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UNIT 1 Vocabulary Taxonomy Variable Dichotomous key Bacteria

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1 UNIT 1 Vocabulary Taxonomy Variable Dichotomous key Bacteria
Cell Asexual reproduction DNA Hypothesis Homeostasis Theory Controlled experiment Scientific method Classification Taxonomy Variable Dichotomous key Bacteria Binary Fission Diffusion Osmosis Prokaryotic Cells

2 Smallest unit of life that contains all the materials necessary for life.

3 The genetic material found in all living organisms

4 The ability for all living things to maintain a stable internal environment is called

5 An experiment that tests only one variable at a time
Controlled experiment

6 The arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities

7 The factor in a controlled experiment that can change

8 The smallest and simplest organisms on the planet

9 The tendency of molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

10 A single parent produces offspring that are identical to the parent.
Asexual reproduction

11 A hypothesis that has been supported by lots of evidence and experiments

12 The diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration

13 A series of steps a scientist uses to answer or solve a problem
Scientific method

14 Tool used to identify unknown organisms
Dichotomous Key

15 A cell with no nucleus Example: Bacteria
Prokaryotic cell

16 A possible explanation or answer to a scientific question

17 Type of asexual reproduction used by bacteria, one cell splits into two.
Binary Fission

18 The science of identifying, classifying, and naming living organisms

19 Found in all cells of living organisms, and contains the blueprint of life.

20 The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

21 Now it will get a bit harder… I will give you only two or three words and you will need to give me the vocabulary word they define.

22 Vocabulary Taxonomy Variable Dichotomous key Bacteria Binary Fission
Cell Asexual reproduction DNA Hypothesis Homeostasis Theory Controlled experiment Scientific method Classification Taxonomy Variable Dichotomous key Bacteria Binary Fission Diffusion Osmosis Prokaryotic Cells

23 Steps scientist take Scientific Method

24 Smallest unit of life Cells

25 Possible explanation Hypothesis

26 Supported by Evidence Theory

27 Genetic Material DNA

28 No nucleus Prokaryotic Cell

29 Identify, classify, naming

30 Stable, internal, environment

31 Cell Division, asexual Binary Fission

32 Grouping by similarities

33 Diffusion of Water Osmosis

34 Molecules, High to low Diffusion

35 Tool to identify Dichotomous key

36 One parent, identical Asexual reproduction

37 Factor that changes Variable

38 Now a bit harder…. I will show you a picture
Now a bit harder…. I will show you a picture.. What word does it describe?

39 Dichotomous Key

40 Diffusion

41 Binary Fission

42 DNA

43 Cells (building blocks of Life)

44 Taxonomy

45 Scientific Method

46 Prokaryotic Cell

47 Osmosis

48 Homeostasis

49 Bacteria Review

50 Which of these characteristics describe bacteria?
Unicellular No Nucleus Has a cell Wall d) Reproduces asexually e) All of the above

51 This Bacteria cell is reproducing by which method?

52 Asexual reproduction- ONE parent Binary Fission

53 An organism made up of only one cell is called?

54 Unicellular Organism

55 What are the two kingdoms of bacteria?

56 Archaebacteria Eubacteria

57 A cell with no nucleus is called ___________

58 Prokaryotic cell- NO NUCLEUS!

59 The genetic material found in all living organisms is called _____
The genetic material found in all living organisms is called _____. Blue print of Life

60 DNA

61 The building blocks of Life, also contains all materials necessary for life. Smallest unit of Life

62 Cells

63 Bacteria can move using a long whip-like tail called a _______

64 Flagella

65 What tool can scientist use to identify organisms?

66 Dichotomous Key

67 After forming a hypothesis, a scientist can….

68 Set up a controlled experiment

69 Name an organism that reproduces by binary fission.

70 E-coli, streptococcus, halophiles, methanogens, thermophiles

71 Transport in which molecules move from a LOW concentration to an area of High concentration.

72 Active Transport

73 The diffusion of water is called _________.

74 Osmosis

75 The ability to maintain a stable internal environment is called ___________.

76 Homeostasis

77 Name the 4 eukaryotic kingdoms

78 Plants, Protist, Animal, Fungi
They all HAVE nuclei in their cells.

79 What did Carleus Linneaus do?

80 Came up with the science of Taxonomy.

81 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things
a)Obtain and use energy b) Reproduce either sexually or asexually c) Respond to stimuli in their environment d) Adapt to changes in the environment e) Move to obtain their food and water f) Are unicellular or multicellular

82 NOT a Characteristic e) Move to obtain their food and water

83 An organism that can make its own food using energy from the sun is called
Producer or Autotroph

84 An organism that breaks down the remains of dead organisms

85 What shape is the bacteria below?

86 What shape is this bacteria?

87 What process of active transport is occurring below?

88 What is the arrow pointing to?

89 What is the arrow pointing to?

90 Which of the following is a decomposer?

91 Name The Kingdom Unicellular No nucleus Has a cell wall Decomposer
Lives in a salty environment ARCHAEBACTERIA

92 Name The Kingdom Multicellular Autotroph Has a cell wall
Has a chloroplast for photosynthesis Ex: Rose Bush Plant

93 Name The Kingdom Multicellular Heterotroph No cell Wall Very complex

94 Name the Kingdom Unicellular No Nucleus Asexual Reproduction
Found Everywhere Example: E. coli Eubacteria

95 Multiple Choice

96 Carlous Lineaus is given credit for
Discovering the cell Coming up with a way to classify and name organisms Inventing the microscope First using a dichotomous key

97 Which of the following best describes bacteria?
Single-celled, have a nuclei Single-celled, do not have a nuclei Multi-celled, have a nuclei Multi-celled, have no nuclei

98 ______ feed on dead matter and recycle nutrients back into the soil.
Producers Consumers Aerobes decomposer

99 The three main types of archaebacteria are
methane-makers, salt lovers, heat lovers Soil lovers, oxygen lovers, water lovers Multicellular, Unicellular, Prokaryotic Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, Unicellular

100 Which of the following requires no energy from the cell?
Osmosis Endocytosis Exocytosis None of these

101 Which of the following in NOT a common shape of bacteria?
Spherical Spiral Cubic Rod-shaped

102 Which of the following would use binary fission to reproduce?

103 What type of reproduction is being shown in the picture?
Binary Fission Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction Fragentation

104 At which point in conducting a controlled experiment should a conclusion be drawn?
A) As soon as the procedure is planned B) As the variables are selected C) Once the hypothesis is developed D) After the data is obtained and analyzed

105 A student wanted to look at plant growth in five different soil samples. He planted the same type of seeds in identical containers and left them together in full sunlight. He gave each plant the same amount of water and charted the growth of each plant stem. What is being tested in this experiment? A) Which soil type helped plants grow best? B) How much light do plants need? C) Which container do plants grow best in? D) Do plants need to start from seeds?

106 The scientific name for the common house cat is Felis domesticus
The scientific name for the common house cat is Felis domesticus. What is its species name? A) Felis B) Domesticus C) Cat D) None of the above

107 Which question cannot be answered scientifically because the quantity cannot actually be measured?
How happy is a chimpanzee when it finds it’s food? How fast can a swallow-tailed butterfly fly? How heavy is a mature female elephant? How much food can a water buffalo consume in one day?

108 A biology class in Virginia conducted a survey of the plant species found on their school grounds. They found several plants that they didn’t recognize. What resources would be most helpful to the class in identifying the plants species? A book about Virginia plant adaptations A biology book A dichotomous key on Virginia plant species Local Home and Garden Newspaper Articles.

109 Law Theory Hypothesis Conclusion
A prediction was made that the best conditions for earthworm growth occur when there are fewer than five earthworms per cubic meter of soil. This prediction is called a Law Theory Hypothesis Conclusion

110 18. Single-celled organisms can reproduce and create cells exactly like themselves without combining genes from two different parent cells. When they do this, they use a type of a. asexual reproduction. b. gamete formation. c. natural selection. d. sexual reproduction.

111 The tendency of molecules to move from an area of High concentatrion to an area of Low concentration, ________________. A) endocytosis B) Exocytosis C) Mitosis D) Diffusion

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