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Happy Wednesday! Have your charts out, we are going to finish presentations 

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Wednesday! Have your charts out, we are going to finish presentations "— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Wednesday! Have your charts out, we are going to finish presentations 

2 Early Schools of Thought
Structuralism vs. Functionalism

3 Structuralism People associated: Wilhelm Wundt Edward Titchener
sought to identify the components (structure) of the mind People associated: Wilhelm Wundt Edward Titchener Uses Introspection: self-observation of one’s own conscious experience Targets sensation and perception in vision, hearing and touch

4 Introspecting Pleasure I----I----I----I----I Displeasure
Can only report sensations, feelings and emotions. Pleasure I----I----I----I----I Displeasure Tensions I----I----I----I----I Relaxation Depression I----I----I----I----I Excitement

5 Functionalism Investigated the purpose of consciousness/the function of a behavior People associated: -William James Influenced by natural selection

6 Structuralism vs. Functionalism
WHAT Structuralism: What are the building blocks of the mind/what is it made of? Functionalism: What is the purpose of the mind/what does it do? WHY

7 7 Psychological Perspectives/Approaches
Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Behavioral Humanistic Cognitive Biological/Neuroscience Evolutionary Sociocultural

8 1. Psychoanalytic Theory
Explains personality, motivation, and mental disorders by focusing on the unconscious Thoughts, memories and desires below the surface of our awareness *Sigmund Freud

9 “Freudian slips” Ross's slip

10 Psychoanalytic Theory (cont’d)
Uses free association: saying the first thing that comes to mind without thinking too much about it Phoebe’s free association game

11 Psychoanalysis- KEY WORDS
Unconscious Childhood Defense mechanisms ID, EGO, SUPEREGO

12 2. Behaviorism S-R Stimulus-response analyzes how organisms learn behaviors based on their responses to events only studies observable behavior early behaviorists mostly used animals in their research John B. Watson Ivan Pavlov B.F. Skinner

13 Behaviorism- KEY WORDS
Rewards Punishments Conditioning (Classical, Operant) Stimulus Reinforcement

14 3. Humanism Emphasizes unique qualities + needs of humans; stresses that we have control over our behavior Idea that people are governed by their self-concept: individual’s sense of self Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers

15 Humanism- KEY WORDS Self-concept Growth Free will Potential
Self-actualization Person-Centered

16 4. Cognitive Focuses on how people process and store information
Jean Piaget- cognitive development Noam Chomsky- language

17 Cognitive- KEY WORDS Thinking Memory Problem solving Mental Processes

18 Biological studies the biological/physiological bases for behavior
studies the biological/physiological bases for behavior

19 Biological- KEY WORDS Brain Neurons Hormones Nervous System Genetics

20 Evolutionary Examines behavior in terms of its adaptive/survival value for a species

21 Evolutionary- KEY WORDS
Natural selection Adaptation Instincts Reproduction (for survival)

22 Sociocultural Explains how behaviors are affected by surrounding social and cultural factors

23 Sociocultural- KEY WORDS
Culture Society Groups Environment

24 Hand Trick

25 Celebrity Analysis Activity
Directions: In your pairs, choose a celebrity and analyze some of his/her behaviors based on the following psychological perspectives: Psychoanalysis Behaviorism Humanism Try to pick someone who is known for “acting out” or has shown outrageous behaviors. Must be appropriate!


27 Unit 1 Review Activities
You are to access the document on my website titled “Unit 1 Review Activities” You have three options- you need to choose only ONE! No extra credit for additional completions. This is individual and is worth 30 points. Due by next class meeting.

28 Required Reading 5 Methods of Notetaking
Read pages and take notes! *Start with “Psychology Moves in a Positive Direction” 5 Methods of Notetaking

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