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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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1 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Visions September 18, 2016 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 Cover What do you know about Tweets? How many of you do Tweet?
How many people do you follow? How many people follow you? Write a Tweet to Pope Francis on the bottom of the page. Check out when you get home.

3 The Francis Effect p. 2-4 classwork Tuesday 9/20 , bullets to be finished for h/w if not completed
What do you know about Pope Francis? Answer the questions on page 2, in the green. Look at the places the pope has been. Where is he going next? (miss print he went to Armenia June ) Read together Group Work In bullets form list what your learned about Pope Francis: LIFE PAPACY (as pope) If not finished homework (notes pop Quiz) Discuss the TALK questions on page 3

4 Life Papacy Jorge Bergoglio – Argentina 1936 St. Francis as his model Chemist before a priest Care for creation & poor work together Jesuits – leader time of “disappeared” Encyclical = letter “On the Care for Our Common Home” Taught seminarians Rich countries to help developing ones Bishop “bishop of the slums” Leaving the world a better place

5 Gospel: Luke 16:1-13 done in class 9/16
7 Parts: Jesus, Rich Man, Manager, Debtor, Debtor, Voice 1, Voice 2 Do you have any question before I start to ask questions? Discuss TALK questions Theme: Jesus callus to care for people who are poor In reducing the debt of the poor, the self-serving manager has carries out what Catholics social teaching call a “preferential option for the poor” Pope Frances’ message

6 “Christians Read From the Old Testament” page 5
Homework 9/19: Read page 5, “Christians Read From the Old Testament” and complete the outline. Checked in class 9/20 and corrected, collected and also grades as a quiz

7 First Reading – from the Old Testament
Aim: What are the parts of the Liturgy of the Word? Homework Monday 9/19, checked in class 9/20 , also graded as a quiz Liturgy of the Word is the three reading from the Word of God read during Mass/Liturgy which is the public worship of the Church First Reading – from the Old Testament Tell the history of the people of Israel Collect Israel's laws, describes their kings, and collects the writing of the prophets 46 Books of the Old Testaments /Hebrew Scripture First reading is on the same them as the Gospel

8 Responsorial Psalm – Also taken from the O.T./Hebrew Scripture
Second Reading – Gospels = Good New about Jesus Three Year Cycle Matthew Mark Luke II. Lectionary – the book that contains the scripture reading for Mass. From the Latin word for reading

9 What Do We Have in Common? P. 6-7 done in class 9/15-16
Read the directions. Can someone explain to me how to play? Break into groups of 4 Need dice

10 Faith Journey Prayer Service p. 8
Have a outline cross on cardstock to be signed by the students

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