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The Operations Portal and the Grid Operations Interoperability

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1 The Operations Portal and the Grid Operations Interoperability
Cyril L’Orphelin, Sylvain Reynaud IN2P3/CNRS EGI Technical Forum 2010 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

2 Plan Presentation of the Portal Lavoisier Integration of new resources
SAGA/ISN Future developments 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

3 Presentation of the Portal
The operations portal proposes : Tools to manage VO informations Tools for operations Tools for communication For different actors: Site administrators Regional Managers Vo Managers End Users The applications is dealing with multiple heterogeneous sources and technologies 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

4 LAVOISIER A good mechanism to build unified views from heterogeneous data sources code independent from the technologies used by the data sources and from the data cache management policy 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

5 LAVOISIER Separation of roles (changes related to a role have no impact on other roles) the plug-in developer adds support for new technologies by developing adapters. the service administrator configures the adaters and cache management according to the characteristics of the data views and data sources, and according to the constraints of the use-cases. the user queries the data views. 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

6 LAVOISIER Data cache management : Extensibility
select cache type in-memory (simple or hierarchical, parsed once) on-disk (simple or hierarchical) no-cache (directly invoke the data source) combine cache refresh triggering rules: whenCreated, whenNotified, whenTime, whenMaxUnrefreshedTimeElapsed, whenMaxUnrefreshedTimeElapsedAndDataAccessed, whenUpdated, whenRefreshed, whenRefreshedAndPublished Extensibility Reusable adapters are provided for commonly used technologies: HTTP, LDAP, RDBMS, XSLT... Support for new technlogies can be added by developing adapters Validation of generated XML data check XML syntax only check XML syntax and conformity to provided XML Schema Administration get data views index and properties get data views status on-the-fly reconfiguration (detect views to be reconfigured) 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

7 Integration of new resources
For standard technologies and formats (http , ldap , rdbms, json , JMS) we have already developed some re-usable plug-ins For new technologies or specific format we will develop new ones The integration of different Information Systems present into different middlewares such as ARC, UNICORE, or Globus could be integrated in the same way than other resources (it is just one more plug-in) One possibility could be the ISN extension of SAGA specification integrated into a Lavoisier plug-in which will permit to access information using different services . 5/4/2018 EGI Technical Forum 2010

8 Overview of SAGA This slide shows the 2 directions of SAGA API : the fonctionnel packages ( job management , data management) . The service discovery is apart from the core package – it is an extension . The different functionnal packages are designed in a consistent way ( same look and feel ) and used in the same spirit ISN – Information System Navigator is a future extension of these functionnal packages ( this specification permits to navigate in the information systems independently from the middleware technology) ISN Source: S Jha, T Kielmann, A Merzky 5/4/2018

9 IS integration alternatives
Operations Portal SAGA ISN API Lavoisier Lavoisier plug-in plug-in plug-in plug-in SAGA Information System Navigator (ISN) API The 2 alternatives envisionned On the left : the ISN implementation is used in a plug-in based on SAGA (in this case the abstract is ensured by the ISN implementation ( a single Lavoisier plug-in for all IS – development is minimal on our side : one plug-in ) on the right the abstraction layer is done by different Lavoisier plug-ins and the SAGA ISN used these plug-ins . Lavoisier is already providing all the mechanisms to ease this development ( abstraction layer , transformation mechanism , cache mechanism …) plug-in plug-in plug-in Information Systems Information Systems

10 Future developments : Lavoisier 1.1
New plug-ins RDBMS query plug-in the entire database is seen as a huge virtual (i.e. never built) XML document document structure is described by ORM mapping file Hibernate Doctrine XPath queries are translated into SQL queries query result is converted into a XML document XQuery plug-in XPath plug-in

11 Future developments : Lavoisier 2.0
Lavoisier core engine currently being rewritten. Will be more… extensible plug-ins interfaces for connectors, validation, data caches… flexible based on JMS for intra/inter Lavoisier communications robust scheduler for building views, plug-in isolation, fallback… efficient optimized plug-ins chaining, new cache mechanisms… usable better separation between usage (i.e. query) and optimization (i.e. configuration)

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