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Barnet VAWG Strategy: st Draft…

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1 Barnet VAWG Strategy: 2017-2020 1st Draft…
Kiran Vagarwal Strategic Lead, Safer Communities Environment Commissioning Group

2 Partnership Objectives (feedback)
Timeline to go live Key things to consider Vision ( feedback) Partnership Objectives (feedback) Key points highlighted under the objectives (Comments) Future commissioning – Govt expectations (comments) Consultation your thoughts

3 Timeline Current strategy (2013-2016) continues until March 2017
Key meetings for clearance DVA and VAWG Board Meetings: 14 December 2016 22 March 2017 Safer Communities Partnership Board 27 January 2017 28 April 2017 Period for consultation/workshops – December 2016 – February 2017?

4 VAWG Strategy Keep it simple and easy read Home Office 2016 Strategy
New Funding Transformation Fund New Policing and crime plan Elected Member Feedback (22 November) Victim/survivor Feedback Perpetrator Feedback Community Feedback Partnership feedback, statutory, voluntary and community Partnership away day Family services approach to building resilience Legal framework Keep it simple and easy read

5 Barnet Violence against Women and Girls Strategy ‘Improving outcomes for victims and their children’
Our Vision By 2020, identifying and preventing violence against women and girls is everyone’s business where women and girls who suffer domestic violence and abuse feel confident in reporting it to us and receive the right services at the right time and in the right way, families are more resilient, fewer victims reach crisis point, perpetrators are held to account with the onus on them to change their behaviour. Feed back from partners : is there anything missing?

6 What does our strategy enable ?
Enables victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse to feel supported and encourages the local community to report violence against women and girls. Informs the community how we would like to work with them to reduce the risk of violence against women and girls in Barnet. Provides clear direction on joint working for the strategic partners, voluntary and community group to ensure a consistent co-ordinated service. Sets out the VAWG priorities that partners can embed into their own organisational strategic and commissioning plans. Confirms to perpetrators our zero tolerance approach and that the onus is on them to change their behaviour. Feedback from partners – do you agree? Is there anything missing or needs adding?

7 Partnership Strategic Objectives
Preventing Violence against women and girls by changing attitudes and behaviour that foster violence against women and girls and intervening earlier. Improving outcomes for victims and their children by intervening in the right way, at the right time with the right services building victim and family resilience to stop problems escalating to crisis point Holding perpetrators to account through enforcement and putting the onus on them to change their behaviour Enhancing joint working practices between agencies by understanding local need and providing a consistent, co-ordinated response to victims and their children Comments?

8 Harmful practices – FGM, Forced Marriage and honour based violence
Partnership Objective 1: Prevent Violence against women and girls by changing attitudes and behaviour that foster violence against women and girls and intervening earlier Educating young people and teenagers about healthy relationships, abuse and consent, raise awareness about sexting and online abuse Protecting people on line – New law, revenge porn help line, Stop Online abuse website Harmful practices – FGM, Forced Marriage and honour based violence Early identification – ‘every ones business’ Every point of interaction counts, opportunity for intervention not missed Awareness campaigns Integrated approach - risk and need identification for all members of a family takes place at the same time, wrap around support Health service – partnership support, working with our mental health service Perpetrators – Commissioning perpetrator programme – behaviour change

9 Partnership Objective 2:   Improve outcomes for victims and their children by intervening in the right way, at the right time, with the right services Improving outcomes for victims and their children Provision will meet the needs of the diverse range of victims whether long term residents of Barnet or victims who have moved in more recently Greater demand on services – Identifying earlier, every ones business, increased reports Specialist services – will be listed with an appendices providing useful contact details and web links (council will update website) (partners to comment on services they want listed – not just specialist ) Future commissioning – next slide as the Home Office Strategy is very specific about this

10 Future Commissioning Based on local need
Evidence of what works, meet new challenges Involve third sector organisations in commissioning Pool budgets Support models of early intervention – and maintain crisis provision Early disclosure = more victims and families to support Services to consider women from outside the borough fleeing violence Calculate cost of VAWG across agencies – to support cross sector buy in Clearly identified outcomes and indicators – early intervention Consider duties under the Equalities Act

11 Partnership Objective 3:   Hold perpetrators to account through enforcement and putting the onus on them to change their behaviour Effective Sanctions (we can list as an appendices – provide links on websites). Prevent from influencing children, vulnerable people becoming perpetrators Support sustainable behaviour change and robust disruption Stronger focus on investigating and prosecuting – refer to page 10 Evidence led prosecutions First response by the police to all victims, particularly those who are vulnerable, is right first time, every time. Supporting victims through the CJS Prostitution Supporting female offenders affected by violence and abuse Included border force and online flags to raise awareness

12 Objective 4:   Develop joint working practices between agencies to provide a consistent, co-ordinated response to victims and their children Remain a strong partnership – refer to page 13 Multi-agency working – refer to page 15 - Future inspections - integrated approach – risk identification at the same time for victim, family, perpetrator DHR – statutory FGM mandatory reporting duty Multi-agency response to managing adolescent to parent violence Domestic abuse and housing – continue to support our housing colleagues Public transport – ‘report it to stop it’- campaign

13 Partnership thoughts on consultation?
Period for consultation/workshops – December 2016 – February 2017? Public – online Focus groups – development of action plan Users of our services Perpetrators Agencies – officers within their organisations Measuring success? Working Group to take this forward?

14 Next steps ? 22 November presenting outline to Community Leadership Committee On forward plan for the next DVA and VAWG Board and SCPB Develop consultation approach by Mid December 2016 Consultation start Mid December to end February 2017 ? Present to adult and children SG Boards, Health and Wellbeing Board? Complete blanks in document Produced governance charts, strategic links diagram Produce and agree performance indicators by March 2017 Produce and agree partnership action plan by March 2017 Produce appendices Update web sites with new strategy Produce A5 summary ? Official launch ?

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