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UCF Parking Route and Heat Maps

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Presentation on theme: "UCF Parking Route and Heat Maps"— Presentation transcript:

1 UCF Parking Route and Heat Maps
Tristan Gibeau Talk about self here  improve UCF Parking Route and Heat Maps

2 = JUST BAD Parking on UCF Campus Crazy Ridicules Time Consuming
Improve this slide --

3 My Solution Create Heat Maps Display Routing Data
Usage in parking lots & garages Row detail in lots Display Routing Data Show the paths traveled to park on campus Mark the spaces parked

4 Similar Work NAPA: Nearest Available Parking Lot App
University of California, Santa Barbra Utilized mobile devices to assist to find nearest parking area Collecting Activity Data from GPS Readings Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Irvine Uses GPS recording devices to collect travel data from the user for route usage JJRT Smart Garage University of Central Florida Implemented in parking garages to keep track of active parking spaces to guide drivers to empty spaces

5 Design iPhone & Android Web App User Web Portal Geo-location via GPS
Calculates current location Lot/Row & Garage Detection User Web Portal Allow users to view parking data Display Overlaid Google Maps

6 iPhone & Android Web App
Web App vs. Device App Pros Easier to distribute to large audience No need to install Updates pushed out easily Cons Phone sleep issue Can’t run in background iPhone kind of does

7 iPhone & Android Web App
Web Geolocation API specification for Firefox & iPhone Safari GPS Coordinates Acquired from WiFi Cell Triangulation GPS Barycentric Coordinates Split quadrilateral into two triangles Used to detect if a point is inside a “square” 1 2

8 iPhone & Android Web App
Parking Lot & Garage Detection Steps Taken Located in Garage or Lot If in a Garage Record time spent If in Lot Detect which row & store time Error Detection Only Store Lot/Row & Garage Time If time spent is longer than 10 seconds Parking Lot & Garage Detection: Mention that I gathered GPS information for the points of Lots/Row/Garages from Google Maps Error Detection: Mention here that the other reason why you made it 10 seconds, is if someone was flying thru the rows and no looking for a parking space. Like when parking lots are empty, run thru rows.

9 iPhone & Android Web App
Parking Route Storage Detect when on campus Stores GPS location every 5 seconds Does not store when traveling less than 1 MPH GPS Accuracy Detection Only when accuracy is within 5 meters Garage Issue When signal is lost Counters still continue until signal reacquisition Parking Route Storage: Mention that the data was getting a little bit to cumbersome

10 iPhone & Android Web App
MySQL Database Storage When user Parks Data Uploaded to Server Time of Day Total Time of Trip Lot/Row & Garage Time GPS Route Info

11 iPhone & Android Web App Demo


13 User Web Portal Server User Interface Apache PHP & MySQL Database
HTML Server PHP & MySQL Database Stores time & route info PHP utilized for MySQL queries & webpage backend User Interface HTML/PHP Website Display Overlaid Lot & Route Google Maps Displayed at user specific times and day

14 User Web Portal Display Lot/Garage Data Overlay Parking Route
Allow Users to select day and time Visual understanding of lot/garage usage Overlay Parking Route Show most travel paths Lot Map: Colors of row in lots are based on ratio of over all time of in the lots. Longer the time in a lot compared to others, becomes red. Lots are part of the average become yellow. Lots that are below the average become green. Garages are on their own time not to cross with lots. Route Map: Blue lines represent the actual path taken, and the blue icons represent placed parked. Both Maps are interactive on Google Maps, Routes showing times of path and time parked. Lots showing which Lot/Row when clicked.

15 User Web Portal Demo

16 Evaluation & Testing Used by 5 people Currently collected 3 Students
2 Staff Primarily Tristan Currently collected 35 Trips 177 Lot/Garage Time Data Over 2000 GPS Points Table of the first 6 trips in the database

17 Perfect Scenario & Future Work
Larger User Base Least 500 Run as Background Process No user interaction Work with UCF Parking Services

18 Questions? Comments?

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