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Presentation on theme: "EARTH SCIENCE!!! Rocks!."— Presentation transcript:


2 CHEMICAL WEATHERING PHYSICAL WEATHERING SOILS Miscellaneous $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 red soil indicates this type of chem. weathering
Chemical weathering $100 red soil indicates this type of chem. weathering

4 Limestone caves form from this weathering process
CHEM WEATHERING $200 Limestone caves form from this weathering process

5 main acid involved in rain water forming caves
CHEM WEATHERING $300 main acid involved in rain water forming caves

6 Clay results from the weathering of this mineral
Chem weathering $400 Clay results from the weathering of this mineral

7 Chemical weathering occurs fastest in warm, __________ climates

What is oxidation?

9 Chem weathering $200-Answer
What is dissolution?

10 Chem weathering $300-Answer
What is carbonic acid?

11 Chem weathering$400-Answer
What are feldspars?

12 Chemical weathering$500-Answer
What is wet?

13 Physical weathering that occurs when water freezes and expands

14 type of weathering when granite peels off in sheets
Physical weathering $200 type of weathering when granite peels off in sheets

15 physical weathering dominates in this type of climate

16 Another name for physical weathering

17 type of physical weathering seen here:

18 Physical weathering $100-Answer
What is frost (ice) wedging?

19 Physical weathering 200-Answer
What is exfoliation?

20 physical weathering $300-Answer
What is mid-latitude? (4 seasons)

21 Physical weathering $400-Answer
What is mechanical Or disintegration?

22 Physical weathering $500-Answer
What are mud cracks?

23 Best soil to bury toxic waste in
Soils $100 Best soil to bury toxic waste in

24 Soil type that drains quickly
Soils $200 Soil type that drains quickly

25 Rain forest soil is poor for crops because it is this
Soils $300 Rain forest soil is poor for crops because it is this

26 When soil moves slowly over permafrost it is called this
Soils $400 When soil moves slowly over permafrost it is called this

27 Soil most appropriate for growing plants
Soils $500 Soil most appropriate for growing plants

28 Soils $100-Answer What is clay?

29 Soils $200-Answer What is sand?

30 Soils $300-Answer What is leached ?

31 Soils $400-Answer What is solifluction?

32 Soils $500-Answer What is LOAM?

33 Type of mass movement that causes the tilting of objects
Mass movements. $100 Type of mass movement that causes the tilting of objects

34 Mass movement $200 The factor that sets off most mass movements
Daily Double

35 mass movement that involves volcanic ash

36 mass movement seen here:

37 The best way to prevent mass movement is this
MM $500 The best way to prevent mass movement is this

38 Mass movement $100-Answer
What is creep?

39 MM $200-Answer What is rain?

40 MM $300-Answer What is lahar?

41 Mass movement $400-Answer
What is rock fall?

42 Mass movements$500-Answer
What is provide drainage?

43 Final Jeopardy Acid rain

44 Final Jeopardy This chemical is the result of dissolution

45 Final Jeopardy-Answer
What is calcium bicarbonate?

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