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Presented by: Douglas Sutton, EdD, MN, MPA, APRN, NP-C, NEA-BC

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Douglas Sutton, EdD, MN, MPA, APRN, NP-C, NEA-BC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Douglas Sutton, EdD, MN, MPA, APRN, NP-C, NEA-BC
Using Qualitative Research to Embrace Caring in an Asynchronous Course Design

2 Session Disclosure 1) Approval Statement
This continuing education activity was approved by the Western Multi-State Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah Nurses Associations are members of the Western Multi-State Division. Approval # 72-17 2) Criteria for Successful Completion To receive contact hours, participants must check-in to the session using the barcode scanner, attend the entire session and then complete both the session evaluation and full conference evaluation by July 31, 2017. 3) Conflicts of Interest This educational activity does not include any content that relates to the products and/or services of a commercial interest that would create a conflict of interest. 4) Commercial Support There is no commercial support being received for this session.

3 Learning Outcome One Describe the key elements of caring science and technology research design.

4 The Theoretical Grounding
Technological Competency as Caring and the Practice of Knowing Persons in Nursing. - Rozzano Locsin (2005) Watson’s Caring Science as Context for Digital World Caring. - Kathleen Sitzman and Jean Watson (2017)

5 Theoretical Characteristics
Locsin’s Technological Competency (2005) Sitzman & Watson’s Digital World Caring (2017)

6 Analysis, Evaluation, and Selection of a Middle Range Nursing Theory in Nursing Education Research
Locsin (2005): Structure Technology Balance Application Sitzman & Watson (2017) Structure Technology Balance Application

7 Learning Outcome Two Explain how the unit of analysis influences decisions regarding the Husserian phenomenological framework and its application to online studies in education

8 Using Phenomenological Hermeneutics to Gain Understanding
Discussion Points - Human-Centered - Lived Experience - Encourages understanding of Technological or Digital Caring in Nursing Education

9 Why the H.P. Framework It’s strengths lie in the design and analysis of the lived-experience, and the response to a human-centered view that acknowledges: - person - competence - participation - outcomes or themes

10 Examples of the H.P. Framework in Education
Chan, N., Walker, C., & Gleaves, A. (2015). Hoiseth, M., & Keitsch, M.M. (2015). Greger, J. (2012).

11 Learning Outcome Three
Discuss motivating factors for conducting the online study. Understand the implications of conducting an online study for the adult learner and nurse educator

12 Why would one want to conduct online research into Technology / Digital Caring
Opportunities: Limitations:

13 Adult Learners in Nursing Education
Characteristics of Adult Learners Technological Online Course Design Technology as an Educational Strategy Embracing Caring as a Pillar of Nursing

14 Nurse Educators and the Role of Technology and Digital Competency
Application of Adult Learning Principles Competence in Online Course Design (LMS) Educational Technology and Pedagogy Conveying Caring as a Motivator in Nursing Education

15 Discussion & Where to Now

16 References Be Sure to Grab Your Session Handout!

17 Session Evaluation To evaluate this session, please do the following:
Go to (the online schedule) on your mobile device Click on the session you attended Press “Feedback Survey” Complete survey for the session *Remember to enter your unique identifier located on the back of your badge when completing survey.

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