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Implementing HB 5 in La Porte ISD

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1 Implementing HB 5 in La Porte ISD
Last summer, the 83rd Texas Legislature passed House Bill 5 which contains sweeping changes to the Texas Education Code.

2 Key Components of HB 5 Allows greater flexibility in the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) with endorsements Expands available CTE courses that will satisfy the requirements for endorsements House Bill 5 creates a brand new graduation plan called the Foundation High School Program, or FHSP, and encourages students to earn career pathway endorsements and performance acknowledgements on their diplomas.

3 Reduces End-of-Course Exam Requirements
Key Components of HB 5 Reduces End-of-Course Exam Requirements Algebra I Biology US History English I (combined r+w) English II (combined r+w) A very popular part of HB 5 is a reduction in the number of End-of-Course exams required for graduation. Students in Cohorts 2015, 2016, and beyond currently must take and pass 15 EOC exams. HB 5 will require only 5 exams for graduation regardless of the graduation plan the student selects.

4 Core Requirements of The New FHSP w/Endorsements
4 English (Eng I, Eng II, Eng III, and advanced English) 4 Math (to include Alg I, Geom, and advanced Math) 4 Sciences (to include Bio) 3 Social Studies (to include W Geo, US History, Gov’t, and Econ) 1 PE 1 Fine Art 2 credits of the same foreign language 7 electives The new Foundation High School Program will allow each student much more flexibility in selecting courses. In general, the graduation plan will include 4 credits of English, 4 credits of Math, 4 credits of Science, 3 credits of Social Studies, 1 credit of PE, 1 credit of fine art, 2 credits of the same foreign language, and 7 electives, for a total of 26 credits.

5 The FHSP with Endorsements
All students will be required to earn at least one endorsement in one of the following areas: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Business and Industry Public Services Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary Studies In addition to the requirements of the new FHSP, most students will have to choose an endorsement. The STEM endorsement includes those courses directly related to science, including environmental science; technology, including computer science; engineering, and advanced mathematics. The business and industry endorsement includes courses directly related to information technology, data based management, marketing, accounting, finance, graphic design, construction, welding, automotive technology, and agricultural science. The public services endorsement includes courses directly related to health sciences and occupations, education and training, law enforcement, and culinary arts and hospitality. The arts and humanities endorsement includes courses directly related to political science, literature, world languages, cultural studies, history and fine art. The multidisciplinary studies endorsement allows student to take courses in each of the endorsements and allows students to earn advanced courses in a variety of areas sufficient to earn a distinguished level of performance. In La Porte ISD, all students have chosen a pathway in Bridges. All of these pathways fall under one of the new endorsements. Specific requirements for each endorsement will not be known until some time in the school year.

6 Distinguished Level of Achievement
To earn the distinguished level of achievement, students must complete: The FHSP An Endorsement Algebra II Students completing the distinguished level are eligible for college admission under the Top 10% automatic admissions provision. To earn the distinguished level of achievement, students must complete the foundation high school program, earn an endorsement, and complete credit in Algebra II. Students completing the distinguished level are eligible for college admission under the Top 10% automatic admissions provision.

7 What happened to the old graduation plans?
Students currently in 12th grade may graduate on the graduation plans now in place (MHSP, RHSP, DAP) or may choose the FHSP. Starting all students will have to Graduate under the HB 5 Graduation Plan. Students who are currently in grades 9 through 11 may choose to graduate on the current graduation plans, or they may choose the new Foundation High School Program. The current graduation programs, Minimum, Recommended, and Distinguished Achievement, will be phased out over time.

8 Course Registration Process
1. Students will complete the course registration process for next year’s high courses at Lomax JH and at La Porte JH in February of each school year. 2. High school personnel including Counselors will be on hand to assist with the registration process. 3. Every rising 9th grade student must select at least one Endorsement as their career pathway. A student may change their Endorsement as they go through high school but must be aware of the amount of time they will need to meet the requirements of the new Endorsement if they change. Each Endorsement requires at least 4 electives in a cohesive sequence to satisfy its elective requirements. Students should log into Bridges and make certain next year’s planned courses are accurate. This can be done from any computer with internet connection.

9 Course Registration Process
 4. In April on each school year, students will bring a course verification sheet home for parents to review. Parents should review the selected courses carefully, make changes if necessary on the verification sheet, sign the sheet and have their student bring it back to their counselor. 5. Course verification sheets need to be signed and returned to your student’s counselor no later than the first week of May. A specific date will be posted on the student’s course verification sheet. * If you wish to make changes after that date, contact your campus to speak with a counselor. The high school’s master schedule for next year is created based on the courses requested by students during the registration process. As a result, any requested changes made after May may or may not be granted. If you wish to make changes to your student’s selected courses then write the changes on the verification sheet, sign it, and return it to your counselor. Contact a high school campus counselor if you have questions.

10 Help us help you! Carefully check the course verification sheet that comes home to make sure that your child is scheduled in the correct classes for next year. Make any changes if needed on the verification sheet, sign it and have your child bring it back to their counselor by the deadline set in May. Check often for updates. Rather than waiting until the last minute before school starts in August, La Porte ISD is taking a proactive approach in preparing for the Foundation High School Program. You can help by turning in course change requests in a timely manner so your campus can move forward in planning the master schedule. Please check the La Porte ISD website often this summer to get updates on House Bill 5 and the graduation plan changes. Feel free to call your high school campus and make an appointment with a high school counselor to discuss the new graduation plan implications for your situation.

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