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Map Link: Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1190:

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Presentation on theme: "Map Link: Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1190:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Map Link: Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1190:
< _mediterranean_1190.jpg>

2 Growth of Papal Monarchy:
Network of dioceses and parishes Applied to by clergy Stable succession Court of appeal in canon law Theory of papal monarchy

3 Innocent III (p ) Description of own position Fourth Crusade Negotiations with schismatic churches Internal crusades e.g. vs. Cathars,

4 Innocent III (p ) Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 Involvement in politics e.g. Holy Roman Empire 1197 Death of Emperor Henry VI Otto (Welf)

5 1215 Election and crowning of Frederick II of
Hohenstaufen as Holy Roman Emperor (reigns until 1250)

6 Philip II Augustus (r. 1179-1223)
Louis IX (r ) Reign of John of England 1214 Battle of Bouvines 1216 French briefly occupy eastern England

7 Map Link: Philip II’s Conquests:
< Territorial_Conquests_of_Philip_II_of_France.png>

8 Louis VIII (r ) Louis IX (r ) Jean de Joinville (d. 1317) Blanche of Castile Louis IX on Crusade in Egypt Parlement

9 Map Link: The Holy Roman Empire under the Hohenstaufen,
: < empire_1138_1254.jpg>

10 Reign of Frederick II 1245 Pope deposes Frederick, nobles rebel

11 1227 Frederick excommunicated
1239 Frederick excommunicated (again) 1245 Innocent IV (p ) deposes Frederick 1250 Death of Frederick

12 Reign of Conrad IV Interregnum Reign of Rudolph of Hapsburg War of the Sicilian Vespers, between rulers of Anjou and Aragon

13 1204-14 John seeks to extract money from
subjects 1214 Battle of Bouvines

14 1215 Magna Carta 1230s Development of parliament 1258 Barons rebel against Henry III (r ) 1297 Revolt against Edward I (r )

15 1290 Expulsion of Jews from England

16 1212 Christians defeat Almohads at Las Navas
de Tolosa. Further conquests follow Cortes Alfonso X the Wise of Castile (r )

17 Map Link: Spain, : < shepherd-c jpg>

18 Map Link: Europe - Development of Christianity, 590 to 1300:
< christianity_dev_1300.jpg>

19 Early 13th c. Teutonic Knights expand into
Prussia 1206 Temujin (Genghis/Chingis Khan, c 1227) forms confederation of Mongol tribes, launches conquests

20 Map Link: Europe in 1360: < europe_1360.jpg>

21 Map Link: Animated Map of the Mongol Conquests:
< Map Link: The Mongol Dominions, : < 3f/Mongol_dominions1.jpg/800px- Mongol_dominions1.jpg>

22 1236 Mongols attack E. Europe
1240 Mongols take Kiev 1241 Death of Ogodai Golden Horde 1258 Mongols take Baghdad 1260 Mamluks defeat Mongols in Syria

23 Khanate of the Golden Horde
Ilkhanate Chaghatay Khanate Great Khanate of China and Mongolia

24 Cathari/Cathars/Albigensians
Waldensians/Poor Men of Lyons 1173 Conversion of Peter Waldo 1181 Pope condemns Waldensians

25 1204 Innocent III (p. 1198-1216) starts
calling for crusade in S. France 1209 Albigensian Crusade takes Béziers (21st July). Carcassone soon surrenders 1229 Official end of Albigensian Crusade

26 1184 or earlier Church starts commissioning
investigations into heresy by bishops Pontificate of Innocent III, who strengthens penalties for heresy Pontificate of Gregory IX, who commissions Franciscan and Dominican friars to investigate heresy

27 St Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
1206 Miracle of the crucifix Franciscan Friars/Friars Minor/Grey Friars 1210 Innocent III approves Franciscan Rule Poor Clares

28 St Dominic de Guzman (1170-1221)
1205 Dominic sent to preach to Cathari 1216 Pope Honorius III approves foundation of Dominican Friars/Friars Preacher/ Black Friars

29 Salimbene degli Adami (1221-88)
From Parma, from distinguished family c Becomes Franciscan friar. Spends time in various monasteries Acquainted with Frederick II and Innocent IV Writes various (lost) works, plus chronicle covering

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