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Presentation on theme: "BRIEFING TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE"— Presentation transcript:


Prof. Fikile Mazibuko : Chairperson of Council Major Gen: Cynthia Phillison : Council Member Adv. Nontokozo Mthembu : Council Member Mr Benjamin Ntuli : Council Member MANAGEMENT TEAM Mr Manabela(Sam) Chauke : Director Adv. Philani Mthethwa : Deputy Director Law Enforcement Mr Raymond Kevan : Deputy Director Finance and Admin Ms Mpho Mofikoe : Deputy Director Communication and Training Ms Zanele Mthembu : Corporate Secretary

PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Our Mandate Strategic Priorities Strategic Objectives Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals PART B: PROGRESS AND GAINS Key Achievements PART C: PREDETERMINED STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Law Enforcement Programme 3: Communications, Registration (CRM) and Training PART D: MEDIUM TERM BUDGET Revenue Budget Expenditure Budget Economic Classification of Budget

4 STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Tittle Goes here…

The strategic mandate of PSiRA originates from the Act and the regulations issued in terms of the Act. The Authority developed its 5-year Strategic Plan covering the period 2015/ /20 in accordance with National Treasury guidelines. The various KPIs set in the Strategic Plan took into consideration the National Development Plan and other key policies and regulations critical to the fulfilment of the Authority’s mandate.

6 LEGISLATIVE MANDATE The primary objectives of PSiRA are to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself. SUMMARY OF THE MANDATE: Promote a legitimate Industry subject to the Constitution and other laws of the Country; Ensure the Industry act in public and national interest; Determine and enforce minimum occupational conduct by service providers; Ensure transparent, fair, objective and timeous registration process; Ensure compliance through active monitoring and investigation of service providers; and Promote services that responds to the need of users and of the community,

7 STRATEGIC GOALS The results of the situation analysis conducted necessitated the retention of all of the planned strategic overview of the five-years to 2020. The achievement of the following goals remains relevant: Excellent service delivery (effective regulation); Effective financial management; Industry stewardship, stakeholder and customer relationship management; Enabling environment with competent and skilled workforce; and Efficient and effective processes and systems.

Annual review of the Law Enforcement strategy to intensify our incompliance programmes. Integrated approach in undertaking joint operations with SAPS and other law enforcement agencies to focus on sectors such as: Retail; Residential; Hospitality; Health and recreational sectors to mention a few.

Awareness on the role of PSiRA We have segmented our target market and have developed clearly defined awareness programmes and messages for each segment. The Authority is using an integrated approach to create awareness about the role of PSiRA and this includes: Compliance Forums Radio interviews Advertorials Industry Circulars Information brochures in relations to Registrations, Training and Law Enforcements Promotional items Trade Exhibitions Community outreach programmes Consumer education workshops Capacity Building Workshops Social media platforms

10 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The Authority has identified the following strategic objectives: Ensure good governance and a sound financial control environment; Ensure that PSiRA has in place effective and reliable IT Systems; To ensure that PSiRA has a competent, ethical and skilled workforce; To ensure effective regulation in the security industry; Enforce minimum standards of occupational conduct in respect of security service providers; Promote awareness amongst the public and the private security industry on the functions and role of PSIRA in the industry;

Promote the protection and enforcement of the rights of Security Officers and other employees in the Private Security Industry; Promote the interest of the consumers of private security service; To ensure that the registration process is transparent and timeous; Promote high standards in the training of security service providers and prospective security service providers (SSP); and Ensure that PSiRA is a centre of excellence in private security research.

12 Programme 1 Programme 2 Programme 3 STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS
The goals continue to be guided by our three programs, namely, Administration, Law Enforcement and Communications, Registrations (CRM) and Training. Programme 1 Administration Responsible for the overall strategic management and support service for the Authority. Programme 2 Law Enforcement Responsible for enforcing compliance with minimum standards of occupational conduct by security service providers and legal services to ensure efficiency in the prosecution of contraventions of the PSiR Act. Programme 3 Communications, Registration (CRM) and Training Responsible for Stakeholder Management and Communication, Registration and Customer Relation Management, Industry Training, Research and Development.

13 Communications, Registration (CRM) and Training
OUTCOME PER PROGRAMME Programme 1 Administration Programme 2 Law Enforcement Programme 3 Communications, Registration (CRM) and Training Outcome 1: Effective Revenue Management Outcome 2: Sustainable Funding Model Outcome 3: Compliance to Corporate governance and IT standards Outcome 4: Efficient and secure IT systems Outcome 5: Competent and performing workforce Outcome 6 : Increased monitoring and investigation of security service providers to ensure compliance with existing legislation Outcome 7: Increased compliance to minimum standards of occupational conduct of SSP’s Outcome 8: Ensure that all firearms licenced to SSP are accounted for Outcome 9: Increased compliance to minimum professional standards in the training of SSP‘s Outcome 10: Effective and Efficient Registration Process Outcome 11: Improve the integrity of PSiRA registration certificates Outcome 12: Increased protection and enforcement of Private Security Industry Personnel Rights Outcome 13: Increased awareness on the functions and role of PSIRA and the industry Outcome 14 : Increased efficiency of resolving consumer complaints Outcome 15: Research to strengthen core business and support external initiatives)

14 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Tittle Goes here…

15 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Access to Service Deliver:
Taking service delivery initiatives to remote areas and other provinces where we don’t have regional presence by setting-up temporary operations (i.e Bloemfontein – Free State, George – Western Cape) Improved Operational Efficiencies: Improved registration turnaround times through the process individual applications within 20 day and business applications within 15 days. Improved industry regulation: More than 3000 businesses registration were withdrawn for various contraventions.

16 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Improved Industry Training:
More capacity building workshops were conducted with the objective of improving compliance and expediting the implementation of the formulation/establishment of minimum entry qualifications for the industry. Effective Law Enforcement Strategy and Stakeholder Awareness Initiatives: The number of active (employed) individual Security Officers has increased from to during the 2014/15 financial year.


18 Deputy Director: Mr Raymond Kevan
PROGRAMME 1 ADMINISTRATION Deputy Director: Mr Raymond Kevan Tittle Goes here…

Provide leadership, strategic management and administrative support to the department Measurable Objectives The programme aims to ensure effective leadership, management and administrative support to the Entity through continuous refinement of organisational strategy and structure in line with appropriate legislation and best practice There are three sub- programmes: Sub-Programme: Finance and Administration Sub-Programme: Business Information Technology Sub-Programme: Human Capital

SUB-PROGRAMME: FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 2015 – STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 2 : Ensure effective financial management Strategic Objective : Ensure good governance and a sound financial control environment Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Effective Revenue Management Annual adjustment of administration fees Adjustment of admin fees Reviewed annual fees Not available Review of annual fees (b) Sustainable Funding Model Annual review of funding model No funding model in place Develop a funding model Review of the funding model Review of a funding model (c) Compliance with the relevant acts and regulations which will result in resolving the internal and external audit findings % of audit findings resolved 95 % of audit findings resolved 100 % of audit findings resolved (d) Compliance with the relevant acts and regulations which will result in an Unqualified Audit opinion Audit Opinion Unqualified audit opinion

PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION SUB-PROGRAMME: FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 /2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a Annual adjustment of administration fees Annually Adjustment of admin fees Implementation of the new rates Discussion document in place Exco approves the new admin fees Publication of final admin fees adjustments Reviewed annual fees Review of annual fees Council approval of discussion documents final annual (b) Annual review of funding model Quarterly Draft discussion Publication and engagement of stakeholders on draft discussion document Draft discussion document in place Consolidation of comments from stakeholders Approval of draft funding model by of the funding model

PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION SUB-PROGRAMME: FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 /2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (c) % of audit findings resolved Annually 100 % of audit findings resolved 95% of previous year findings resolved 45% of the current audit findings 65% of the 100% of the Resolved (d) Audit Opinion Unqualified audit opinion Review compliance, controls and corporate governance

SUB-PROGRAMME 2: BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 5 : Efficient and effective Processes and Systems Strategic Objective : Ensure that PSiRA has in place effective and reliable IT Systems Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Efficient and secure IT systems Critical IT infrastructure restored within the set timeline on the Business Continuity policy 120 hours 96 hours 72 hours % of IT user satisfaction achieved 70% user satisfaction rating 80% user Annual review of IT governance IT governance in place Implement IT Risk management Review IT Operations Review and implement IT Governance

PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION SUB-PROGRAMME 2: BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) Critical IT infrastructure restored within the set timeline on the Business Continuity policy (working days and hours) Bi annually 120 hours Preparation of IT infrastructure rollover Preparation of IT infrastructure fell over % of improved IT user satisfaction Quarterly 70% user satisfaction rating 70% user satisfac-tion rating Reviewed IT Business Continuity Policy in place Annually Annual Draft Review Scope in place Benchmarking with govern-ment standards completed Reviewed Risk Register approved by IT steering Committee Approved Business Continuity Policy in place

SUB-PROGRAMME 3: HUMAN CAPITAL 2015 – STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 4: To ensure that PSiRA has enabling environment with competent and skilled workforce Strategic Objective : To ensure that PSIRA has a competent, ethical and skilled workforce Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Competent and performing workforce Frequency of conducting employee performance assessments Bi-Annually Quarterly % of employees, achieving an average rating of less than 3 on the performance score, receiving intervention programme New indicator 100% 100 % % training programmes completed in line with the Work Skills Plan 85 % 95 %

PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION SUB-PROGRAMME 2: HUMAN CAPITAL 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Frequency of conducting employee performance assessments Quarterly Bi-Annually Employee assessments completed for previous year Feedback and corrective actions Employee assessments completed % of employees, achieving an average rating of less than 3 on the performance score, receiving intervention programme 100% 20% interventions done 30% interventions done 30% 20% interventions done % training programmes completed in line with the annual Work Skills Plan 95 % 20 % 30 % 25 %

27 Deputy Director: Adv. Philani Mthethwa
PROGRAMME 2 LAW ENFORCEMENT Deputy Director: Adv. Philani Mthethwa Tittle Goes here…

Ensure that there are effective regulations in the security industry and enforcement of law and compliance to the regulations Measurable Objectives The programme aims to ensure that Security Service Providers comply with the regulations by doing regular inspections for both security officers and security businesses. Ensure that those who are not complying with the regulations are charged and prosecuted. There are three sub- programmes: Sub-Programmes: Enforcement Sub-Programmes: Compliance Sub-Programmes: Legal Services and Prosecution

29 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 1 : Strategic Goal 1 : To ensure excellent service delivery (Effective regulations) in the security industry Strategic Objective : To ensure effective regulation in the security industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased monitoring and investigation of security service providers to ensure compliance with existing legislation Number of security businesses inspected to assess compliance with the PSiR Act 3 520 4 260 4 690 5 160 Number security officers inspected to assess compliance with the PSiR Act 22 270 24 500 26 950 29 645 % of site inspections conducted at the retail sector New indicator 15% % of site inspections conducted at health services sector % of site inspections conducted at educational facilities 10% % of site inspections conducted at industrial and corporate facilities

30 in the security industry Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 1 : Strategic Goal 1 : To ensure excellent service delivery (Effective regulations) in the security industry Strategic Objective : To ensure effective regulation in the security industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased monitoring and investigation of security service providers to ensure compliance with existing legislation % of site inspections conducted at residential areas New Indicator 15% % of investigations finalised in respect of non-compliant SSP’s 60% 650% 70% 75% % of criminal cases opened against non-compliant SSP’s 85% 90% % of cases of non-compliant SSP’s prosecuted per year 80% Reviewed law enforcement strategy in place Annual Review Review of law enforcement strategy

31 in the security industry Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT 2015 – STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 1 : To ensure excellent service delivery (Effective regulations) in the security industry Strategic Objective : To ensure effective regulation in the security industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (b) Security businesses licensed to possess firearms in the private security industry are fully accounted for Number of security businesses licensed to possess firearms inspected 900 1 000 1 100 1 200 (c) Increased compliance to minimum standards of occupations conduct of SSP’s % of inspected SSP’s (businesses) complying with the minimum standards per year New indicator 70% 80 % 85% % of inspected SSP’s (Officers) complying with the minimum standards per year

PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Number of security businesses inspected to assess compliance with the PSiR Act Quarterly 4 260 1 165 965 Number security officers inspected to assess compliance with the PSiR Act 24 500 6 500 5 750 % of site inspections conducted at the retail sector 15% % of site inspections conducted at health services sector % of site inspections conducted at educational facilities 10% % of site inspections conducted at industrial and corporate facilities

PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT 2015 – QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) % of site inspections conducted at residential areas Quarterly New Indicator 15% % of investigations finalised in respect of non-compliant SSP’s 65% % of criminal cases opened against non-compliant SSP’s 80% % of cases of non-compliant SSP’s prosecuted per year 70% Reviewed law enforcement strategy in place Annual Review Reviewed Law Enforcement Strategy implemented reviewed approved

PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMME 2: LAW ENFORCEMENT 2015– 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2014 / 2015 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (b) Number of security businesses licensed to possess firearms inspected Quarterly 1 000 280 220 (c) % of inspected SSP’s (businesses) complying with the minimum standards per year 70% % of inspected SSP’s (officers) complying with the minimum standards per year

Deputy Director: Ms. Mpho Mofikoe Tittle Goes here…

Provide effective stakeholder engagement. Ensure that training standards are adhered to and the registration process is done in accordance with the PSiR Act. Measurable Objectives Ensure effective and meaningful stakeholder communication. Ensure that all training institutions are aligned to the required standard of training. Ensure that the registration process is effective and authentic. Continuous research to support core business initiatives and policy development. There are four sub-programmes within this programme: Sub-Programme: Communications and Stakeholder Management Sub-Programme: Industry Registration (CRM) Sub-Programme: Industry Training Sub-Programme: Industry Research and Development

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015– 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3 : Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Promote awareness amongst the public and the private security industry on the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased awareness of the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Number of public awareness programmes on PSiRA’s role and functions 18 Public Awareness Programmes 22 Public Awareness Programmes 26 Public Awareness Programmes 30 Public Awareness Programmes Number of public awareness programmes on PSiRA’s role and functions for security businesses 6 Industry Awareness Programmes 12 Industry Awareness Programmes 18 Industry Awareness Programmes 24 Industry Awareness Programmes Number of public awareness programmes on PSiRA’s role and functions for security officers

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3 : Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Promote awareness amongst the public and the private security industry on the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased awareness of the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Number of industry compliance forums conducted provincially 8 Provincial Industry Compliance Forums 12 Provincial 16 Provincial 20 Provincial Number of consumer awareness programmes on the r role and functions of PSiRA (direct & indirect consumers) New indicator 9 Consumer Awareness Programmes 18 Consumer 27 Number of awareness programmes targeted at government dept. SOE and strategic partners on the role and functions of PSiRA (strengthening partnerships and compliance) Awareness Programmes 18 Awareness Programmes

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3 : Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Promote awareness amongst the public and the private security industry on the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased awareness of the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Number of published quarterly media profiles New indicator 4 media engagement Number of advertising campaign on the role and functions of PSiRA 6 advertising campaigns 12 advertising 18 Number of trade exhibitions and community outreach programmes to promote the role and functions of PSiRA Programmes 8 Programmes 12

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3 : Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Promote awareness amongst the public and the private security industry on the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased awareness of the functions and role of PSiRA in the industry Annual Pan-African Forum on Private Security Industry New indicator 1 Forum Inaugural Event - (Crime Prevention Partnership Strategies Hosting of Annual Event (b) Number of internal stakeholder initiatives aimed at strengthening teamwork, operational efficiencies and brand positioning of the Authority Number of initiatives implemented from the internal communication strategy 10 Initiatives implemented 12 Implemented 15

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Number of public awareness programmes on PSiRA’s role and functions Quarterly 22 Public Awareness Programmes 4 Public Awareness Programmes 6 Public Awareness Programmes Number of public awareness programmes on PSiRA’s role and functions for security businesses 12 Industry Awareness Programmes 3 Industry Awareness Programmes 3Industry Awareness Programmes Number of public awareness programmes on PSiRA’s role and functions for security officers Number of industry compliance forums conducted provincially 12 Provincial Industry Compliance Forums 3

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Number of consumer awareness programmes on the r role and functions of PSiRA (direct & indirect consumers) Quarterly 9 Consumer Awareness Programmes 2 3 Number of awareness programmes targeted at government dept. Awareness Programmes 1 Number of published quarterly media profiles 4 media engagement Number of advertising campaign on the role and functions of PSiRA 6 advertising campaigns Number of trade exhibitions and community outreach programmes to promote the role and functions of PSiRA

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) Annual Pan-African Forum on Private Security Industry Quarterly 1 Forum Inaugural Event - (Crime Prevention Partnership Strategies Concept Document, Project Plan and Budget of the Event EXCO Approval and Implementation of the Project Plan of the Promotion of the Annual Launch of the Annual Event (b) Number of initiatives implemented from the internal communication strategy 10 Initiatives implemented 2 internal stakeholder initiatives 3 internal

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3: Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Stakeholder and Customer Relationship Management Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased efficiency of resolving consumer complaints Average turnaround time taken to resolve complaints received from consumers through the call centre (working days) Average of 72 hours Average of 48 hours Average of 24 hours Average turnaround time taken to resolve complaints received from consumers through the regional customer care consultant (working days) Average of 15 working days Average of 10 Average of 5 Establishment of consumer complaints office in relations to the quality of service rendered by security service providers. New indicator Draft policy/ regulations on processing of consumer complaint Establish the consumer complain office % of consumer complain resolved by the consumer

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3: Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Stakeholder and Customer Relationship Management Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (b) Increased protection and enforcement of private security industry personnel rights Number of awareness programmes on the Sectoral Determination 12 Awareness programmes 16 Awareness programmes 20 Awareness programmes 24 Awareness programmes Number of formalised partnerships with strategic stakeholders 1 MoU 2 MoU 3 MoU 4 MoU

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Average turnaround time taken to resolve complaints received from consumers through the call centre (working days) Quarterly Average of 48 hours Average turnaround time taken to resolve complaints received from consumers through the regional customer care consultant (working days) Average of 15 working days Establishment of consumer complaints office in relations to the quality of service rendered by security service providers. Draft policy/ regulations on processing of consumer complaint Draft Concept Document of the establishment complain office presented to Exco for inputs and comments Draft regulation on of the presented Regulation finalized for implementation by March 2016

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2014 / 2015 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (b) Number of awareness programmes on the Sectoral Determination Quarterly 12 Awareness programmes 4 Awareness programmes Number of formalised partnerships with employee-based stakeholders 2 MoU Proposed MOU initiative presented to Exco Approved MOU in place

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2018 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3: Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Promote high standards in the training of security service providers and prospective security service providers (SSP’s) Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Increased compliance to minimum professional standards in the training of SSP’s Date of implementation of security training policy Policy developed March 2015 Monitor and review the policy % of accredited training SSP’s complying with the minimum professional standards as stipulated in the training policy 5% 25 % 50 % 75 % Training compliance forums established Establish 1 national forum 1 Provincial Training Forums Established 3 Provincial 5 Provincial Number of capacity building activities for SSP training institutions New indicator 4 Capacity building activities 9 Capacity building activities

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2015 / 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Date of implementation of security training policy Quarterly March 2016 Draft Implemen- tation plan and Budget approved by EXCO Stakeholder consultations on proposed way forward Draft Training Regulations for stakeholder comments Publication of the Draft Training % increase of accredited training SSPs are complying with the minimum professional standards as stipulated in the approved regulatory training policy and Draft Regulations. 25 % Training compliance forums established Establish 1 national forum Draft discussion scope in place Publication of the terms of reference Stakeholder review of the training forum Number of capacity building activities for SSP training institutions 4 Capacity building activities 1 Capacity building activities

50 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Objective : To ensure that the registration process is transparent and timeous Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Effective and efficient registration process Average turnaround time of applications for registration meeting all the requirements for security businesses (working days) Average of 20 days Average of 15 days Average turnaround time of applications for registration meeting all the requirements for security officers (working days) (b) Improve the integrity of PSIRA registration certificates % of new registration certificates rolled out (on active security officers) 20% (90 000) 60% (270 000) % of new registration certificates rolled out (on active security businesses) (1 800) (5 400) (c) Improve the national footprint of the PSiRA Number of targeted areas to expand service delivery of the Authority New indicator 1 targeted area 2 targeted areas 4 targeted

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2014 / 2015 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) (b) Average turnaround time of applications for registration meeting all the requirements for security businesses (working days) Quarterly Average of 20 days Average turnaround time of applications for registration meeting all the requirements for security officers (working days) % of new registration certificates rolled out (on active businesses) 20% (90 000) 2% (1 800) 3% (2 700) 40% (36 000) 55% (49 500) % of new registration certificates rolled out (on active security officers) (36) (54) (720) (990)

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2014 / 2015 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (c) Number of targeted areas to expand service delivery of the Authority Quarterly 1 targeted area Identification the location/ area and allocate resources Set-up service delivery unit/ office

SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS Strategic Goal 3 : Industry Stewardship, Stakeholder and Customer Relations Management Strategic Objective : Ensure that PSIRA is a centre of excellence in private security research Strategic Outcome Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Baseline 2014/15 ANNUAL TARGETS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (a) Research to support effective implementation of the Authority’s core business mandate (Law Enforcement, Industry Training and Registration) Number of completed areas of research that are of high priority 2 Research Topics Number of completed surveys 4 Surveys (b) To foster partnerships with Learning Institutions and cultivate professionalism of the private security industry (stakeholders) Number of partnerships established with Learning Institutions New indicator 1 Partnership 2 2 Partnership Number of completed number of industry surveys 2 policy documents completed

PROGRAMME 3: COMMUNICATIONS, CRM & TRAINING SUB PROGRAMME 1: COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 2015 – 2016 QUARTERLY TARGETS (APP) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI’s) REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL TARGET 2014 / 2015 QUARTERLY TARGETS Quarter 1 ( Apr – Jun) Quarter 2 ( Jul – Sep) Quarter 3 ( Oct – Dec) Quarter 4 ( Jan – Mar) (a) Number of completed areas of research that are of high priority Quarterly 2 Research Topics Research in progress 1 Research Topic Number of completed surveys 4 Surveys 1 Survey (b) Number of partnerships established with Learning Institutions 1 Partnership Identify the Learning Institution Draft a proposal for EXCO consideration for the partnership Engage the appropriate/ identified Institution on the proposed Formalise the Partnership with the Number of completed number of industry surveys 2 policy documents completed Proposed policy initiative presented to Exco Approved policy in place

55 BUDGET 2015/16 – 2017/18 Tittle Goes here…

56 BUDGET OVERVIEW The MTEF sets out planned expenditure and performance at the time of tabling the budget; Aligned to the National Development Plan 2030 and outline PSIRA’s contribution to governments Outcome 12 and the key service delivery goals; Performance, personnel and finances are discussed in each Programme, in respect of the impact they have on each Programmes plans; Aligned to the current approved Budget Programme Structure of the PSIRA.

Historic Budget: 2010/11 – 2013/14 R million 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 97.9 129.6 160.1 154.1 Estimate MTEF 2015/16 – 2017/18 R million 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 185.9 199.7 208.9 220.6

Historic Budget : 2010/11 – 2013/14 R million 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 120.7 139.4 163.8 154.0 Estimate MTEF 2015/16 – 2017/18 R million 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 185.9 199.7 208.9 220.6

The growth in revenue is expected to increase in line with the increase in number of security officers and security service providers registered including increases in annual and administration fees. The rollout of new certificates is expected over the next three years and is expected to increase revenue. Expenditure Compensation of employees constitute the bulk of spending as the authority plans to increase its capacity to 281 employees in 2017/18. Budget growth over the MTEF period Revenue budget increased from R185.9 million in 2014/15 to in R220.6 mil by 2017/18 at an average growth rate of 6 % per annum. Expenditure budget is expected to grow to R220.6 mil at an average growth rate of 7.5 % per annum.

MTEF BASELINE: 2015/ /18 Programmes 2015/16 R millions 2016/17 2017/18 Annual Fees 121.2 128.4 136.1 Registration Fee 30.1 31.9 33.9 Course Reports 20.4 21.6 22.9 Other Income 28.0 27.0 27.7 Total Revenue 199.7 208.9 220.6

MTEF BASELINE: 2015/ /18 Programmes 2015/16 R millions 2016/17 2017/18 Administration 82.4 78.8 82.8 Law Enforcement 73.1 80.9 87.5 Communication, Registration (CRM) and Training 44.2 49.2 50.3 Total Expense 199.7 208.9 220.6

62 PROGRAMME 1: BUDGET 2015/16 PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN 2014/15 Estimate R’000
Increase/ (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 29 979 33 876 12% Repairs and Maintenance 2 603 774 (71%) Travel and Substance 1 469 1 912 30% Lease payments 18 649 14 749 (21%) Consultancy and Professional 7 420 185% Other Operating Expenses 35 870 23 623 (35%) Total 91 173 82 354 (10%)

Estimate R’000 2015/16 Budget Increase/ (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 44 362 51 576 16% Other Operating Expenses 8 280 10 470 26% Repairs and Maintenance 270 153 (44%) Travel and Subsistence 3 616 6 966 92% Lease payments 3 377 3 906 15% Consultancy and Professional 800 80 (90%) Total Programme 2 60 705 73 151 20%

2014/15 Estimate R’000 2015/16 Budget Increase/ (Decrease) Compensation of Employees 8 649 10 778 24% Other Operating Expenses 2 706 25 857 855% Fingerprinting costs 4 916 5 211 6% Travel and Subsistence 240 1 560 550% Lease payments 55 96 74% Consultancy and Professional 17 650 3723% Total for Programme 3 16 583 44 152 166%

ASSET CATEGORY ESTIMATE 2014/15 R’000 BUDGET 2015/16 Motor Vehicles 150 Computer Equipment 550 750 Software 18 000 Office Equipment 650 3 076 Office Furniture 300 500 Leasehold Improvements 600 Total Capital Expenditure 3 000 22 826

66 THANK YOU Tittle Goes here…


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