stability Pamphlets distributed prior to the election showed his positive program for France He believed govt. should represent the people and help them economically. ( Direct Link) Appeared to be a strong leader Elected as Pres to Second Republic 1850 Louis triumphs the system; appeals to the people-- elected Pres. through coalition of conservatives and Bonapartists.

4 President of the 2nd French Republic to …Emperor
Required by the Constitution to share power with a Conservative National Assembly 13th Law- Second Republic limits suffrage-- Unpopular * signed bills that increased the Catholic Church in Education After the Assembly failed to allocate funds to pay his debts and no second term…. Coup d'état and plebiscite to make him Emperor

5 Economics- GOOD Gradual expansion of economy, wages over inflation
Improved public works-builds railroads (1700km to 1800km), bridges, education under RCC, built Suez Canal Investments- Credit Foncier (France) fostered middle class investment, Credit Mobilier (US)- loans to farmers, scandal-Banks still in existence today Free trade advocate Rebuilding of Paris- Baron Haussmann large vistas discourage Paris uprisings and blockades

6 Economics- BAD 40 Million- population stagnation
Slow pace of industrialization- France % agriculture, England % agriculture This will hinder France later Second Empire is considered time of prosperity so not much here

7 Politics Authoritarian Rule –early Restriction of press
Strong bureaucracy relies on loyal prefects- all power to Napoleon “Boiling Pot”- Napoleon III kept lid on currents seething underneath- Example problems=Catholics, socialists, labor, liberals In the 1860’s he allowed workers to form union and strike. He chose his own ministers, and allowed them freedom of action yet… Restricted but not abolish the National Assembly

8 Political Success/Challenges to Napoleon III
Gov. sponsored candidates were the key to roads, tax rebates, and local benefits. 1857, 1863 he worked the electoral system , but middle class liberals challenged him so… Promoted Liberalism during later reign Gave the assembly opposition greater powers & freedoms By 1869 the opposition consisting of Republicans, monarchists, liberals, polled 45% of the vote. 1870 New French Constitution Parliamentary regime Hereditary Emperor as chief of state Political Success/Challenges to Napoleon III

9 The Ballet of Europe

10 Foreign Policy Led France in Crimean War and negotiated Treaty of Paris- 1856 Sided with Sardinia against Austria and victorious at Battle of Solferino- 1859 Aided Italy against Austria –got Nice and Savoy in return Created Latin empire- installed Maximilian in Mexico ( ) Kept France neutral in Austro-Prussian War 1870- Franco-Prussian War against Bismarck- lost Battle of Sedan, surrendered, deposed; exiled to England; dies in 1873

11 The Crimean War 1853-1854 Russian expansion into Ottoman Empire
Dispute between France & Russia over holy sites France, Britain, and Ottomans are victories Russian loses 450,000, Russian Naval Defeat Alexander II realized the need to industrialize Florence Nightingale- Allied Nurse

12 Maximillian in Mexico 1862-67
Mexican Civil War Liberals vs Conservatives Vera Cruz vs Mexico City European nation attempt to collect debt Napoleon has territorial ambitions In 1862, French Emperor Napoleon III maneuvered to establish a French client state in Mexico, and eventually installed Maximilian of Habsburg, Archduke of Austria, as Emperor of Mexico.

13 Franco – PrussianWar Set up by Bismarck, Napoleon III took the bait
Wanted to teach Prussia a lesson Paris surrendered in Jan. 1871, betrayed by the rest of the country Paris Surrounded, fighting, yet starving Harsh peace for France , 5 billion francs Cede Alsace & part of Lorraine to Germany

14 Social Immigration increase
Strongly Catholic- Napoleon becomes embroiled in Italian unification issues- angers the Catholics- Napoleon sends French troops to protect Pope Pius IX- troops stay and complicate unification Low birth rate- what is wrong with these Catholics????

15 Cultural Boom and Bloom
Painting- Manet, Degas ( Impressionism) Literature- Victor Hugo, etc. Music Science

16 Édouard Manet Music in the Tuileries, 1862 He was one of the first 19th-century artists to paint modern life, and a pivotal figure in the transition from Realism to Impress ionism "Olympia" was championed by the French avant-garde community, and the painting's significance was appreciated by artists such as Gustave Courbet, Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet, and later Paul Gauguin. The Luncheon on the Grass (Le déjeuner sur l'herbe), 1863

17 Olympia, 1863

18 Edgar Degas He is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers. He is regarded as one of the founders of Impressionism The Dance Class (La Classe de Danse), 1873–1876 Musicians in the Orchestra, 1872 L'Absinthe, 1876

19 Military Crimean War- alliance with GB
Italy & Piedmont- gain Nice and Savoy Franco Prussian War-lost Alsace and Lorraine Protects Pope Maximilian- Mexico (stupid move)

20 Decline French Nationalism- promoted France as major European power- second largest economy in Europe after GB (but not for long) authoritarian –prefects central power liberal empire- Emile Olivier –republican prime minister- endorsed reforms 1870- Franco-Prussian War against Bismarck- lost Battle of Sedan, surrendered, deposed; exiled to England; dies in 1873. Government passes legislative Assembly to Third Republic/Paris Commune-March 1871

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