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Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P

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Presentation on theme: "Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P
Multiple Data Sources Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P Student Name BOY Book Title - BOY Accuracy Oral Written Risk or Need BOG Teacher MOY Book Title - MOY OC WC Student # 1 L The Statue of Liberty 97% 5/5 P 2/3 (P) Strategic 426/1 B-R 98% 5/5 (P) High Risk/intensive M Trees on Our Planet 93% 3/5 NP 1/3 NP 4/5 (P) 1/3 (NP) Student # 2 K Amazing Lasers 2/3 P Intensive 431/1 A-E N Giraffes 96% Some Risk 100% 4/5 P 0/3 NP O A New Skatepark 9600% N/A Student # 3 J Harvest Mouse 99% 436/2 B-T High Risk/Intensive

2 Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P
Multiple Data Sources Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P Student # 4 K Amazing Lasers 97% 4/5 P 2/3 P Intensive 433/2 B-T M Trees on Our Planet 98% 5/5 (P) 2/3 (P) Some Risk L The Statue of Liberty 100% 5/5 P 1/3 NP N Giraffes 1/3 (NP) 99% O A New Skatepark Student # 5 428/1 B-R Low Risk/OGL P Beavers 96% 4/5 (P) 95% 2/5 NP Student # 6 429/1 A-E 3/3 (P) 94% 0/3 NP N/A

3 Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P
Multiple Data Sources Benchmark Goal: BOY = Level M MOY = Level O EOY = Level P Student # 7 J Harvest Mice 95% 4/5 P 3/3 P Intensive 425/1 A-D O A New Skatepark 91% 5/5 (P) 2/3 (P) Low Risk/OGL K Amazing Lasers 1/3 NP N Giraffes 96% L The Statue of Liberty 97% 4/5 (P) Student # 8 99% 2/3 P On Grade Level 423/1 A-E P Beavers Low Risk/Above N/A Q The Game of Soccer 94% 1/3 (NP) Student # 9 426/1 l 98% 100% Student # 10 Harvest Mouse 5/5 P B-T High Risk/Intensive M Trees on Our Planet 90%

4 mClass®: R3D TRC BOY to MOY
Student Growth Model P O N M L K J I BOY MOY Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 1-No growth & yellow to red! Students 2 through 10 showed growth; 2 students (# 3 & 10) grew 2 levels but remain red (high risk), 3 students went from red-yellow and grew 2 (# 4) or 3 levels (# 2 & #6), 2 students went from red to green and grew 4 levels (# 5) & 5 levels(# 7), and 2 students met the EOY Benchmark one student (#8) grew 2 levels (green to blue) and the other (#9) grew 5 levels and went from red to blue!

5 Teacher A Text Level P O N M L K J I BOY MOY Student 2 Student 6

6 Teacher B Text Level P O N M L K J I Student 1 Student 3 Student 4
N M L K J I BOY MOY Student 1 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 10

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