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ACS Nigeria International Chapter Activities

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1 ACS Nigeria International Chapter Activities
Edu Inam1, Joseph Obaleye2 and Nnanake-Abasi Offiong1 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria 1 Department of Chemistry, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria Executive Summary Global Innovation Imperative (GII) Program 2015 The symposium on the theme “Developments in Sustainable Chemistry” was held in Ilorin, Nigeria in February, The event featured oral presentation of research, presentation of awards and keynote addresses. The Governor of Kwara State, Abdulfata Ahmed was in attendance. ACS Nigeria Chapter Symposium on Developments in Sustainable Chemistry The ACS Nigeria Chapter was officially inaugurated in December However, the chapter had started series of activities before this time. The chapter had about 30 members and this has been on the increase. The Chapter has two student chapters at the Universities of Uyo and Ilorin. In 2015, the chapter has supported, planned, implemented and/or participated in four key activities listed below: Three Festivals of Chemistry Chemists Celebrate Earth Day (CCED) Global Innovation Imperative (GII) ACS Nigeria Symposium on Developments in Sustainable Chemistry These activities have been used as tools to network, share experiences, educate, inform and motivate chemical professionals, young enthusiasts, and increase membership. It is the vision of the chapter to be one of the most vibrant international chapters in Africa. Global Innovation Imperative is a program managed by the American Chemical Society (ACS) to foster creative solutions to imperatives of global significance (e.g clean water, food and health, etc). The first imperative for GII is water, drinking water for many across the globe, is a scarce resource. The ACS has conducted programs in India and Colombia to find local solutions to issues for communities surrounding water. GII 2015 brought Nigerian based scientists to the United States for the purpose of gaining knowledge towards the establishment of the first water quality monitoring laboratory in Nigeria that will meet United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards. Festival of Chemistry Events Festival of Chemistry 2015: The Nigerian Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS), hosted the 2015 Festival of Chemistry on September 5, The festival was the first activity to be organized by the ACS Nigeria Chapter, the first to be hosted in Africa and the seventh globally after Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Puerto Rico and China. The event attracted the many participants including government representative from Ministry of Youth Development, Abuja. Total number of participants: 300. Chemists Celebrate Earth Day The University of Uyo Student Chapter organized series of events to mark the Earth Day Celebration on April 22, Activities for the event basically focused on outreach/awareness creation about Earth Day and Environmental/Clean Earth Campaign. Festival of Chemistry Plus: Organized in the capital of Nigeria, Abuja by the University of Uyo Student Chapter on September 6, Total number of participants: 300. College UYO: Organized by the University of Uyo Student Chapter on June 22, 2016 in Uyo, Nigeria. Total number of participants: 150.

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